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Civil Society Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought
The concept of civil society is directly linked to political modernity. In Western culture the Grotian-Lockean model of political organization
Civil Society, Theory and Practice of Reference library
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
The role of “civil society,” social organizations independent of the nation-state or governing parties, is now accepted by many (especially
Civil Society and Development Reference library
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
Civil society is a contested concept but is generally understood to mean that sphere of social life between the private
Civil Society and Peacebuilding Reference library
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
Civil society is the sum of voices not controlled by the government, speaking for individual and collective interests. Peacebuilding is
civil society Reference library
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (3 ed.)
In international organizations, particularly the United Nations, this term refers principally to non-governmental organizations, widely defined. Para. 30 of
Civil Society Reference library
Christopher Candland
The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics
“Civil society” is a rich and widely used concept. In English alone, there are thousands of books and tens of
civil society Reference library
M. J. Inwood
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (2 ed.)
Civil society Reference library
Oxford Companion to Australian Politics
Civil society is a term with a long history in political discourse that has become popular in recent decades. Modern
Civil Society Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (2 ed.)
For contemporary scholars, social activists, and development professionals, civil society is that collection of diverse interest groups and social organizations
Civil Society Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment
It was during the eighteenth century that the modern notion of civil society began to take shape and gain currency.
civil society Reference library
Dictionary of the Social Sciences
A realm of free activity and association that is not organized by the state. The idea of civil society has
Civil Society Reference library
Karen Hagemann and Sonya Michel
The Oxford Encyclopedia Women in World History
Civil Society Reference library
Encyclopedia of Social Work (20 ed.)
Considerable definitional vagueness exists regarding civil society, in part due to the concept's long history and multiple underlying schools of