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divination Reference library
Robert Christopher Towneley Parker and Jerzy Linderski
The Oxford Classical Dictionary (4 ed.)
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World Encyclopedia
Foretelling the future by interpreting various signs. Omens are often thought to be found in cards, palms, or the entrails
divination Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Bible (2 ed.)
A supposed method of obtaining information. Divination was widely practised in the ancient world. In 5th–4th cent.
Divination Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
The art or skill of divining (sc., by use of ‘divinity’ or deity) that which is unknown—e.g. the
Divination Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
The comprehensive term for divination in the Islamic tradition is kihānah, a term derived from Semitic antiquity. It is connected
Divination Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought
Divination is an inquiry-based communication with the realm of unseen powers that seeks to find ways to deal with difficult
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A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology
[L divinus, god]. Foretelling the future or discovering what is hidden or unknown, especially through intuitive, occult, or
Divination Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures
The practice of divination is a defining feature of the magico-religious systems of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. The search
Divination Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Islam
Art of knowing that which cannot be known by empirical or rational means. The Quran condemns practices connected with pagan
Divination and Diviners Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
Divination, attempting to predict the future or to determine if the gods approve of a course of action, was widely
Divination Quick reference
A Concise Companion to the Jewish Religion
The practice of forecasting the future, especially by magical means (see MAGIC AND SUPERSTITION). A biblical text seems