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Whistler, James McNeill Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of Art (3 ed.)
(b Lowell, Mass., 11 July 1834; d London, 17 July 1903).
American painter, printmaker, and designer, active mainly in England. Originally he was called ...
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834–1903) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
who lived and worked in England from 1859. He was a precursor of abstract art. For Whistler, the
Whistler, James McNeill (1834–1903) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Western Art
American-born, French-educated, and (mainly) English-domiciled painter and etcher. In 1855, after learning etching as a US
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834–1903) Reference library
The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy
James Abbott McNeill Whistler was born in Lowell, Massachusetts on 10 July 1834 and died in London on 17 July
Whistler, James McNeill (11 July 1834) Reference library
The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art
(b Lowell, MA, 11 July 1834; d London, 17 July 1903),
painter, printmaker and
Whistler, James McNeill Reference library
Wendy J. Katz
The Oxford Companion to United States History
Whistler, James Abbot Mcneill Reference library
The Oxford Companion to American Literature (6 ed.)
born in Lowell, Mass., was reared in Russia, England, and the U.S., and attended West Point, from which he was dismissed (...