conciliation Reference library
Australian Law Dictionary (3 ed.)
...conciliation A process of alternative dispute resolution , similar to mediation , in which parties with a dispute appoint a conciliator. The conciliator’s task is to reach a point of agreement by narrowing the scope of the differences between the parties and thus reaching a compromise position. The parties may be seen separately rather than together, as is usually the case in mediation. In mediation the goal is generally to reach a mutual understanding between parties; in conciliation the goal is to settle the dispute, whether or not the parties have any...
conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Human Resource Management (3 ed.)
...conciliation is a form of dispute resolution in which a third party, or conciliator, helps the parties find a mutually acceptable solution. In the UK, ACAS provides two kinds of conciliation. Collective conciliation seeks to resolve industrial disputes between employers and trade unions and may be triggered by a request from either side or by a joint approach. Individual conciliation occurs when an ACAS officer seeks a settlement between an employer and an employee who has made a complaint to an Employment Tribunal . Thousands of claims are received each...
conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Law (10 ed.)
... n. 1. (in civil disputes) an alternative dispute resolution method in which a neutral third party, known as the conciliator, proposes non-binding solutions for resolving the dispute. See Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration service . 2. A procedure of peaceful settlement of international disputes. The matter of dispute is referred to a standing or ad hoc commission of conciliation, appointed with the parties’ agreement, whose function is to elucidate the facts objectively and impartially and then to issue a report. The eventual report is...
conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Economics (5 ed.)
...conciliation Resolving disputes by producing an agreement acceptable to all parties. This function may be performed by the parties themselves, or by a neutral intermediary, such as the UK’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service . Conciliation may work by persuading some parties that their demands are impossible, or that the fears of other parties are reasonable. It often works by subdividing the points in dispute, so that compromise can be reached by each side giving way on issues which do not matter much to them in return for gains on points they...
conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering (2 ed.)
... A dispute resolution process where an independent party acts as an intermediary between two parties attempting to find an arrangement that will overcome a...
conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care (2 ed.)
... 1. A process in which an independent impartial person (the conciliator) facilitates a meeting between people in dispute to seek a resolution. The parties in dispute are responsible for deciding how to resolve the dispute, assisted by the conciliator. Conciliation agreements can be made into legally binding settlements if both parties agree. 2. The initial stage of complaints procedures is sometimes called ‘conciliation’. When the term is used in this context, the conciliator is not independent but represents the organization against which the...
conciliation Reference library
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (3 ed.)
... ‘The term “conciliation” has both a broad and a narrow meaning. In its more general sense, it covers the great variety of methods whereby a dispute is amicably settled with the aid of other states or of impartial bodies of inquiry or advisory committees. In the narrow sense, “conciliation” signifies the reference of a dispute to a commission or committee to make a report with proposals to the parties for settlement. Such proposals not being of a binding character.’: Shearer, Starke's International Law (11th ed.), 467. Conciliation is one of the...
conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Travel and Tourism
... See ABTA Conciliation Service (now...
conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Law Enforcement (2 ed.)
... A procedure of peaceful settlement of international disputes. The matter of dispute is referred to a standing or ad hoc commission of conciliation, appointed with the parties’ agreement, whose function is to elucidate the facts objectively and impartially and then to issue a report. The eventual report is expected to contain concrete proposals for a settlement, which, however, the parties are under no legal obligation to accept. Added impetus to this method of dispute resolution was given by the UN Draft Resolution on Conciliation of Disputes Between...
early conciliation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Human Resource Management (3 ed.)
...early conciliation The UK’s ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) has a statutory duty to offer early conciliation in the case of individual disputes between an employer and an employee. Early conciliation must be offered before the dispute is submitted to an Employment Tribunal for adjudication. While the parties to the dispute are not required to make use of early conciliation, it must be offered and in most cases the parties do make use of the service. The purpose of early conciliation is to try and resolve disputes quickly and cheaply,...
conciliation, international Reference library
The New Oxford Companion to Law
..., international Conciliation is a well‐established mode of third‐party international dispute settlement, combining elements of inquiry and mediation. It is listed in Article 33.1 of the UN Charter as one of the modes by which states who are parties to a dispute are bound to seek a solution. Conciliation may be entrusted to a single person or to a commission of two or more (usually three) persons. Essentially, conciliation involves the conciliator(s) making an impartial enquiry into the facts of the dispute and then making a report containing...
Conciliation and arbitration Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia
...the ‘minimum wage’—an enduring Australian icon of social justice, but not dependent on conciliation or arbitration. As Deakin said as Prime Minister in his second reading speech ( 22 March 1904 ), the object of the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 (Cth) was industrial peace; it was aimed just as much at ‘the tyranny of trade unions’ as ‘the tyranny of employers’. Thus, while the factors leading to the acceptance and implementation of the conciliation and arbitration power were complex, they involved a degree of consensus among divergent...
ABTA Conciliation Service Quick reference
A Dictionary of Travel and Tourism
...Conciliation Service This free service ended in spring 1991, however, ABTA still undertakes...
Conciliation and Arbitration Act Quick reference
Kenneth Morgan
Dictionary Plus Law
... and Arbitration Act A law passed by the Parliament of Australia in 1904 . It established the law of industrial relations through a Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration. The act was politically controversial at first but it has become an important continuing component of Australian industrial relations dealing with the prevention and settlement of industrial disputes and the enforcement of agreements between employers and employees. Kenneth...
Conciliation with America, On Reference library
The Oxford Companion to English Literature (7 ed.)
... with America, On By Edmund Burke , speech made in the House of Commons on 22 March 1775 , in a last effort to find a peaceful solution to the quarrel with the American colonies. Burke argues that force is inapplicable to the ‘fierce spirit of liberty’ prevailing in the English colonies. He shows that it would be impossible or inexpedient to change this spirit or to prosecute it as criminal and therefore proposes that Parliament must comply with it as necessary. American representation in Parliament is impracticable, but Burke resolves the taxation...
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service Quick reference
A Dictionary of Economics (5 ed.)
...Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service ( ACAS ) A UK quango providing facilities for conciliation, arbitration, and mediation in industrial disputes...
Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service Quick reference
A Dictionary of Law (10 ed.)
...ACAS employs conciliation officers who may assist parties in an application to an employment tribunal to reach a settlement before the hearing. The law on conciliation generally is contained in the Employment Tribunals Act 1996, Part I. Pre-claim conciliation was originally optional, but the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 introduced a further scheme, amending the Employment Tribunals Act 1996, so that anyone intending to make a claim to a tribunal must first contact ACAS about their claim—a process known as Early Conciliation. ACAS also...
Conciliation with the American Colonies, On Reference library
The Oxford Companion to American Literature (6 ed.)
... with the American Colonies, On , speech by Burke , delivered before the British Parliament ( March 1775 ). Intending to prevent the defection of the colonies, Burke submitted 13 resolutions affirming the principle of autonomy for them, based on four fundamental assumptions: happiness is the true end of government; political expediency is the means to that end; the criterion for judging the end is the wisdom of the past; and the end must be obtained through the medium of the British...