Tadoma method n. Quick reference
A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)
... method n . A technique devised in 1910 by the US educator Sophia Kindrick Alcorn ( 1883–1967 ) to enable a person who is both blind and deaf to receive and interpret speech by placing a thumb lightly in contact with the speaker’s lips and the fingers of the same hand on the speaker’s jaw and neck, thereby detecting by touch the pattern of airflow from the speaker’s mouth and nose, the articulatory movements, and the vibrations from the vocal tract, permitting a well-practised user of the system to achieve a modest comprehension of slow speech. ...
Tadoma method
deafness n. Quick reference
A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)
... See also amblyacusia , anacusia , asonia , ceruminous deafness , cochlear implant , conversion symptom , cortical deafness , decibel , hypacusia , otitis , otosclerosis , ototoxic , paracusia , postencephalitic syndrome , presbyacusis , Stenger test , Tadoma method , teletactor , vestibulitis , word deafness . Compare diplacusis , dysacusia , hyperacusis . deaf adj...
blindness n. Quick reference
A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)
... cortical blindness , facial vision , glaucoma , hemeralopia , hemianopia , homonymous hemianopia , inattentional blindness , nyctalopia , object blindness , optacon , optohapt , retinitis pigmentosa , scotoma , spatial neglect , stereoblindness , strabismus , Tadoma method , Tay–Sachs disease , thermoform , visual search . blind adj . [From Old English blind and Old Norse blindr sightless, cognate with Old Norse blunda to close one's...