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theatre Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Building where drama is staged. Its architecture evolved gradually from early times, when ritual was most often performed in the
theatre Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Bible (2 ed.)
An area designed for public recitations and performances. Greek cities had outdoor theatres not only for the classical tragedies and
playhouse Reference library
The Companion to Theatre and Performance
A building constructed for the purpose of presenting drama to an *audience. A term equally common in English is *theatre...
theatre Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of Local and Family History
Travelling bands of actors are recorded in provincial towns and cities from the 1530s. The Vagabonds Act (1572)
theatre in London inns Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
theatres and theatre architecture Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
playhouse Reference library
Marvin Carlson
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance
One of the terms given to a building constructed for the purpose of presenting drama to an audience. The other, more common term in English is ...
Theatre Buildings in Australia to 1905 (1971) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature (2 ed.)
by Ross Thorne, is a detailed description, accompanied by numerous drawings, of the major theatres in
theatre Reference library
The New Oxford Companion to Law
Theatres are required to be licensed by a local authority. As regards the content of what is shown, however, the
theatre Quick reference
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
Drama was an integral part of the civic ritual of the Middle Ages, but performances were not held in permanent theatres (...
theatres and other places of exhibition Reference library
Jim Davis
The Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens
‘I tried to recollect … whether I had ever been in any theatre in my life from which I had not brought away some pleasant association, however poor the theatre,’ said Dickens in ...
theatre Reference library
Patrick Taylor
The Oxford Companion to the Garden
Theatres in gardens took different forms, intended either chiefly as ornaments or for the more practical business of performance. One of the earliest of the former kind was the ...
Theaters Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East
Two separate areas can be distinguished in the history of the eastern Mediterranean basin during the classical period: Asia Minor
Theatre Reference library
The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture
Place or structure for drama and performance.
1. Greek. 2. Roman.
1. G
In its fully developed form
Theater Buildings Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
A theater building was one of the largest gathering places in the ancient world. From the beginning, theater design responded
Theaters For Dance Reference library
The International Encyclopedia of Dance
In Western cultures, dance has been performed in every kind of space, indoors and out. With few exceptions, theatrical dance
Theater. Reference library
Gerald Bordman
The Oxford Companion to United States History
The beginnings of the English-speaking theater in America are dimmer than the candlelit stages of the era. In 1665, the performers, almost certainly amateurs, of a play called ...