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Shia Reference library
Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)
... US frequency (2010): 277 Chinese: variant Romanization of the surname 夏 , see Xia...
Shia Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
... ( Shiah, Shiites ) Referring to the ‘party’, or supporters, of *Ali and his bid for the caliphate in the fractious political climate in *Mecca and *Medina following *Muhammad ’s death in 632 . Shia became a popular, non-pejorative term for those Muslims who rejected the first three *caliphs ( *Abu Bakr , Umar, Uthman) and accepted the divine, pre-eternal nature of Ali and his descendants. Colin Paul Mitchell H. Halm , Shia Islam: From Religion to Revolution ...
Shīʿa Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
... (Arab., ‘party’). Those Muslims who believe that ʿAlī was the legitimate successor ( khalīfa ) to Muḥammad and that ʿAlī, al-Ḥasan , and al-Ḥusain were cheated of their right to succeed and fell (as martyrs ) victims to tyranny. Close to the Sunni majority in most respects, their most important differences are: the Shīʿa community's suffering is consecrated by the suffering (regarded as martyrdom) of the founding Imāms ; the office of Imām is bestowed by God on a chosen person from Muḥammad's family; these Imāms are a spiritually perfect élite...
Shia Reference library
Christopher Anzalone
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
... . The Shia coalesced as a distinct movement in the centuries following the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 and in opposition to the majority of the Muslim community, the Sunnis, over the nature of his succession. Unlike the Sunnis, the Shia believed that political and religious authority should be handed down through a predetermined line of infallible leaders (imams) through the bloodline of Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin ῾Ali (῾Ali ibn Abi Talib) and his wife, Fatima, the Prophet's daughter. Internal divisions within the Shia community over the...
Shi’a Reference library
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable (19 ed.)
... (Arabic Šī‘a , ‘sect of Ali’) One of the two major branches of Islam (the other being the sunnis ). It rejects the first three caliphs and derives its authority from the fourth, Ali, mohammed ’s cousin and son-in-law. It is followed mainly in Iran, southern Iraq and parts of western Afghanistan. Shi’ite A Shi’a muslim...
Shi‘a Reference library
Ryan Lynch
The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity
...early Islamic history were proclaimed as such, many of the Shi‘a subscribe to the belief that the Mahdi has appeared and since entered occultation ( ghayba )—although sects disagree over his identity before becoming hidden. The earliest point of division between the Sunnis and the Shi‘a came over succession following Muhammad’s death: the Shi‘a believe Muhammad designated ‘Ali as his heir and successor; the Sunnis recognized no such designation, favouring instead acclamation of Abu Bakr . The Shi‘a took diverse approaches to power and in matters of...
Southeast Asia, Shia in Reference library
Christoph Marcinkowski
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection
... Southeast Asia, Shia in Introduction. The vast majority of the Muslims in Southeast Asia today are Sunnis, most of them adhering to the Shāfiʿī legal school. The spread of Islam in the region occurred predominantly by way of the southern and western Indian trade emporia, that is to say, by sea. Muslims had certainly visited Southeast Asia from the seventh century...
Shia Quick reference
New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary (2 ed.)
... • Achaea , aliyah, Almería, Apia, Bahía, Caesarea, Cassiopeia, Chaldea, Cytherea, Euboea, foreseer, freer, galleria, gynaecea, Iphigenia, Kampuchea, kea, keyer, Latakia, Leah, Lucia, Nicaea, Nicosia, onomatopoeia, Oriya, osteria, Pangaea, Pantelleria, pharmacopoeia, pizzeria, ria, rupiah, sangría, seer, sharia, Shia, skier, spiraea ( US spirea), Tanzania, taqueria, Tarpeia, Thea, trachea, trattoria, urea • ...
Shia Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (2 ed.)
... one of the two main branches of Islam, followed especially in Iran, that rejects the first three Sunni caliphs and regards Ali, the fourth caliph, as Muhammad 's first true successor. Adherents are known as Shiites . The name comes from Arabic šī῾a ‘party of...
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Ashari Muslim Communities Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Islam
...World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Ashari Muslim Communities Established as a nonprofit organization in 1976 in London to serve the Khoja Shii communities around the world. Operating under a constitution, it is run by elected officeholders and the executive council. It derives its policies from a conference held every three years. The secretariat is at the Islamic Centre in Stanmore, England. With twenty-four member communities, four regional federations in Africa, Europe, North America, and India, and a total memberhsip of over a hundred thousand, it is...
Sunnī and Shia Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies Reference library
Marcia C. Inhorn and Soraya Tremayne
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection
... Shia Islam and ARTs These Sunnī Islamic positions on ART have held powerful sway since the 1980s, meaning that third-party reproductive assistance (including surrogacy) is not practiced in most Muslim-majority countries. However, since the late 1980s Shia Muslim jurists have diverged in their thinking on this subject ( Tremayne and Akhondi, 2016 ). Because Shia jurisprudence places a high priority ...
Religious Traditions in Politics: Islam, Sunni, and Shi’a Reference library
Halil Ibrahim Yenigun
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion
...Traditions in Politics: Islam, Sunni, and Shi’a Introduction Several formations and articulations between religion and politics pose points of parallels and contrasts across different religions. As for Islam, strong convictions on its particularities and its almost unidirectional determinative power over the politics of Muslim-majority societies have engendered certain truisms. To begin with, “din,” the common translation of religion in Arabic, is not a private affair limited to spiritual matters as in other religions but encompasses all spheres of life...
Organization of North American Shia Ithna-Ashari Muslim Communities (NASIMCO) Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Islam
...Organization of North American Shia Ithna-Ashari Muslim Communities (NASIMCO) Established in 1986 and comprises primarily the Twelver Khoja Muslim communities in Canada and the United States. The majority of the membership is immigrants who arrived from East Africa since the 1960s. The total membership ( 2002 ) includes eleven communities with some five thousand members. The mission statement includes promotion of the religious, educational, social, and economic uplift of the Shii...