Isidore of Seville
(c. 560—636) Spanish archbishop and Doctor of the Church
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Isidore of Seville (560–636) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Archbishop of Seville from c.600 and a distinguished administrator, teacher, and writer. His works include Etymologies, which was
Isidore of Seville (570–636) Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
Born into an illustrious Roman family of Carthagena, Isidore was brought up by his elder brother Leander
Isidor (c.560–636) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to German Literature (3 ed.)
Bishop of Seville. The Old High German version of his De fide catholica contra Judaeos is
Isidore, St (Hispalensis) bishop of Seville (c.568–636) Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
His writings laid the foundations of the intellectual life of the Latin West: his Historia gothorum sueuorum uandalorum (in two
Isidore of Seville (c. 560–536) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Exploration
(c. 560–536),
encyclopedic scholar and bishop of Seville. Born and educated in Visigothic Spain, Isidore became
Isidore, St (c.560–636) Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
Archbishop of Seville. He is known mainly for his encyclopaedic writings, which were freely used by
Isidore of Seville Reference library
Michael McCormick
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
bishop of Seville (from ca.600); prolific author and churchman in Visigothic Spain; born in Byz. Spain? ca.570...