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information technology Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Computer and telecommunications technologies used in processing information of any kind. Word processing, the use of a database and the
Information, Communications Technologies, and Peace Reference library
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
information technologies Reference library
The New Oxford Companion to Law
While there appears to be no legal definition of information technologies, a useful description is ‘the systems, equipment, components, and
Information technology Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia
The Court has come a long way in its use of information technology, or in the old terminology, ‘equipment’, since
Information Technology Reference library
Encyclopedia of Global Change
Information technology (IT) is a driver of global change, both through the changes in economies and through more direct environmental
Information Technology Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (2 ed.)
As the world prepared for the twenty-first century, electronic media—particularly computers and satellites in space—altered the nature of mass media
Information Technology Reference library
Gianluca Pastori
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
information technology Reference library
Science, Technology, and Society
We are currently witnessing the birth of a new information infrastructure as powerful in its own right as the printing