Healthy Lifestyle Quick reference
A Dictionary of Epidemiology (6 ed.)
...Healthy Lifestyle A pattern of behavior that maximizes health protective behaviors while minimizing health risk behaviors. Such patterns of Behavior are influenced by individual, social, and environmental factors. See also behavioral medicine ; lifestyle modification . ...
healthy lifestyle Quick reference
Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise (2 ed.)
... lifestyle A lifestyle which includes activities and habits that encourage the development of total physical, mental, and spiritual fitness, and which reduces the risk of major illness. Healthy activities and habits include regular exercise; a balanced, nutritious diet; adequate sleep and relaxation; abstaining from smoking and taking nonessential drugs; and moderating the intake of...
healthy lifestyle Quick reference
A Dictionary of Public Health (2 ed.)
...healthy lifestyle A pattern of behavior that maximizes health protective behaviors while minimizing health risk behaviors. Such patterns of behavior are influenced by individual, and contextual factors. See also behavioral medicine . ...
healthy lifestyle
Ephesians Reference library
J. D. G. Dunn and J. D. G. Dunn
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...and it comes ‘by the word’ ( 5:26; cf. 1 Cor 6:11; Titus 3:5–6; Heb 10:22 ). 5:28–33 develops a different aspect of the imagery, drawn from Gen 2:24 ( 5:31; cf. Mt 19:4–6 ). The idea of ‘the two become one flesh’ invites a twofold corollary: that a healthy love of the other is inseparable from a healthy respect for oneself ( 5:28–9; cf. Mk 12:31; Rom 13:8–10 )—an important psychological insight; and that the love of Christ sustains the mutual love of husband and wife within the corporate context of the church, of their being individually and jointly...
James Reference library
Rainer Riesner and Rainer Riesner
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...react against a misunderstood liberalistic Paulinism, especially if the letter is rather early and written without first-hand knowledge either of Paul himself or of his letters. But James seems to be arguing not at all against a theological position but against an unchristian lifestyle. He faced problems similar to those of Paul in Corinth ( 1 Cor 1–4 !), not like the disputes in Galatia. One should not misrepresent James, v. 24 does not read ‘man is justified by works alone’. For James faith is ‘active along with…works and faith [is] brought to completion...
Revelation Reference library
Richard Bauckham and R. N. Whybray
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...image of Rome's economic relationships with client kingdoms and others. The basic idea is that those who associate with a prostitute pay her for the privilege. Babylon, ‘the great whore’ ( v. 1 ), is a rich courtesan, whose expensive clothes and jewellery ( v. 4 ) indicate the lifestyle she leads at her clients' expense. This is an image of Rome's economic exploitation of her empire (as becomes especially clear in ch. 18 ). To those who associate with her she offers the supposed benefits of the Pax Romana (the conditions for economic prosperity), much lauded...
health risk appraisal
Lifestyle Modification Quick reference
A Dictionary of Epidemiology (6 ed.)
...Lifestyle Modification The use of Behavior change interventions or other measures to improve Lifestyle . Lifestyles are modified by interventions targeting individuals, communities and populations. See also behavior change technique ; healthy lifestyle . 586 ...
religious barriers Quick reference
A Dictionary of Public Health (2 ed.)
...religious barriers Values, beliefs, ideas or practices, as well as institutions and norms based on religious belief that prevent or interfere with access to medical care, with healthy lifestyles or with healthy public policies . ...
well-being Quick reference
A Dictionary of Agriculture and Land Management
...A description of a state of being well, contented, happy, healthy, and prosperous. It can apply to an individual or to a group, and is associated with a range of factors including health, diet, exercise, lifestyle, social networks, and physical environment. See also cultural services...
Behavior Quick reference
A Dictionary of Epidemiology (6 ed.)
...measurable or, covert (activities not viewable but involving voluntary muscles) and indirectly measurable; behaviors are physical events that occur in the body and are controlled by the brain. 112 See also behavior change intervention ; behavior change technique ; healthy lifestyle . ...
disincentives Quick reference
A Dictionary of Economics (5 ed.)
...For example, a high marginal tax rate provides a disincentive to supply effort, and a low rate of interest provides a disincentive to save. Disincentives can be used to achieve policy objectives: a high tax on tobacco is a disincentive to smoke, and is used to encourage a healthier lifestyle...
behavior change intervention Quick reference
A Dictionary of Public Health (2 ed.)
...behavior change intervention A coordinated set of activities designed to modify a behavior to produce a desired outcome. The interventions include one or more behavior change techniques used to promote healthy lifestyles, self-management of health conditions (e.g., adherence to medication, monitoring symptoms), and optimal delivery and uptake of healthcare services (e.g., doctors implementing evidence-based guidance, attendance for breast screening). ...
Behavior Change Intervention Quick reference
A Dictionary of Epidemiology (6 ed.)
... to produce a desired outcome. Such interventions include one or more behavior change techniques . Interventions are used to promote healthy lifestyles, self-management of health conditions (e.g., adherence to medication, monitoring symptoms), and optimal delivery and uptake of health care services (e.g., doctors implementing evidence based guidance, patient attendance for breast screening). 9 , 114 See also lifestyle modification . ...
health-risk appraisal Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
...appraisal An assessment tool used by health promoters to evaluate how healthy a person is. A health-risk appraisal usually takes the form of an extended questionnaire that enquires into personal lifestyle habits, and personal and family medical history. It may be accompanied by laboratory tests for blood analysis, blood pressure, and physical fitness levels. The outcome is a profile outlining areas of high risk, and this is usually accompanied by strategies and targets for lifestyle...
Carruthers, Lord George De Bruce Reference library
Oxford Reader's Companion to Trollope
... and Jane Carbuncle . Lord George is granted his tide when his elder brother unexpectedly inherits the estate of Killiecrankie. A powerful, healthy man, scornful of aristocracy in general and given to hunting and to hanging about pretty women, Lord George has no visible means of support and is sometimes supposed to be a financial speculator. His rough but knowing manner and his unconventional lifestyle appeal to Lizzie, who thinks of him as her ‘Corsair’ and seeks unsuccessfully to lure him into marriage. ED, PR JMR Julia Miele...
health education Quick reference
A Dictionary of Dentistry (2 ed.) education The planned and managed process of giving an individual or population information to help achieve an improvement in health. Although it is hoped to enhance an individual’s overall ability to choose a healthy lifestyle, this approach tends to be led by the expert and does not take into account the factors that determine whether an individual has the opportunity or resources to...