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Metaphysics Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
Although Plato and some Presocratics reflected on metaphysical problems and questions, it was Aristotle who first recognized a distinct science
metaphysics Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of reality and with the nature of the universe. Metaphysics divides
metaphysics, history of Reference library
D. W. Hamlyn
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (2 ed.)
metaphysics Reference library
Richard L. Gregory
The Oxford Companion to the Mind (2 ed.)
metaphysics Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
The highest philosophical discipline, also called ‘First Philosophy’ or ‘the divine science’. Medieval metaphysics draws from several sources—the metaphysics of
metaphysics Reference library
The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy
While it may sometimes seem as if British philosophers have avoided metaphysics more than most, what they have chiefly avoided,
METAPHYSICS Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (2 ed.)
Metaphysics Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
It is well established that the term “metaphysics” was forged by Andronicus of Rhodes in the first century of the
Metaphysics Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
The study of the most fundamental constituents of reality. The term was given by a later editor to a series