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parable Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
... Short, simple story intended to convey a moral or religious message. The best-known parables are those attributed to Jesus Christ in the New Testament, including the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the Sower and the Seed, and the Pearl of Great...
Parable Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
... (Gk., parabolē ). A story or illustration of important teaching, used by rabbis and by Jesus , more direct than allegories , and, in the case of Jesus, usually making a demand on the hearers. Jesus' insistence on teaching in parables, implies something about the nature of the kingdom of God . Most of the thirty to forty gospel parables are found in Matthew (e.g. the clusters in chs. 13, 25) and Luke (among the best-known, 10. 25–42, 15. 11–32). For Jewish parables, see MĀSHAL...
parable Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (4 ed.)
... A brief tale intended to be understood as an allegory illustrating some lesson or moral. The forty parables attributed to Jesus of Nazareth in Christian literature have had a lasting influence upon the Western tradition of didactic allegory. A modern instance is Wilfred Owen ’s poem ‘The Parable of the Old Man and the Young’ ( 1920 ), which adapts a biblical story to the 1914–18 war; a longer prose parable is John Steinbeck ’s The Pearl ( 1948 ). Adjective : parabolic . See also fable...
parable Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3 ed.)
... . In the Synoptic Gospels , the word stands for a wide range of striking sayings, from well-known proverbs to small metaphors and elaborate allegories . Mk. contains examples of all these, with the historical allegories of the Sower and the Wicked Husbandman dominating by size and importance. They alert the reader to the theological significance of the narrative. In Mt. parables are given a more moral thrust than those in Mk. Lk. adds famous, realistic stories, such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. Like Mt.'s parables they have moral...
Parable Reference library
Arland J. Hultgren
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology
...parables, they may be called “parables of exemplary behavior.” Providing models of conduct, these are more straightforward in meaning and invite application, whereas other narrative parables leave the hearer with enigmas to ponder. The four in this category, all appearing only in Luke, are the parables of the good Samaritan ( 10:25–37 ), the rich fool ( 12:16–21 ), the rich man and Lazarus ( 16:19–31 ), and the Pharisee and the tax collector ( 18:10–14 ). Features and Themes of the Parables. Like other parables of antiquity, Jesus’s parables use...
parable Reference library
Edward Youansamouth
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4 ed.)
... The Parables of the Kingdom (London, 1935). J. Jeremias , Die Gleichnisse Jesu (Zürich, 1947; Eng. tr., 1954; 6th edn, Göttingen, 1962; Eng. tr., 1963). D. O. Via , The Parables: Their Literary and Existential Dimension (Philadelphia, 1967). J. D. Crossan , In Parables: The Challenge of the Historical Jesus (New York, 1973). J. [H.] Drury , The Parables in the Gospels: History and Allegory (1985). W. R. Herzog , Parables as Subversive Speech: Jesus as Pedagogue of the Oppressed (Louisville, Ky, 1994). A. J. Hultgren , The Parables of...
Parable Reference library
Alexander Kazhdan and Elizabeth M. Jeffreys
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
... (παραβολη̑). In the theory of rhetoric, a comparison that differs from an example by including within its scope both animate and inanimate nature ( Martin , Rhetorik 122). The term could designate a simple simile as in Theodoret (PG 80:581 A-B): “He delivered a parable … calling himself a dead dog.” The word was applied to Christ's fables, which were told to illustrate histeaching of the heavenly kingdom and were broadly interpreted by several church fathers, esp. Origen and John Chrysostom . According to Origen, Christ used parables of which the...
parable Quick reference
Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins (3 ed.)
...parable [ME] The word parable is from an ecclesiastical Latin sense ‘discourse, allegory’ of Latin parabola ‘comparison, speech’. The source is Greek parabolē ‘placing side by side, application’, from para - ‘beside’ and bolē ‘a throw’. The Latin parabola came to be used for a symmetrical curve in the mid 16th century, and the same Latin root lies behind parley and parole [both LME]. See also palaver , parliament , ballistic...
raft parable Quick reference
A Dictionary of Buddhism
...parable . Often-cited parable that occurs in the Discourse on the Parable of the Water Snake ( Alagaddūpama Sutta ) in the Majjhima Nikāya of the Pāli Canon. The parable relates to a traveller who fords a stream by paddling across using a coracle or raft, and the Buddha asks whether it would be appropriate or not for the man to carry the raft with him once he had crossed. The parable is often thought to mean that the body of Buddhist teachings and moral precepts have only provisional utility as a means to gaining enlightenment ( bodhi ) and can...
Doubt, a Parable (2005) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to American Theatre (3 ed.)
...a Parable ( 2005 ) , a play by John Patrick Shanley . [Walter Kerr Theatre, 525 perf.; Pulitzer Prize, Tony and NYDCC Awards.] In a Bronx Irish-Italian parish in 1964 , the principal Sr. Aloysius ( Cherry Jones ) runs her grammar school with a strong hand and cautions the young, impressionable nun Sr. James ( Heather Goldenhersh ) to always be watchful for any signs of wrongdoing. When the school's only African-American student befriends the parish priest Fr. Flynn ( Brian F. O'Byrne ), the principal suspects something unhealthy in the friendship...
parable n Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of Original Shakespearean Pronunciation
...parable n = sp parable 1 ...
parable Reference library
Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage (4 ed.)
...parable , ‘a (usually realistic) story or narrative told to convey a moral or spiritual lesson or insight’. The forty allegorical parables attributed to Jesus of Nazareth provide the traditional models in Christian literature. Modern examples, as Baldick ( 1990 ) mentions, include Wilfred Owen’s poem ‘The Parable of the Old Man and the Young’ ( 1920 ), which relates a biblical story to the 1914–18 war; and a longer prose parable, John Steinbeck’s The Pearl ( 1948...
parable Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (2 ed.)
... a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels. Recorded from Middle English, the word comes via Old French from an ecclesiastical Latin sense ‘discourse, allegory’ of Latin parabola ‘comparison’, from Greek parabolē ‘placing side by side, application’. Stories told by Jesus are often referred to by specific titles referring to their subjects, such as the parable of the sower...
parable Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology
... (arch.) similitude, dark saying, proverb; fictitious narrative or allegory for teaching spiritual truth. XIV. ME. parab(i)le — (O)F. parabole — L. parabola comparison, in ChrL. allegory, proverb, speech — Gr. parabolḗ comparison, analogy, proverb, f. parabállein put alongside, compare, f. PARA- 1 + bállein ...
parable Quick reference
New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary (2 ed.)
... • babble , bedabble, dabble, drabble, gabble, grabble, rabble, scrabble • amble , bramble, Campbell, gamble, gambol, ramble, scramble, shamble • psychobabble • technobabble • barbel , garble, marble • pebble , rebel, treble • assemble , dissemble, Kemble, resemble, tremble • Abel , able, Babel, cable, enable, fable, gable, label, Mabel, sable, stable, table • enfeeble , feeble, Keble • dibble , dribble, fribble, Gribble, kibble, nibble, quibble, scribble • Abu Simbel , cymbal, gimbal, nimble, symbol, thimble, timbal • mandible • ...