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Antichrist Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Term loosely referring to the supreme enemy of Christ. It is used in the letters of Saint John to refer
antichrist Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Bible (2 ed.)
The word occurs only in 1 John (2: 18, 22; 4: 3) and 2 John 7, where it stands for
Antichrist Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
Antecrist Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Chaucer
The Antichrist, the leader of Christ's enemies mentioned in the New Testament, was early identified with various persecutors and enemies
Antichrist (Europe) Quick reference
A Dictionary of World Mythology
In medieval Christian mythology, the prodigious tyrant of the last days, the arch-enemy of Christ. It was a notion that
Antichrist Reference library
The Oxford Companion to German Literature (3 ed.)
in Judaic tradition, a false and hostile figure, appearing before the Messiah, became in the 8th c. the subject of
Antichrist Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
*Apocalyptic leader of evil expected to appear before Doomsday, persecute the faithful, and deceive Christians and Jews by claiming to
Antichrist Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Islam
Known as Dajjal (the deceiver). Supposed to appear during the age of injustice preceding the end of the world, causing
Antichrist Reference library
The Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible
The word “antichrist” occurs in the Bible only in 1 and 2 John. The prefix anti- in Greek means
Antichrist Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
The notion of the Antichrist, or “anti-Messiah,” is based on several New Testament passages (1 Jn. 2, 4;
Antichrist Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
An eschatological figure first mentioned in the epistles of John in the New Testament. He is described as a pseudo-
Antichrist Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the Bible
The word “antichrist” occurs in the Bible only in 1 and 2 John. The prefix anti‐ in Greek means “over
Antichrist Reference library
Gerhard Podskalsky
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
(᾽Αντίχριστος), the greatest antagonist of Christ, esp. at the Second Coming (parousia). The Greek word Antichristos appears in the Bible only in the epistles of ...