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Lombards Reference library
L. Michael Whitby
The Oxford Classical Dictionary (4 ed.)
Lombards Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Germanic peoples who inhabited the area
Lombards Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
A people of Germanic origin, conquerors of part of Italy from 568. A kingdom was organised in the North
Lombard Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
One of the peoples who convulsed the later *Roman Empire and created a kingdom in *Italy that lasted from 568
Lombards Reference library
Thomas S. Brown
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
(Λαγγοβάρδαι in Prokopios, Λαγούβαρδωι and Λογγίβαρδοι in Constantine Porphyrogennetos), a west-Germanic people who occupied Pannonia in the early 6th C. Their king, ...
Lombard Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (2 ed.)
a member of a Germanic people who invaded Italy in the 6th century, and who settled in what became Lombardy...