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group 1 elements

A group of elements in the periodic table: lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs), and Francium (Fr). They are known as the alkali metals. Formerly, they ...

group 1 elements

group 1 elements   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Chemistry (8 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Science and technology, Chemistry
78 words

... 1 elements A group of elements in the periodic table : lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs), and Francium (Fr). They are known as the alkali metals . Formerly, they were classified in group I, which consisted of two subgroups: group IA (the main group) and group IB. Group IB consisted of the coinage metals , copper, silver, and gold, which comprise group 11 and are usually considered with the transition elements...

group 1 elements

group 1 elements  

A group of elements in the periodic table: lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs), and Francium (Fr). They are known as the alkali metals. Formerly, they were ...
Scandinavian Family Names

Scandinavian Family Names   Reference library

Olav Veka and Lennart Ryman

Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Names studies
3,904 words
Oxford University Press

... thygesen , which has more than 3,000 bearers in Denmark and fewer than 300 in Norway, is one such example. Topographical and habitational names are another group that may be easily identified as Danish, particularly farmstead names like Søndergaard and Østergaard (note that the Danish character ø often becomes a plain o in the US, whence Sondergaard and ostergaard ). Common final elements in Danish placenames are ‑ borg , ‑ by , ‑ gaard , ‑ rup , and ‑ sted . Norway The first organized emigration from Norway took place in 1825, when the sloop...

1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians   Reference library

Philip F. Esler and Philip F. Esler

The Oxford Bible Commentary

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
15,718 words
Oxford University Press

...it is a vision of the future heavily indebted to Israelite tradition, is embedded in this ex-Gentile group, so that the problem is whether those who die in faith beforehand will participate in Christ's glorious return. The sharp distinction between in-group and out-groups Paul maintains throughout the letter is evident here in the reference to ‘the rest who have no hope’. Hope ( elpis ) was included at 1 Thess 1:3 as one of the three primary elements of the identity of Christ-followers and the fact that Paul is worried they might be deficient in hope also...

Indian Family Names

Indian Family Names   Reference library

Rocky Miranda and Urvashi Prasannanshu Jain

Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Names studies
2,803 words
Oxford University Press

...respect to spelling, pronunciation, and the social groups in which they occur. Bibliography Enthoven, R. E. (1922): The Tribes and Castes of Bombay . Delhi: Low Price Publications. Ghandi, Maneka (1993): The Penguin Book of Hindu Names . New Delhi: Penguin Books India. Koul, O. N. (1994): ‘Surnames and nicknames in Kashmiri’, in R. R. Mehrotra , ed. (1994): The Book of Indian Names . New Delhi: Rupa and Co. Krishnamurti, B. (1995): ‘Dravidian surnames’, Namenforschung/Name Studies, Les noms propres 1: 665–71. Marykutty, A. M. (1997): Personal Names...

The Old Testament

The Old Testament   Reference library

John Rogerson

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bible

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
9,443 words
Oxford University Press

...Yahweh while of the twenty kings of Judah (not counting David and Solomon) fourteen contain this element. The greater presence of Yahweh elements in Judah is probably due to the close connection between the king and the cult of Yahweh in Jerusalem, while of the seven names with Yahweh elements in the northern kingdom five follow one after the other from 853 to 782, the period of major political activity of the prophetic groups led by Elijah and Elisha, who were fiercely loyal to Yahweh and who encouraged their sympathizer Jehu to execute a coup d'état in 841...

German Family Names

German Family Names   Reference library

Edda Gentry

Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Names studies
6,303 words
Oxford University Press

...colonies before 1776, with an approximately equal number following between 1776 and 1820. Swiss immigration continued and the 1990 US census showed more than 1 million US residents claiming Swiss ancestry. In reality the number is probably much higher. There are no comparable figures on Austrian immigration to America. One reason for this state of affairs is the fact that a variety of ethnic groups—not all of them German-speaking or having German names—populated the Habsburg Empire. Further, US census forms in the 19th century provided listing only of...


Esther   Reference library

Carol Meyers and Carol Meyers

The Oxford Bible Commentary

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
7,114 words
Oxford University Press

...as a critical element. The interplay and tension between high- and low-status persons and/or groups, with the lower-status character or community prevailing, constitute a kind of resistance literature ( Smith 1989 : 162–4 ). The creation of such tales in many cultures uses similar themes and elements because those features, whereby a minority hero/heroine rises above and achieves some sort of victory over the dominant power, allow the oppressed group to maintain identity, self-respect, and hope. Through her cleverness and patience, Esther thwarts a...

Liberation Theology: Europe

Liberation Theology: Europe   Reference library

Luise Schottroff and John Rogerson

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bible

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
5,737 words
Oxford University Press

...that arose in liberation theology working groups deal again and again with the nearness of God and the kingdom of God. ‘Nearness’ is not understood in the sense of a linear chronology, as in the concept of the delay of the parousia. ‘The kingdom of God is at hand’ ( Mark 1: 15 and parallels) is a promise of the nearness of God that encourages and strengthens those who believe. ‘Nearness’ is a relational term and cannot be pressed into a time scheme. Naturally the eschatology of the New Testament contains elements of an apocalyptic myth which, as myth, has...

2 Peter

2 Peter   Reference library

Jeremy Duff and Jeremy Duff

The Oxford Bible Commentary

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
4,865 words
Oxford University Press

...with those who are, in Peter's view, stumbling. 2 Peter distinguishes between two different word groups when dealing with ‘knowledge’ (the distinction is not as clear elsewhere in the NT): one coming from the root gnos —general understanding ( 1:5, 6, 16, 20; 3:3, 18 ); and the other from epignos —knowledge of God gained in conversion ( 1:2, 3, 8; 2:20 ). The idea that knowledge is central to religion has extensive Jewish roots (e.g. Prov 2:5; Jer 31:34; Hos 4:1 ): it does not represent a later development in Christianity. ‘Participants in the divine nature’...

Minorities in a Democracy

Minorities in a Democracy   Reference library

Humayun Kabir

Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
7,430 words
Oxford University Press

... The greatest danger to national unity arises where a group seeks to combine all these rigid elements. Where a unit based on birth includes all the factors like religion, language, caste, and tribe and links them up with political, economic and cultural affiliations, such a group would seek to repel all other groups and have hardly any cross associations with them. On the other hand, when individuals belong to different groups for different purposes, and there are many cross currents which cut across group loyalties, we have a better balanced and healthier...


Colossians   Reference library

Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, OP and Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, OP

The Oxford Bible Commentary

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
10,129 words
Oxford University Press

...minister of the church ( 1:25 ), not in virtue of a human commission ( 1:1; cf. Gal 1:1 ), but in virtue of the stewardship entrusted to him by God in order to further the economy of salvation ( 1 Cor 4:1; 9:17 ). The ‘word of God’, which Paul preaches in word and deed, is now described as ‘the mystery’ ( 1:26; cf. Eph 3:1–9 ). Divinely ordained future events (for the background see Brown 1968 ), which for the false teachers were still a secret to be penetrated laboriously, in fact have already been made plain, not merely to a group of initiates, but to all...

Democracy and Shura

Democracy and Shura   Reference library

Sadek J. Sulaiman

Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
1,794 words
Oxford University Press

... 7. Freedom of action for individuals and groups, provided they do not infringe on the common good. From this derives the freedom to own property, the freedom to work, the freedom to pursue personal goals, and the freedom to form various associations and corporations. These elements are common to any bona fide democratic system. They are particularly well articulated in the American constitutional system...

Islam and the Malay Civilizational Identity: Tension and Harmony Between Ethnicity and Religiosity

Islam and the Malay Civilizational Identity: Tension and Harmony Between Ethnicity and Religiosity   Reference library

Bakar Osman

Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
3,678 words
Oxford University Press

...of Islam the religion fulfilling the very purpose of its existence, namely a civilizational synthesis out of diverse cultural elements guided by the principle of tawhid (unity). A Spiritual Anthropology: The Place and Role of Ethnic identity Certainly the Qur'an's spiritual anthropology is as much interested in the division of humans into spiritual types as in the division of the human species into racial and ethnic groups. In this discussion we are primarily interested in the later division but focusing on its civilizational significance. The Qur'an...

Filipino Family Names

Filipino Family Names   Reference library

Jesus Federico C. Hernandez

Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Names studies
3,379 words
Oxford University Press

...place of origin of a group of persons. Danao , mentioned above, is an example of a geographic feature that became part of the identity of an individual or a group. Another example that can be found in this dictionary is the surname Baguio , which may be a habitational name for a person who comes from the mountain city in the Benguet province of northern Philippines. The place was originally settled by the Ibaloy ethnolinguistic group and the etymology of the placename and the surname may have been the Ibaloy word bagiw ‘moss’. Elements in the environment...

We Must Think Before We Act; September 11 Was a Gift to the U.S. Administration

We Must Think Before We Act; September 11 Was a Gift to the U.S. Administration   Reference library

Muhammad Husain Fadlallah Sayyid

Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
5,608 words
Oxford University Press

...attempt in the history of Iran at this type of political life in which people exercise their rights, play their role and express their opinion, etc. Naturally there are negative elements, but the line is positive. Now in our Islamic reality the Islamists are seriously thinking of cooperating with Communists. Hizballah, for instance, despite all the question marks, meets with all groups, with Communists, with nationalists, with the Kata’ib and other Christians also. Perhaps a positive point is marked up here and a negative point there, but the sense of it all...

Additions to Daniel

Additions to Daniel   Reference library

George J. Brooke and George J. Brooke

The Oxford Bible Commentary

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
7,923 words
Oxford University Press

...referred to Antiochus Epiphanes (‘a sinful root’, 1 Macc 1:10; Hartman and Di Lella 1989 : 412b ). For this confession cf. Dan 9:5, Ezra 9:6, Neh 9:26 . vv. 10–22 , the chiastic intercession has six elements to it. These are arranged chiastically so that the poetry of the prayer has a balance which itself expresses the calm self-realization of the person praying it, whether Azariah in the fire or any other dispersion Jew. (The chiasmas is here indicated as follows: 1, 2, 3, 3′, 2′, 1′.) (1) God's servants and God's name (10–11). The first element in...


Amos   Reference library

Jennifer M. Dines and Jennifer M. Dines

The Oxford Bible Commentary

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
10,215 words
Oxford University Press

...(1) seems unlikely, given Amos's integration with the Twelve which must belong, finally, to the post-exilic period. Option (2) is plausible, though difficult to establish in detail (e.g. the same verses in 1:3–2:6 have been assigned to different editorial stages by different scholars). Option (3) plausibly emphasizes the creative role of post-exilic editors; but marked differences between individual prophetic books, and circumstantial details (e.g. the description of Amos as nōqēd in 1:1 ) perhaps point to the survival of ancient historical elements....

Universalism in Islam

Universalism in Islam   Reference library

Chandra Muzaffar

Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
4,421 words
Oxford University Press

...Muslim group in Malaysia has ever bothered to embark upon such a mission, though, at the level of social philosophy, there are many outstanding similarities between Islam and aspects of Chinese culture and Hindu thought. 23 The reason is, of course, obvious. It is because Islam is seen from a communal angle—not a universal perspective. Finally, one would have thought that those who seek to establish an Islamic state would first examine critically the ideas, beliefs and attitudes of the Muslim community itself, in order to discover if these are elements which...

Jewish Family Names

Jewish Family Names   Reference library

Alexander Beider

Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Names studies
7,422 words
Oxford University Press

...term, “ornamental”, is better. Indeed, in many names of that group one can distinguish an unmistakable flourish: the names are drawn from words that have positive associations. However, this is not always the case. In some names, the meaning is neutral, and the fact that derogatory names exist as well makes ornamental a questionable designation. The term “artificial” thus appears to be the most appropriate. Numerous artificial names are compounds, composed of two elements. The first of these elements generally comes from one of the following series: precious...
