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Printer of Rufinus

(fl. 1478–9) First printer in Oxford. The Expositio in Symbolum Apostolorum by Tyrannius Rufinus Aquileiensis has the colophon dated Oxford, 17 December 1468, but since two other small ...

Rufinus, Printer of

Rufinus, Printer of   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to the Book

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Social sciences
114 words

..., Printer of ( fl . 1478–9 ) First printer in Oxford. The Expositio in Symbolum Apostolorum by Tyrannius Rufinus Aquileiensis has the *colophon dated Oxford, 17 December 1468 , but since two other small books, dated ‘ 1479 ’ were printed in Oxford in the same type, a date in 1478 is generally assumed. Bishop James Goldwell may have commissioned the Expositio from the anonymous printer. The type originated from Cologne, but has no connection with the Cologne types of the second Oxford printer, *Rood . Lotte Hellinga BMC 11 A. C. de la Mare ...

Printer of Rufinus

Printer of Rufinus  

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Overview Page
(fl. 1478–9) First printer in Oxford. The Expositio in Symbolum Apostolorum by Tyrannius Rufinus Aquileiensis has the colophon dated Oxford, 17 December 1468, but since two other small books, dated ...

Patristics   Reference library

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, modern history (1700 to 1945), Religion
3,358 words

...a revival of Arianism. Patristic materials were therefore published to serve more as polemical weapons than as works of reference or history. Among the leading Protestant patristic scholars of the period are the Bern reformer Wolfgang Musculus , the Schwenckfeldian Johannes Lange, the physician Janus Cornarus , and, in Calvinist circles, the Estiennes, Théodore de Bèze, and Simon Goulart . In Protestant and Roman Catholic circles alike, much of the work of propagating the early Christian writings was accomplished by learned printers or printers' correctors....

Documentary Sources and Methods for Precolonial African History

Documentary Sources and Methods for Precolonial African History   Reference library

Christina Mobley

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Historiography: Methods and Sources

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Regional and National History, Archaeology
30,112 words

...called for a mission to Aksum, and was named the first bishop of the Upper Nile region. The earliest documentary source is the Church History of Rufinus, c . 400 ce , which the author claimed was based on the testimony of Aedesius of Tyre. Rufinus’s narrative is repeated in the later Ge’ez liturgical text of the Synaxarium of the Ethiopian Church. Additionally, a letter dated c . 353 ce refers to Frumentius as the Bishop of Aksum. Seland, “Early Christianity in East Africa and Red Sea/Indian Ocean Commerce,” 639; and Steven Kaplan, “Dominance and...
