anabolic steroid Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
... steroid any of various synthetic steroids that stimulate protein production in vivo by mimicking the action of androgens . Drug design aims to minimize masculinizing effects when used in female...
anabolic steroid Quick reference
A Dictionary of Biology (8 ed.)
...anabolic steroid Any steroid compound that promotes tissue growth, especially of muscles. Naturally occurring anabolic steroids include the male sex hormones ( androgens ). Synthetic forms of these are used medically to help weight gain after debilitating diseases; their use by athletes to build up body muscles can cause liver damage and is banned by most athletic...
anabolic steroid Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
... steroid Any of a group of hormones that stimulate the growth of tissue. Synthetic versions are used in medicine to treat osteoporosis and some types of anaemia ; they may also be prescribed to aid weight gain in severely ill or elderly patients. These drugs are associated with a number of side effects, including acne, fluid retention, liver damage and masculinization in women. Some athletes have been known to abuse anabolic steroids in order to increase muscle...
anabolic steroid n. Quick reference
A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)
... steroid n. Any of several synthetic steroid hormones used clinically and by athletes to promote muscle tissue growth, with side-effects including mood ( 1 ) swings, hallucinations , paranoia , liver damage, and elevated blood pressure. They sometimes induce a sense of euphoria and exaggerated self-importance, but after repeated use this may give way to listlessness, irritability, and general dysphoria. Among the most common are nandrolone (injectable, slow-acting) , drostanalone (taken orally, fast-acting) , oxymethalone (taken orally) , and ...
Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
...condition. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are usually taken in tablet form or by intramuscular injection to improve muscle strength, power, and size. They encourage retention of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate, increase protein synthesis, and decrease amino acid breakdown, but their effects are dose dependent. They may also increase tolerance to hard training by improving tissue repair and by delaying fatigue. Doped athletes may also feel stronger, more aggressive, and more confident. Among teenagers and children, the use of anabolic steroids can adversely...
Neurobiology of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse Reference library
Ruth I. Wood and Kathryn G. Wallin-Miller
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Systems
...of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse: The Scope of the Problem The abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) is strongly associated with elite athletes, who use AAS for their anabolic (muscle-building) properties to improve athletic performance. According to the American College of Sports Medicine ( 2006 ) , “The gains in muscular strength achieved through steroid use . . . improve performance and seem to increase aerobic power.” As a result, AAS have been banned from Olympic competition since 1976 and account...
anabolic steroid
anabolic steroids Quick reference
Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise (2 ed.) young as fifteen or less) take anabolic steroids in an attempt to develop well-defined upper body muscles to impress their friends. Young women also take the drug as a short-cut to firm, well-toned bodies low in fat. Users of anabolic steroids may also feel stronger, more aggressive, and more confident. Many law enforcers are seriously concerned that increased aggression associated with steroids (known as ‘roid rage’) is leading more young people to commit violent crimes. If children and teenagers take anabolic steroids regularly, the drugs can adversely...
anabolic steroids Quick reference
A Dictionary of Forensic Science
... steroids A class of synthetic steroids related to the male sex hormone testosterone . These compounds have androgenic properties that promote the development of secondary male characteristics such as increased muscle mass, improved muscle tone, and deepening of the voice. Dangers of anabolic steroid misuse include kidney and liver damage, liver cancer, masculinization, and infertility in women, impotence in men, and unpredictable emotional effects including mood swings and extreme aggression. Some of these effects are irreversible....
anabolic steroids Quick reference
A Dictionary of Chemistry (8 ed.)
... steroids Steroid hormones related to the male sex hormone testosterone. They promote the development of masculine characteristics and increase muscle growth. Anabolic steroids have been used medically for various conditions but are also used illegally by sportsmen and women and by bodybuilders. They have a number of deleterious side effects and are a controlled drug in the UK and many other countries. Their use is banned by nearly all major sports regulating bodies. They can be detected in blood and urine by gas chromatography-mass...
anabolic steroids Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sports Studies
... steroids A group of synthetic steroid hormones used by competitive athletes to aid performance. Anabolic steroids have a range of medical uses including treatment of patients with hormone deficiencies, muscle-wasting diseases, old age, and osteoporosis. Their broad effect is similar to that of testosterone , the male sex hormone. Anabolic steroids cause an increase in muscle mass and strength along with masculinizing characteristics. The increased aggression (‘road rage’), competitiveness, fatigue resistance, and faster rate of recovery associated with...
anabolic steroids Quick reference
A Dictionary of Public Health (2 ed.)
...anabolic steroids Synthetic steroid hormones that have some masculinizing effects, building muscle mass, enhancing body strength and athletic performance. They are popular with competitive athletes and bodybuilders, but their use is prohibited in many competitive sports because of the unfair advantage they confer on users and the associated risks to health. If used by adolescents, they may cause premature closure of epiphyses and stunted growth. In adults, they may cause testicular atrophy, baldness, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden...
Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Anabolic steroids Reference library
Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase & Fable (2 ed.)
... steroids . The drugs so designated, available from the 1960s, have an anabolic (protein-building) effect similar to testosterone and other male sex hormones. They are used in medicine to build tissue, promote muscle recovery following injury and help strengthen bones, but they have been widely abused by athletes, sports players and others wishing to improve their strength and stamina, a controversial practice that has serious risks to...