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Joseph, Saint Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
In the New Testament, husband of Mary and the legal father of Jesus Christ. He was a carpenter from
Joseph, St Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
The husband of the Virgin Mary. In Matthew 1–2 and Luke 1–2 Mary is said to have been ‘betrothed’
Joseph (2) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Chaucer
the husband of Mary (Marie) and the foster father of Christ. Although there is some early evidence of
Joseph Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
(father of Jesus) Briefly mentioned in the canonical gospels. Joseph’s character is amplified in the Apocrypha and medieval literature,
Joseph (Husband of Mary) Reference library
The Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible
According to the opening chapters of the gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mary, the mother of Jesus,
Joseph (Husband of Mary) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the Bible
According to the opening chapters of the gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mary, the mother of Jesus,