social loafing Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
... loafing The reduction in individual effort and motivation as group size increases. Social loafing may help to explain performance losses in the Ringelmann's effect, and may be due to a diffusion of responsibility and loss of individual...
social loafing Quick reference
A Dictionary of Human Resource Management (3 ed.) loafing is when individuals exert less effort whilst working in a group than they would if they were working on their own....
social loafing Quick reference
Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise (2 ed.)
... loafing The concept that some people exert less effort to achieve a goal and have less motivation when they are in a group than when they are on their own. Social loafing tends to have a negative effect on group dynamics. In sport, it can reduce team cohesion and adversely affect team performance. A good coach will reduce social loafing, for example by making sure that the effort of every member of a team is...
social loafing Quick reference
A Dictionary of Organizational Behaviour
... loafing The phenomenon by which individuals make less effort when working in a group because they rely on others to make the effort. This often occurs unconsciously. Groups are often perceived to be more productive than individuals acting alone, but this phenomenon challenges this perspective. This is particularly likely to happen where there are high levels of participation in the group, but where the individual has low levels of interest in participation and there is no system of review. Social loafing can create high levels of resentment amongst other...
social loafing Quick reference
A Dictionary of Business and Management (6 ed.)
... loafing The general tendency for people to expend less effort on a task when working as part of a group than when working individually. There have been various attempts to explain this phenomenon. See collective effort model ; Ringelmann effect ; sucker effect...
social loafing n. Quick reference
A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.) much force as an individual working alone, and groups of eight exerted less than four times the force of a single person. The term social loafing was coined by the US psychologist Bibb Latané (born 1937 ) and colleagues who performed an experiment, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 1979 , in which participants attempted to make as much noise as possible, by yelling and clapping, while wearing blindfolds and listening to masking noise through headphones. Compared to the amount of noise that they generated alone,...
social loafing
2 Thessalonians Reference library
Philip F. Esler and Philip F. Esler
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...thus behaving like a loafer (hence ‘living in idleness’ in the NRSV). Scholars have long explained this idleness as rooted in ‘eschatological’ excitement produced by a belief in the imminence of the parousia of Christ ( see R. Russell 1988 : 105–7 ). Several examples of millennialism in modern times, moreover, have revealed that a belief in the imminent or actual transformation of the world can produce, not surprisingly, a breakdown in belief in the need for everyday activities, such as work. Rejection of work and the usual social order can be associated...
Slovak Family Names Reference library
Peter Ďurčo
Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)
... sova ‘owl’, straka ‘magpie’; Belica ‘white fish’, Sumec ‘catfish’, Blcha ‘flea’, and Mravec ‘ant’). Surnames from words denoting man-made objects include those referring to tools and instruments ( Hoblík ‘plane’ and Kolovrat ‘spinning wheel’), food ( Cipov ‘loaf of bread’ and Praženica ‘scrambled eggs’), and garments ( Kabát ‘coat’, see kabat, and Pančucha ‘stocking’, among many others). Slovaks in America There are currently about 800,000 people of Slovak descent living in the US. Today, almost half of all Slovak Americans reside...
A Feminist Interpretation of Women's Rights in Islam Reference library
Fatima Mernissi
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook
...the bazaars drawing up contracts and increasing their fortunes, while he had nothing else to do but follow the Prophet everywhere. 82 ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, who was well known for his physical vigor and who awoke the city every day to say the dawn prayer, disliked lazy people who loafed around without any definite occupation. He summoned Abu Hurayra on one occasion to offer him a job. To his great surprise, Abu Hurayra declined the offer. ‘Umar, who did not consider such things a joking matter, said to him: ...
Mark Reference library
C. M. Tuckett and C. M. Tuckett
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...The significance of the ‘one’ loaf the disciples do have with them ( v. 14 ) is disputed. Some have seen this as a eucharistic allusion to Jesus as the one bread, others more generally as a Christological allusion to the person of Jesus, others to the one bread sufficient for Jews and Gentiles. Mark, however, gives no direct hint. It may simply be another way of highlighting the disciples' obtuseness: they do have one loaf with them and so, since Jesus has fed 5,000 people with twelve loaves, feeding twelve people with one loaf should be relatively easy; the...
Extra-canonical early Christian literature Reference library
J. K. Elliott and J. K. Elliott
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...2. First, with regard to the cup: We thank you, our Father, for the holy vine of David your servant which you made known to us through Jesus your servant. To you be glory forever. 3. And with regard to the loaf: We thank you, our Father, for the life and knowledge, which you made known to us through Jesus your servant. To you be glory forever. 4. As this loaf lay scattered upon the mountains and became a single fragment when it had been gathered, may your church be gathered into your kingdom from the ends of the earth. For glory and power are yours, through...
Numbers Reference library
Terence E. Fretheim and Terence E. Fretheim
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...pleasing odour to the Lord ’ ( vv. 3, 7, 10, 13, 14, 24 ) is a vivid way of speaking of that which brings pleasure to God ( see gen 8:21–2 ) because it signifies a healthy relationship. ( 15:17–21 ) prescribes, on the occasion of baking bread (in the land), a donation of one loaf from the first batch of dough. A donation is any gift for the service of the sanctuary, given to acknowledge that all such gifts come from God. In this case the bread would be food for the priests. This statute broadens earlier statutes regarding first fruits to include that...
Luke Reference library
Eric Franklin and Eric Franklin
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...climaxes in one to jump down from the pinnacle of the temple. The three temptations tempt Jesus to leave the way of the servant on which he has determined, and which the divine voice has approved, and to assert his Sonship in a different way. That to command a stone to become a loaf of bread is to assert his authority and make use of his status, that to worship the devil is to follow the way of the world and exercise his power, that to jump off the temple's pinnacle is to force God's hand, to leave the way of service and humble obedience and go instead for a...