organic solidarity Reference library
Dictionary of the Social Sciences
... solidarity For Emile Durkheim , the mode of social solidarity that characterizes modern, highly differentiated societies. It describes a situation in which each part of the society is dependent on the other parts, thus forming an organic whole. In Durkheim's schema, organic solidarity contrasts with mechanical solidarity , in which solidarity is based on the uniformity and therefore interchangeability of the parts. Agricultural and premodern societies are characterized by mechanical solidarity...
organic solidarity
A Separate Muslim State in the Subcontinent Reference library
Muhammad Iqbāl
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.) concepts whose civic significance cannot be belittled merely because their origin is revelational. The religious ideal of Islam, therefore, is organically related to the social order which it has created. The rejection of the one will eventually involve the rejection of the other. Therefore, the construction of a polity on national lines, if it means a displacement of the Islamic principle of solidarity, is simply unthinkable to a Muslim. This is a matter which at the present moment directly concerns the Muslims of India. . . . It is, however, painful...
Liberation Theology: Latin America Reference library
M. Daniel Carroll R.
The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bible
... Liberation Theology: Latin America M. Daniel Carroll R. Fundamental Commitments Latin American liberation theology conceives of its primary responsibility as doing theology from a lived experience with the poor in solidarity with their struggle for a life free from oppression. This starting point reorients the whole nature of the theological enterprise, which then is defined as the effort to reflect critically on harsh contextual realities in the light of Christian faith. Theology is a ‘second act’ that reshapes that faith,...
On the Future of Women and Politics in the Arab World Reference library
Heba Raouf Ezzat
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...relevant and truly aspired “politics of presence”? If power is also a complex entity that is based primarily on elementary forms of social relations and social capital, how can empowering the majority of women then build on the available social capital of networks and social solidarity and rescue some of the diminishing ones in a rapidly modernizing urban society, and how can we introduce new notions of women empowerment that are grass-root based and public policy oriented? In this context the role of civil society becomes political, not only social and...
Industrialization Reference library
An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age
...but instead often relied on kin or neighbours for early support and sought to live near people from the same area as themselves. Indeed, the early experiences of town life may have strengthened purely instrumental kinship relations before the development of the neighbourly solidarities and sense of ‘community’ later to be associated with working-class urban life. The birth of a working-class community, with its associated mores, communal self-help, and often vigorous informal economy, was as much the product of industrialization as the dreadful physical...
Colossians Reference library
Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, OP and Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, OP
The Oxford Bible Commentary
... Lightfoot ( 1904 : 154 ) perfectly catches the spurious profundity of the expression by commenting ‘He impresses upon creation that unity and solidarity which makes it a cosmos instead of a chaos’. How exactly is this achieved? ‘The action of gravitation … is an expression of His mind’! Paul becomes completely serious in his introduction to the second strophe. The church must be characterized by the organic unity of a living ‘body’ ( v. 18 a ). The insight is but an extension and clarification of ‘you are all one person in Christ Jesus’ ( Gal 3:28 = Col...
The Principle of Movement in the Structure of Islam Reference library
Muhammad Iqbal
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook
...reference. The unity called man is body when you look at it as acting in regard to what we call the external world; it is mind or soul when you look at it as acting in regard to the ultimate aim and ideal of such acting. The essence of towhid as a working idea is equality, solidarity, and freedom. The state, from the Islamic standpoint, is an endeavor to transform these ideal principles into space-time forces, an aspiration to realize them in a definite human organization. It is in this sense alone that the state in Islam is a theocracy, not in the sense...
John Reference library
René Kieffer and René Kieffer
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...point is not to achieve many things but to let God do his unique work through a living faith in the Son he has sent. vv. 30–1 , even if Jesus has already given a sign by feeding the crowds, they want a further sign from heaven, as requested in Mk 8:11–13 . They express their solidarity with the Patriarchs, and especially with Moses and his signs ( cf. Ex 16:4–5 ). vv. 32–3 , in v. 31 the people had quoted Ps 78:24 (combined with Ex 16:4, 15 ): ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ In a typically rabbinic way Jesus underlines that ‘he’ alludes to the...
social solidarity
dynamic density
collective conscience
social order
Ferdinand Tönnies
sociology of education
Émile Durkheim
solidarity Reference library
Dictionary of the Social Sciences
... Describes the cohesion of individuals within social groups—literally, the extent to which groups are “solid.” The study of solidarity is often associated with Emile Durkheim , who distinguished in The Division of Labor in Society ( 1893 [ 1964 ]) between two types: mechanical and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is characteristic of the relatively undifferentiated social structures of premodern societies, where members were bound together by shared values, beliefs, and customs, and were generally engaged in the same activities. Organic...