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Ireland Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Dance (2 ed.)
Ireland Quick reference
The Kings and Queens of Britain (2 ed.)
Ireland Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Second largest island of the British Isles. Ireland is
Ireland, Republic of Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
The Republic of Ireland consists of a large lowland region surrounded by a broken rim of low mountains. The lowlands
Ireland Reference library
Jane Suiter
The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics
Over the decades since independence from Britain, Ireland (population 4.6 million) has transformed into one of the most open economies
Ireland Reference library
Thomas Phelim Kelly and Harry A. Walsh
Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality
Ireland Reference library
The Continuum Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre
Up to the arrival of W. B. Yeats in the 1890s, the Irish theatre was colonial. Yeats, with a little
Ireland Reference library
The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature
Much of what we know of the religion of the first people of Ireland comes to us from myth and
Ireland Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
Ireland emerges from prehistory in the 5th c., with the formal establishment of Christianity in 431 by Palladius, sent
Ireland and the Irish Reference library
Leon Litvack
The Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens
The attitude Dickens adopted toward Ireland and the Irish was a fusion of objectified pronouncements and informed observation. His interest in the ...
Ireland Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
Ireland Quick reference
A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology
Second largest of the British Isles, 32,595 square miles in area, largest of all Celtic lands; its modern population, over
Republic of Ireland Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Irish History (2 ed.)
The leaders of the rising of 1916, drawing on a long political tradition (see republicanism), proclaimed an
Ireland, names for Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Irish History (2 ed.)
The commonest name for ‘Ireland’ is Old Irish Ériú, Modern Éire, which may mean ‘fertile country’ (<Indo‐European [*]
archaeology, Irish Reference library
The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature
The study of the human past in Ireland, through analysis of the material remains of different cultures, has established that
Ireland Reference library
Richard Corballis
The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature
Ireland Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the Brontes
Both Revd Patrick *Brontë and Revd A. B. *Nicholls were born in the north of Ireland, Brontë in ...
archaeology: Ireland Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
1. Introduction 2. Pre-Norman period 3. Urban archaeology 4. Rural settlement 5. Future directions
1. Introduction
Many archaeological investigations have been
Ireland Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
In the context of the European Reformation, Tudor Ireland and the Spanish Netherlands stand out as exceptions to the usual