


political sociology

Political sociology broadly conceived is the study of power and domination in social relationships. It could thereby include analysis of the family, the mass media, universities, trade ...

political sociology

political sociology   Quick reference

Peter Burnham

A Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations (4 ed.)

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics
461 words

... sociology Political sociology broadly conceived is the study of power and domination in social relationships. It could thereby include analysis of the family, the mass media, universities, trade unions, and so on. Political science and sociology began to develop as independent disciplines in the nineteenth century under the influence of marginalist economics which attempted to demarcate the study of the ‘political’ from that of the ‘social’ and the ‘economic’ ( see political economy ). Political science became focused on the analysis of the machinery...

political sociology

political sociology   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Sociology
686 words

... sociology The branch of sociology that is concerned with the social causes and consequences of given power distributions within or between societies, and with the social and political conflicts that lead to changes in the allocation of power . A major focus of political sociology is the description, analysis, and explanation of the state , the institution which claims a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a given territory, and constitutes possibly the largest single concentration of power and authority in any society. Whereas ...

political sociology

political sociology   Reference library

Dictionary of the Social Sciences

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences
263 words

... sociology A subfield of political science and sociology that studies relations between political institutions and social structures. Although diverse in its formulations and methods, political sociology has an identifiable set of core concerns: the rise of industrial capitalism and its social and political repercussions, the role of bureaucracy in modern states, considerations of the social bases of liberal democracy , and the role of political parties and elites in modern political systems. Comparative methodologies have also played a...

Political sociology

Political sociology   Reference library

Oxford Companion to Australian Politics

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics
1,348 words

... sociology Political sociology is concerned with the relationship between society and politics. A ‘Committee of Political Sociology’ was formed at the fourth World Congress of Sociology in Stresa ( 1959 ). Eminent figures such as Lewis Coser defined their field as the ‘social causes and consequences of given power distributions’ or ‘the tensions and cleavages which arise from the social and economic order of society’ (Bendix and Lipset, 1966 ). They studied conflict and consensus, especially class conflict, bureaucracy, and power. These problems...

Teaching International Political Sociology

Teaching International Political Sociology   Reference library

Vincent Pouliot

The International Studies Encyclopedia

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics, Warfare and Defence
11,559 words

...Teaching International Political Sociology Introduction Teaching international political sociology ( IPS ) is as intellectually rewarding as it is pedagogically challenging. In the conventional International Relations ( IR ) curriculum, IPS requires students to put on hold many of the premises, notions, and models learned in introductory classes, from assumptions of instrumental rationality to canonical standards of positivist methodology. Once problematized, these traditional starting points in IR are to be replaced with a number of new...

The International Political Sociology of Empire

The International Political Sociology of Empire   Reference library

Alejandro Colás

The International Studies Encyclopedia

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics, Warfare and Defence
10,670 words

...principle of modern international politics. A second reason why the study of empire is central to IR is that much of this conventional distinction between hierarchy and anarchy has been subject to significant criticisms from various methodological and political perspectives. International Political Sociology ( IPS ) has in particular offered a framework for critical analyses of phenomena such as systemic transformation, international unevenness, and global inequality, or war, violence, and racism in international politics. Since the end of the Cold War, a...

The International Political Sociology of Risk

The International Political Sociology of Risk   Reference library

Luis Lobo-Guerrero

The International Studies Encyclopedia

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics, Warfare and Defence
10,848 words

...of Calculation: Economic Representations and Risk Management. Theory Culture Society 22 (2), 69–97. Kessler, O. (2009) Towards a Sociology of the International? International Relations between Anarchy and World Society. International Political Sociology 3 (1), 87–108. Kessler, O. , and Daase, C. (2008) From Insecurity to Uncertainty: Risk and the Paradox of Security Politics. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 33 (2), 211–232. Kessler, O. , and Werner, W. (2008) Extrajudicial Killing as Risk Management. Security Dialogue 39 (2–3), 289–308...

Transformations of War: Perspectives from International Political Sociology

Transformations of War: Perspectives from International Political Sociology   Reference library

Vivienne Jabri

The International Studies Encyclopedia

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics, Warfare and Defence
11,081 words

...by the realists of conventional approaches. Violence as a form of political practice is hence of interest in this context precisely because it is seen to be implicated in and influenced by the social, economic, juridical, and political dynamics of the international as a distinct location of politics. Methodologically, international political sociology focuses on practices, both discursive and non-discursive, of situated agents. The question centers on how violence as a form of political practice is implicated in the constitution and transformation of...

political sociology

political sociology  

Reference type:
Overview Page
Political sociology broadly conceived is the study of power and domination in social relationships. It could thereby include analysis of the family, the mass media, universities, trade unions, and so ...
Why Democracy, and Why Now?

Why Democracy, and Why Now?   Reference library

Abdulaziz Sachedina

Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)

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1,823 words
Oxford University Press

...need the rulers to keep the money flowing to the religious establishment. The preachers may not have the people's best interests at heart, but they know how to talk the people's talk. It is this sociological fact that needs our undivided attention today. The answer to the question “Why democracy, and why now?” must be sought in the moral numbness and political indifference to injustice that prevail today across far too large a swath of the Muslim world. Let me be clear: Fostering a positive understanding of democratic ideals within an Islamic framework will...

Introduction: Muslim Activist Intellectuals and Their Place in

Introduction: Muslim Activist Intellectuals and Their Place in History   Reference library

John L. Esposito and John O. Voll

Makers of Contemporary Islam

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Subject Reference
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9,895 words
Oxford University Press

...p. 117. 18. Max Weber, Essays in Sociology , ed. and trans. H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (New York: Oxford University Press, 1958), p. 176. 19. Seymour M. Lipset and Asoke Basu, “The Roles of the Intellectual and Political Roles,” in The Intelligentsia and the Intellectuals: Method and Case Study , ed. Aleksander Gella (London:...

Political Economy

Political Economy   Reference library

An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, modern history (1700 to 1945), Literature
5,138 words
Oxford University Press

...him purely as a ‘manufacturing animal’. Again without being first or last to make such statements, Southey also counterposed ‘moral’ to ‘political’ economy. In view of Malthus's belief, in opposition to Ricardo, that political economy could not be divorced from morals, there is some irony in this which can only be appreciated by those prepared to believe that the identity of ideas is not fully described by their sociological allegiances or ideological appearances. Neither Coleridge nor Southey would have been impressed by the *utilitarian character of...

Labour History

Labour History   Quick reference

John L. Halstead

The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Local and Family History
5,401 words
Oxford University Press

...Webb they produced the still valuable The History of Trade Unionism ( 1894 , rev. and extended edn, 1920 ). They illustrate labour history's engagement with social science through their indispensable work in political sociology, Industrial Democracy ( 1897 , new edn, 1902 ). Historians and something more, their work was often informed by politics. Sidney was active in London municipal government before becoming a Labour Cabinet minister; Beatrice was active in Poor Law reform: hence their scholarly History of English Local Government (10 vols, 1906–29...

Islam And Arab Nationalism

Islam And Arab Nationalism   Reference library

‘Abd Al-Rahmān Al-Bazzāz

Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
3,393 words
Oxford University Press

... hadīth has it, that men are metals like gold and silver, those among them who were the best in the jāhiliyya remain the best in Islam. It would not have been possible for the Arabs to achieve such a revival and accomplish such tremendous actions, in war, politics, legislation, literature, art, sociology, and the other aspects of life, in such a short time, if their metal had not been pure and their abilities latent in them from long ago, their nature creative and their spirit strong and true. There could not shine among the Arabs, in one or two generations,...

The Evolution and Devolution of Religious Knowledge

The Evolution and Devolution of Religious Knowledge   Reference library

Abdul-Karim Soroush

Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook

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Subject Reference
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5,758 words
Oxford University Press

...politics, sociology, and history, and that is what gives the science of religion the flavor of the age. That also explains why the true ijtihad (rational adjudication) in disciplines such as fiqh [Islamic jurisprudence] cannot materialize unless a true ijtihad in first principles has taken place beforehand. This, in turn, shows why fiqh has been so stagnant in religious seminaries in recent centuries. Since fiqh is a “consumer” science, its stagnation is due to the lack of dynamism on the part of the “producer” disciplines like economics, political...

Scottish Local and Family History

Scottish Local and Family History   Quick reference

David moody

The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Local and Family History
5,622 words
Oxford University Press

... gives a focus for this group. Politics also begin at the grass roots, following L. C. Wright , Scottish Chartism ( 1953 ). There has been detailed work on discontent in the 18th century ( Kenneth Logue ), on party affiliations ( I. G. C. Hutchinson ), and on the Labour Party in Glasgow ( James J. Smyth ). In cultural studies Scotland's educational system has been assailed in R. A. Houston , Scottish Literacy and the Scottish Identity ( 1985 ). Church studies, too, have exploded some assumptions through the sociological approaches of C. Brown , ...

Rethinking Islam Today

Rethinking Islam Today   Reference library

Mohamed Arkoun

Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook

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Subject Reference
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12,624 words
Oxford University Press

... revealed . 8 We need to create an intellectual and cultural framework in which all historical, sociological, anthropological, and psychological presentations of revealed religions could be integrated into a system of thought and evolving knowledge. We cannot abandon the problem of revelation as irrelevant to human and social studies and let it be monopolized by theological speculation. One has to ask, then, why sociology and anthropology have been interested in the question of the sacred and in ritual, but not in revelation. Why,...


Novels   Reference library

An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, modern history (1700 to 1945), Literature
6,137 words
Oxford University Press

...enter, and influence, political debate. The works of the so-called *Jacobin novelists— Robert *Bage , Thomas *Holcroft , Mary *Wollstonecraft , Charlotte *Smith , Mary *Hays , and Mary Robinson—deployed existing novelistic conventions as a means of advancing a radical critique of society. The political theorist William Godwin published one of the most celebrated and influential novels of the period, Things as they are: or The Adventures of Caleb Williams , in 1794 , the year after his controversial Enquiry Concerning Political Justice . The tale of...

Antiquarianism (Popular)

Antiquarianism (Popular)   Reference library

An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, modern history (1700 to 1945), Literature
6,164 words
Oxford University Press

...century the empirical scientists gathered in the Royal Society were matched by more informal networks of ‘social Baconians’—political economists, educated travellers to other lands, and their similarly ethnographical reporters on regions of the British Isles, all of whom were pioneering social scientists and social historians. In this sense antiquarians have good claims to be the initiators of modern anthropology and sociology, but the purpose of this essay is to establish their contribution to cultural history and the professional modern study of both ...

18 Theories of Text, Editorial Theory, and Textual Criticism

18 Theories of Text, Editorial Theory, and Textual Criticism   Reference library

Marcus Walsh

The Oxford Companion to the Book

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Social sciences
6,054 words
Oxford University Press

...J. McGann , A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism (1983) — The Beauty of Inflections (1985) — Textual Criticism and Literary Interpretation (1985) — The Textual Condition (1991) — ‘ Textual Criticism and Literary Sociology ’, SB 44 (1991), 84–143 — Radiant Textuality (2001) D. F. McKenzie , Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts (1986) McKerrow , Introduction R. B. McKerrow , Prolegomena for the Oxford Shakespeare (1939) R. McLeod , ‘UN Editing Shak-speare’, Sub-Stance , 10 (1982), 26–55 Metzger , The Text of the New Testament ...
