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tonsure Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
From the Latin tondere, ‘to shear’, the shaved scalp that signified the wearer’s status as *clergy. The corona
Tonsure Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
The cutting of the hair, reducing it to a crown, a veritable rite of initiation into the world of the
Tonsure Reference library
Alice-Mary Talbot and Alexander Kazhdan
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
(κουρά), the ritual of cutting the hair by which a lay person was admitted to the monastic or clerical state. Although the custom was not prescribed by any canon, it was practiced as early ...
tonsure Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (2 ed.)
a part of a monk's or priest's head left bare on top by shaving off the hair. In the Eastern church the whole head is shaven (the ...