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wages Reference library
Paul C. Millett
The Oxford Classical Dictionary (4 ed.)
payment in cash or kind in return for labour services, are attested as early as the *thētes (landless labourers) of the ...
wages Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Bible (2 ed.)
Payment for *labour in Israel was made at the end of each day (Deut. 24: 14), or year (Isa.
WAGES Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (2 ed.)
the fee paid for labor or service. In the Bible, the employer is strictly enjoined to pay such fees without delay upon completion of the labor or service: “The wages of a hired man shall ...
Wages Reference library
Peter Scholliers
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History
Labor performed by a free person (in legal terms) for another person or an organization is generally compensated by a payment, the wage. This may take the form of goods, privileges, and ...
Wages Reference library
Ulla Wikander, Ulla Wikander, and Ulla Wikander
The Oxford Encyclopedia Women in World History
This entry consists of three subentries:Comparative History
Family Wage
Fair Wage and Equal Pay
Comparative History In parts of the world women's prospects ...
Wages Reference library
Alexander Kazhdan and Alice-Mary Talbot
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
(μισθός, μίσθωμα) were paid to agricultural hired workers and apprentices (both called misthioi) as well as to construction workers and some professionals (clergy, hospital physicians, ...
wages Quick reference
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
Firm information on the levels of real wages before the later 19th century is hard to come by. Wages varied not only over time but from region to region, and some of those regions which ...