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Public Policy Reference library
Sophia Labadi, Patty Gerstenblith, Patrick J. O’Keefe, and Sophia Labadi
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
... Policy Introduction United States Laws Laws in Other Countries Conventions Charters Public Policy: Introduction The adoption of international legal texts and the creation of international organizations, nascent in the first decades of the twentieth century as highlighted by the 1931 Athens Charter on the conservation of historic monuments, accelerated after the Second World War. Created in 1945, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has had a key role in drafting “conventions”—defined as “a legally binding...
Archaeological Heritage Administration Reference library
Laurajane Smith
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...Heritage Administration The development of Western national policy and legislation for the protection of heritage owes much to the influences of the disciplines of archaeology, architecture, and art history. Archaeologists and architects in particular lobbied for the development of public policy and legal codes to protect heritage during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Although Sweden, in 1666, was the first Western country to enact legislation, legislation was not developed in many European counties until the nineteenth century, while the...
Education in Archaeology Reference library
George Michaels, Edward Friedman, Phyllis Messenger, and Don Henson
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.) insist on public education in developer-funded projects, but the new “Planning Policy Statement 5” does recognize the need to address public interest in archaeology and may well lead to an increase in public education work. Professional organizations, including the Society for Historic Archaeology, the American Anthropological Association, and the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) in the United States, and the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) and the Institute for Archaeologists in the United Kingdom, are addressing public education issues...
On-Site Public Interpretation Reference library
John H. Jameson
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...and purposes for site commemoration and treatment. The nature of the reality of multiculturalism in any one country or region affects public policies and attitudes about inclusive heritage interpretation and where to focus the discussions; that is, what are the messages, and to whom are the message directed? Fundamental Questions. In our deliberations regarding who owns the past and what constitutes inclusive public interpretation, we can couch our discussions within the framework of attempting to answer some fundamental questions. While present and...
Museums and Collecting Reference library
Angela M. H. Schuster
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...and artistic achievement, museums have played an important role in both scholarly research and public education. The means by which such institutions have built their collections, however, are undergoing dramatic change, brought about by legislation drafted to protect the cultural patrimony of signatory nations and the heritage of indigenous peoples. As a result, museums in the United States and abroad are being forced to reconsider their acquisitions policies. Most of the world’s great museums built their collections of ancient art and ethnographic material...
Development, Economic Reference library
Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...within these private finance arrangements. However, the movement in the private sector toward safeguarding natural and cultural heritage raises new questions about the role of archaeological and heritage resources in the corporate social responsibility movement. [ See also Public Policy ; Tourism . ] Cernea, Michael . Cultural Heritage and Development: A Framework for Action in the Middle East and North Africa , 2001. Crosby, Andrew . “Archaeology and Vanua Development in Fiji.” World Archaeology 34 (2002): 363–378. Ferguson, James . The...
Politics of the Past Reference library
Laurajane Smith
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...psychological reinforcement of archaeological pronouncements as such materiality helps render the ephemeral past material and somehow “real.” In addition, archaeologists often play a central role in the management of material culture form the past, often defined within public discourse and policy as “heritage.” Archaeological control over heritage items through cultural resource management connects archaeology to heritage and the idea of an inherited past, thus linking archaeology to the identity claims made on appeals to heritage and inheritance. Archaeological...
Museums, Public Interpretation within Reference library
Alex W. Barker
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...Principle, Policy and Practice , 2004. An edited collection of essays examining repatriation issues internationally. Karp, Ivan , and Steven D. Lavine , eds. Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display , 1991. A classic work on museum representation, including a provocative essay by Stephen Greenblatt on the essential qualities of an exhibition. Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory . The Origins of Natural Science in America: The Essays of George Brown Goode , 1991. McManus, Paulette M. , ed. Archaeological Displays and the Public: Museology...
Waste Management Reference library
William Rathje
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...for weight and volume. Additional studies record the moisture content of artifacts and the concentrations of hazards such as heavy metals and complex organic compounds. Garbage Project digs at fifteen landfills throughout North America have made an impact on how policy planners and the public perceive what is filling landfills and what happens to buried discards over time. What Is in Landfills? Before landfill digs, interview surveys indicated that many people thought that styrofoam, fast-food packaging, and disposable diapers filled up the most landfill...
Preventive Archaeology Reference library
Nathan Schlanger
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...involving professionals, policy makers, and the wider public. These principles are further developed in the highly influential Council of Europe’s Malta (or Valetta) Convention (1992; see Willems, 2007). Given the threats posed to the underground heritage by development schemes, the convention calls for the integration of relevant scientific measures for detecting and assessing these archaeological remains (including their eventual excavation, documentation, or preservation in situ) within broader territorial planning policies. Accordingly, it is up to...
Intellectual Property Rights Reference library
George P. Nicholas
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.) archaeologists, heritage practitioners, descendant communities, and policy makers. Achieving a clearer understanding of how and why concerns over intellectual property arise has great relevance to members of descendant communities whose cultural patrimony has often been appropriated and commodified; to archaeology and other heritage-based disciplines that seek to identify and understand the nature and value of tangible and intangible heritage within cultural systems; and to a public that is constantly incorporating elements of world cultures, past and...
Reburial and Repatriation Reference library
Cressida Fforde
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...manage the human remains they house—in the adoption of repatriation policies, curation practices, or reexamination of decisions about whether or not to display remains to the public. Indigenous forums at the United Nations have deliberated on the repatriation issue since at least 1985, and it is specifically addressed in Article 12.1 of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). In Australia, museums and professional organizations began to develop relevant policies in the early 1990s. Based on previous work in this area, which provided...
Rome Reference library
Chris Scarre
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...grain from Egypt, which was distributed free of charge to the urban poor. The pattern of imperial building set by Augustus was followed by his successors. The policy was a mixture of public service and state propaganda. Thus the Colosseum built by Vespasian ( ad 69–AD 79) was both a massive auditorium for popular entertainment and a stage set in which the emperor could appear in his proper public setting, surrounded by senators, knights, and common people, each in their allotted tiers of seating. The later emperors did depart from Augustus’s precedent in...
Archaeology in the Contemporary World Reference library
Cornelius Holtorf
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...ancient sites and artifacts. Most archaeologists are at least some of their time engaged in these activities, irrespective of whether they make their living in private archaeological companies, in public service heritage management or museums, or in a research or teaching institution. In many countries, including for example the United Kingdom and Denmark, public service archaeology has a long tradition of cooperating with local volunteers and amateurs. There is however still a lot of status attached to archaeologists working at universities and those dealing...
New Zealand Reference library
Tim Thomas
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.) recording project. Nevertheless, government policies and public opinions have tended to value development over heritage preservation, making Maori and archaeologists common advocates for the cultural value of New Zealand prehistory. Relations between Maori and archaeologists have not been as strained as in other colonial contexts (e.g., Australia, the United States), though there have been disputes over human remains and artifacts held by museums. Cultural shifts since the 1950s have seen renewed public interest in colonial history and the emergence of...
International Organizations Reference library
Sophia Labadi
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.) the cultural field, as well as public funding for culture. The third axis is direct assistance to governments to enhance their governance and management capacities through comprehensive regional programs and pilot projects. This includes in particular the Regional Program on Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe (RPSEE), launched in 2003 , to work with countries at the border of the European Union (such as Serbia, Croatia or Bosnia, and Herzegovina) to develop or reinforce institutions and policies on cultural heritage safeguarding, to...
Vandalism Reference library
Morag M. Kersel
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...Tubb , eds. Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, and the Antiquities Trade , 2006. Brooks, Nick . UN Personnel Vandalize Archaeological Sites . . Chokhani, P. “Destruction on Public Lands: A Closer Look at Vandalism.” Our Public Lands 29 (1979): 9–11. Colwell-Chanthaphon, Chip . “Dismembering/Disremembering the Buddhas. Renderings on the Internet during the Afghan Purge of the Past.” Journal of Social Archaeology 3, no. 1 (2003): 75–98. Fagan, Brian . “Black Day at Slack...
Indigenous Rights Reference library
Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...heritage practice and myriad private, public-sector, and nongovernmental organization roles. Ancestral Remains, Collateral Damage, and the Growth of Collaborative Approaches. While most other debates on indigenous rights and ethical issues in archaeology have stayed quietly within the cloister, the often-heated debates over the fate of ancestral remains, the legislation that governs these, the role of scientific enquiry, the future of archaeology, and issues of ethics and ownership have spilled over into the public domain: for example, the debates over...
Turkey Reference library
Cigdem Atakuman
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...endeavor by the religiously oriented state authorities, has since been left in a limbo struggling to justify its existence between conflicting identity politics and economic expansion policies. Ultimately, archaeology in Turkey has been limited to the space allowed by the restrictive state policies, which so far have excluded much-needed programs for heritage management, public engagement, education, and debate within the globalizing Turkish society that nurtures a wide diversity of ideologies and identities. Within this context, an academic attachment to an...
Ethics of Collecting Reference library
Fredrik Svanberg
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...and strategies developed in museum exhibitions, which have often moved on from old-style ethnocentrism and essentialism. Thus the ethical questions of collecting definitely apply to digitization projects. [ See also Museums ; Museums, Public Interpretation within ; Public Interpretation ; Public Policy ; Reburial and Repatriation . ] Byrne, Sarah , et al., eds. Unpacking the Collection: Networks of Material and Social Agency in the Museum , 2011. Chase, Arlen F. , Diane Z. Chase , and Harriot W. Topsey . “Archaeology and the Ethics of...