High apartment-building with the circulation and services in the central core and the residential areas grouped around it on several storeys. See also tower-block.
point-block Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture (4 ed.)
...-block High apartment-building with the circulation and services in the central core and the residential areas grouped around it on several storeys. See tower-block...
40 The History of the Book in China Reference library
J. S. Edgren
The Oxford Companion to the Book
... century, implying that it could be treated as a large printing block. The ink-squeeze rubbing method of duplicating the texts of steles, and their assumption of book forms in imitation of MSS, offered further stimulation to the idea of textual printing. 2 Tang to Yuan (7 th –14 th centuries) The actual circumstances of the invention of printing in China are not known; however, Tang dynasty ( 618–907 ) references to printing and the corpus of undated specimens of printing from Tang tombs all point to an approximate date no later than ad 700 . Thanks to...
11 The Technologies of Print Reference library
James Mosley
The Oxford Companion to the Book
...earliest datable instance of the use of engraved relief wood blocks to print many copies of an extensive text and an image with *ink . The technique of *woodblock printing that finally evolved to make printed books required several steps. The text was written by a professional calligrapher on thin sheets of paper and pasted in reverse on a block of wood, so that the writing was visible. Superfluous wood was cut away, leaving a facsimile of the reversed text in relief. Ink was dabbed on the block, and sheets of paper were pressed to it with stiff brushes,...
16 The History of Illustration and its Technologies Reference library
Paul Goldman
The Oxford Companion to the Book
...worked in a sweatshop economy. Long *press runs from wood engravings were often achieved by the use of metal *electrotypes , which were faithful *facsimiles of the boxwood blocks. In The Pencil of Nature ( 1844–6 ), W. H. Fox Talbot produced the first published book illustrated photographically. It was not until the 1880s that *photomechanical processes such as line-block, *half-tone , and *photogravure began to supplant wood engraving, then in decline. The subject of illustrated children’s books is so vast that it can only be touched on here...
Lands of the Bible Reference library
Oxford Bible Atlas (4 ed.)
...has become customary to divide the area into four main longitudinal zones: the Coastal Plains, the Central Hill Country, the Rift Valley, and the Eastern Hills/Transjordan. The rock which underlies the whole area is granite, and a split in the massive granite block led to the formation of the Rift Valley. The principal surface rocks are limestone, chalk and basalt. The limestone predominates in the hill country. It resists erosion, but does eventually weather into a reddish soil. The surface chalk is easily eroded and worn away to form...
The Characteristics of Islamic Economics Reference library
Āyatullāh Mahmūd
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...foreigners and the governments connected with them, which now appears among Muslims in all areas of action, is what has made them static and blocked the functioning of the Islamic economic system as it has everything else. . . . Twelfth, thus according to what has been said, Islamic economics are founded on the principles of right and justice, and are not based on any special group or class. In fact, from the point of view of Islam the appearance of the features of classes is not a necessary inevitable thing or a irremediable social necessity. The...
The Psychological Role of Islam in Economic Development Reference library
Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...for success in its battle against backwardness for development when the program is derived from Islam and chooses the Islamic system as the framework for its point of departure. Besides the complex feelings of the umma in the Islamic world towards colonialism and all programs connected with colonialist countries, there is also another complication which presents a sizeable difficulty blocking the success of new European economic programs applied in the Islamic world. It is the contradiction between these programs and the religious creed which Muslims...
19 The Electronic Book Reference library
Eileen Gardiner and Ronald G. Musto
The Oxford Companion to the Book
...or study guides. By the late 1990s , most narrative titles on CD had become audio books: a return not to the codex but to pre-codex oral traditions. 2.4 The World Wide Web Although disk-based e-books proved as ephemeral to the development of the electronic book as *block printing and the block book in the ultimate development of the print revolution, the lessons learned during the years of developing digital content were not lost. Large corporate investments in the digitization of content, improvements in delivery software, and the vital experience in...
On the Political Utility of Using Armed Violence Reference library
Mahdi Shams Al-Din Shaikh Muhammad
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...Movement into the style of oppressor (Taghut). 3. Isolation of the Islamic Movement from the General Course of Politics This style was one of the causes blocking the Islamic Movement from entering political alliances and forming fronts with other political forces in order to confront regimes. It also widened the gap between the Islamists with their mass base—both politically and from a human point of view—and other forces with their bases. It created an atmosphere of extreme caution among all other political forces. The conviction grew that Islamists do...
Prints Reference library
An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age
...to work easily and freely with a greasy medium on the block of fine limestone it usually required. It also had great commercial potential; because the image was printed from the surface of the stone it could be made compatible with letterpress. Steel plates came into general production in the 1820s and they effectively replaced the use of copper, enabling increasingly large editions of line-engravings and book illustrations. Under Bewick, working in Newcastle, the use of wood-engraving burgeoned to the point that it practically forestalled the success of...
42 The History of the Book in Japan Reference library
P. F. Kornicki
The Oxford Companion to the Book
...of these was *maps and another was the samurai directories known as bukan . The cartographic knowledge acquired by the shogunal government in connection with its assertion of control over all the land of Japan acquired a commercial life of its own as publishers put out large, block-printed maps of cities, provinces, the whole of Japan, and even the world. One of the most significant maps was that of Japan produced in 1779 by Nagakubo Sekisui , a man of humble origins who achieved fame and position by means of his cartographic skills; his map of 1779 was...
Stories of David and Solomon Reference library
Oxford Bible Atlas (4 ed.)
...influenced by a biblical text. Important strategic sites needed a secure water‐supply. The water system at Megiddo may have been begun in the time of Solomon, but was probably completed in the time of Ahab. A gallery leading to an underground spring was blocked off, a shaft was dug inside the city walls and then a tunnel about 64 m (70 yds) long was hewn out of the rock to give access to the water. ...
Islam and the 1995 Beijing World Conference on Women Reference library
Muhammad Shahrour
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook
...listening to other opinions, and acknowledging their existence. This positive outcome is not in any way alien to our beliefs as Muslims. We will never forget the slogan—political, intellectual, and social—with which the Prophet Muhammad confronted the polytheists: “Don’t block the way between me and my people.” People's convictions are not generated by violence and coercion, but by peaceful and open dialogue. Open dialogues do not frighten us as Muslims. Fear is created by a lack of self-confidence and by weak suppositions which cannot be sustained in...
38 The History of the Book in the Muslim World Reference library
Geoffrey Roper
The Oxford Companion to the Book
...origins of printing in the Arabic script Printing was practised in the Muslim world as early as the 10 th century. Block prints on paper, and at least two on parchment, found in Egypt, survive in several collections, notably in Cairo, Vienna, Cambridge, and New York, and further pieces have emerged from excavations. One in private hands may originate in Afghanistan or Iran. However, no literary or historical testimony to the craft of *block printing seems to exist, except for two obscure references in Arabic poems of the 10 th and 14 th centuries to the...
Islam and Modernity Reference library
Fazlur Rahman
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook
...and pristine Islam; yet they have been arrested at a certain point. Again, the Muslim modernist has also explicitly held that Muslims must go back to the original and pristine Islam; yet they have come up with certain doctrines that both the fundamentalist and the conservative have failed to recognize as Islamic—indeed, as anything but Western, that is, un-Islamic! What is, then the guarantee, or at least the likelihood, that the pursuit of the new solution will not be arrested at a certain point, or that the results reached will not be so bewilderingly...
1 Corinthians Reference library
John Barclay and John Barclay
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...the general rule. If this is right, Paul agrees with the knowledgeable about their freedom to a large degree, but checks them at the point where their freedom causes real damage to others ( cf. Rom 14:1–15:6 ). The last few verses of this discussion ( 10:31–11:1 ) sum up its principles. Eating and drinking are to be done ‘to the glory of God’, without compromise of that glory by idolatry. At the same time, no stumbling-block (the Greek echoes 8:9 and is much stronger than NRSV ‘offence’) is to be placed in the path of Jews or Greeks or the church ( 10:32 )....
14 Printed Ephemera Reference library
Michael Harris
The Oxford Companion to the Book
...problem with this and alternative listings is that they tend to create an artificial homogeneity in which all the selected non-book materials have an equivalent importance. An alternative approach maintains the interest in form, but focuses on the ways in which the separation of blocks of material has come about, in particular through the process of collection. In its raw state, printed ephemera can be seen as a huge and alarming heap of materials—the trivial and the profound, the commercial and the exhortatory—jumbled together in the context of the confused...
Isaiah Reference library
R. Coggins and R. Coggins
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...so that the picture of this material as one coherent block is no longer part of the scholarly consensus. In particular, attention is paid to differences between chs. 40–8 and 49–55 (Merendino ( 1981 ); see also the notes in this commentary at the end of ch. 48 ). There is certainly no book of Deutero-Isaiah, only some anonymous chapters within the larger collection which we are studying. Attempts to structure history on the basis of poetry are notoriously difficult. But does the substantive point remain? Was there really a poet-prophet among a community...
Liberation Theology: Europe Reference library
Luise Schottroff and John Rogerson
The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bible
...water’ (D. Sölle, Mystik und Widerstand , 353). The belief in God of the rich begins with listening to this question of the poor. The history of liberation theology interpretation of the Bible in Western contexts shows that the demand of the gospel of the poor is a stumbling-block in a particular way. The peace movement is concerned with issues that immediately affect the interests of the people of Western Europe. The liberation theology interpretation of the biblical message of peace has found a much broader basis than the gospel of the poor. It touches...