abgestossen Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Music
...abgestossen (Ger., ‘separated’). An 18th-century violin *staccato...
Taube, Otto, Freiherr von (1879–1973) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to German Literature (3 ed.)
... and of R. A. Schröder . In his first phase an aesthete, he expressed in his later work strong Protestant convictions. Taube's many volumes of verse include Verse ( 1907 ), Gedichte und Szenen ( 1908 ), Neue Gedichte ( 1911 ), Wanderlieder ( 1937 ), Vom Ufer, da wir abgestoßen ( 1947 ), Lob der Schöpfung ( 1954 ), Selig sind die Friedbereiter ( 1956 ), and Goldene Tage ( 1959 ). His fiction embraced novels ( Der verborgene Herbst , 1913 ; Die Löwenpranke , 1921 ; Das Opferfest , 1926 ; Die Metzgerpost , 1936 ; Der Minotaurus , 1959 )...
Bow Reference library
Werner Bachmann, Werner Bachmann, Robert E. Seletsky, David D. Boyden, Jaak Liivoja-Lorius, David D. Boyden, Peter Walls, and Peter Cooke
The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (2 ed.)
...of notes by rests in much 17th- and early 18th-century music is designed to achieve a staccato effect (as in the vivace opening of Corelli’s Opus 6 no.8, which is contrasted a few bars later with a grave marked ‘Arcate sostenuto e come stà’). Leopold Mozart uses the term abgestossen when explaining the significance of little strokes written above or below the notes. The terms absetzen (used by Quantz), aufheben (Löhlein and Reichardt), and erheben (Leopold Mozart) imply a lifted off-the-string stroke. A variety of slurred staccato bowings formed part...