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Indo-European languages Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Family of languages spoken in Europe and
Indo-European Quick reference
A Dictionary of Hinduism
A term coined by Western philologists to designate a family of languages with an inferred common ancestor (Proto-Indo-European), whose membership includes, on the Indian side, the ...
Indo-European Reference library
The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature
the term used to refer to the family of languages which were originally spoken throughout much of Eurasia west of
Indo-European Languages Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East
An extensive linguistic family, the Indo-European (IE) languages are spoken in the western half of Eurasia, stretching from
Indo-European Languages Reference library
International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2 ed.)
Indo-European is the name given, for geographic reasons, to the large and well defined genetic family which includes most of
Indo-European Languages Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
“Indo-European” is the name of a large family of related languages that extend in modern times over much of the
Indo-European Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (2 ed.)
of or relating to the family of languages spoken over the greater part of Europe and Asia as far as northern India....