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room temperature

Ambient temperature, often used for reactions that can be carried out on the bench without devices to maintain constant temperature. Normally within several degrees of 20 °C.

room temperature

room temperature   Reference library

Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Science and technology, Life Sciences
29 words

... temperature ambient temperature, often used for reactions that can be carried out on the bench without devices to maintain constant temperature. Normally within several degrees of 20...

room temperature

room temperature n   Quick reference

Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: English-Italian (4 ed.)

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Bilingual Dictionary
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Bilingual dictionaries
6 words
room temperature

room temperature n   Reference library

Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: English-Irish

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Bilingual Dictionary
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Bilingual dictionaries
7 words
room temperature

room temperature noun   Quick reference

New Oxford American Dictionary (3 ed.)

Reference type:
English Dictionary
Current Version:
English Dictionaries and Thesauri
24 words
room temperature

room temperature noun   Quick reference

Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed.)

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English Dictionary
Current Version:
English Dictionaries and Thesauri
43 words
room temperature

room temperature noun   Reference library

The Canadian Oxford Dictionary (2 ed.)

Reference type:
English Dictionary
Current Version:
English Dictionaries and Thesauri
25 words
room temperature

room temperature  

Ambient temperature, often used for reactions that can be carried out on the bench without devices to maintain constant temperature. Normally within several degrees of 20 °C.
room temperature IQ

room temperature IQ  

A derogatory term used to describe the intellectual capabilities of a user with little intelligence. The temperature is, of course, expressed in centigrade.
discontinuous servo

discontinuous servo  

A closed-loop control system in which the control actions of the effector are not continuously related to the state of the system being controlled. A simple home thermostat controlling room ...
thermoremanent magnetization

thermoremanent magnetization  

(TRM)As heated ferromagnetic materials cool through their Curie temperature down to room temperature or below, the remanent magnetization they acquire.
hot room

hot room  

1 a room (or laboratory) maintained at a constant, higher‐than‐ambient temperature.2 an informal term for a room (or laboratory) that is specially equipped to deal with high levels of ...
fluxional molecule

fluxional molecule  

A molecule that undergoes alternate very rapid rearrangements of its atoms and thus only has a specific structure for a very short period of time. For example, the molecule ClF3 has a T-shape at low ...
Königsberger ratio

Königsberger ratio  

Originally the ratio (Q) of the intensity of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of an igneous rock to the intensity of magnetization induced at room temperature in a magnetic field the same as that ...
fats, superglycerinated

fats, superglycerinated  

Reference type:
Overview Page
Neutral fats are triacylglycerols, with three molecules of fatty acid esterified to each molecule of glycerol. Mono‐ and diacylglycerols (sometimes called mono‐ and diglycerides) are known as ...
permanent gas

permanent gas  

A gas, such as oxygen or nitrogen, that was formerly thought to be impossible to liquefy. A permanent gas is now regarded as one that cannot be liquefied by pressure alone at normal temperatures ...
impression compound

impression compound  

A material composed of fatty acids, shellac, glycerine, and filler used as a primary impression material. When heated in a water bath at about 65°C (149°F) it becomes plastic and can be moulded in an ...
cold welding

cold welding  

The property of welding two materials together under high pressure or vacuum without the addition of heat. It is exhibited when two pieces of uncontaminated gold foil are malleted together at room ...


Reference type:
Overview Page
Red wines brought to room temperature (15–18 °C, 59–65 °F) before serving.
viscous remanent magnetism

viscous remanent magnetism  

(VRM)The magnetization acquired, at room temperature, by a sample lying for a period of time in a constant magnetic field. Usually it is exponentially dependent on the duration of the field. Most ...
