maximal oxygen uptake Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
... oxygen uptake ( aerobic work capacity ; cardiorespiratory endurance capacity ; peak aerobic power ; VO 2 max ) The maximum amount of oxygen that a person can extract from the atmosphere and then transport and use in tissues. Maximal oxygen uptake is estimated as the maximum volume of oxygen voluntarily consumed per unit time, during a large muscle group activity of progressively increasing intensity that is continued until exhaustion. It is often expressed as VO 2 max: the maximum volume of oxygen consumed per minute. It may also be expressed as...
maximal oxygen uptake
oxygen uptake
endurance training
aerobic training
aerobic endurance
aerobic high intensity training
aerobic power
functional capacity
Astrand–Rhyming test
shuttle run test
Conconi heart rate test
blood doping
training effects
physical work capacity
menstrual cycle
functional capacity Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
...capacity Maximal oxygen uptake expressed in METs or ml oxygen kg body weight −1 . See also aerobic capacity...
oxygen uptake Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
... uptake The volume of oxygen (usually in litres or millitres) used by the body in a given time (usually one minute). If the oxygen content of the body remains constant, the oxygen uptake equals the volume of oxygen utilized in the metabolic oxidation of foodstuffs. Oxygen uptake reflects the ability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood to the tissues, and the ability of the tissues to extract oxygen from the blood. Therefore, oxygen uptake of a particular tissue is a product of cardiac output and arterial-venous oxygen difference. The oxygen uptake of the...
aerobic training Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
...low intensity training , aerobic high intensity training , and recovery training. The minimum training intensity that will usually result in significant improvements require an oxygen uptake of at least 50–55% maximal oxygen uptake. This corresponds to approximately 70% maximum heart rate. The most effective training intensities are usually between 90 and 100% maximal oxygen uptake, but sessions of long duration and low intensity can be as effective as those of shorter duration and high intensity. See also aerobic training zone , TRIMP...