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Subject: Philosophy

The philosophically orientated approach to natural history that flourished in Germany at the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries. Its exponents include Herder, Goethe, ...


Naturphilosophie   Reference library

Michael Ruse

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (2 ed.)

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182 words

... . Generally associated with the philosopher Schelling , Naturphilosophie was a widely supported although much derided general view of nature , popular in Romantic German circles at the beginning of the last century. Owing much to Kantian idealism , with a generous dash of Platonism , the Naturphilosoph saw the whole of reality underpinned by certain basic archetypes, which have ever more perfect manifestations as one moves up the chain of being. Significant in such areas as the newly developing theory of electricity, Naturphilosophie ...


naturphilosophie   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science

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Science and technology, History of Science
809 words

... . Naturphilosophie was a school of thought characterized by a speculative, idealistic, and holistic approach to the study of nature that had its origins in Germany at the end of the eighteenth century. Since many of its proponents were also associated with Romanticism, Naturphilosophie is often referred to as Romantic science. In much the same way that Romantics reacted against rationalism, adherents of Naturphilosophie reacted against the traditions they saw as deriving from Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton : the idea that the world was...


Naturphilosophie   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Philosophy (3 ed.)

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140 words

... The philosophically orientated approach to natural history that flourished in Germany at the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries. Its exponents include Herder , Goethe , Schelling , Hegel , and anatomists such as Lorenz Oken ( 1779–1851 ). The approach absorbed from Kant (and as a forerunner, Aristotle ) the idea of a progress and teleology in the development of species and animals, but paid less attention to Kant’s attempts to curb the pretensions of human reason. The result was a mixture of botanical and...


Naturphilosophie noun   Reference library

The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Foreign Terms in English

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Language reference
47 words

... noun E19 German (from Natur nature + Philosophie philosophy). The theory put forward, especially by Schelling ( 1775–1854 ) and other German philosophers, that there is an eternal and unchanging law of nature, proceeding from the absolute, from which all laws governing natural phenomena and forces...



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The philosophically orientated approach to natural history that flourished in Germany at the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries. Its exponents include Herder, Goethe, Schelling, ...
Natural Philosophy (Science)

Natural Philosophy (Science)   Reference library

An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age

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History, modern history (1700 to 1945), Literature
5,186 words
Oxford University Press

...towards atheism; and secondly, that Priestley's alternative of active matter was a form of pantheism. Thus after about 1800 Coleridge sought a natural philosophy that escaped the atomistic and mechanical conceptions of the natural world. This search took him into German Naturphilosophie and its conception of nature as organic and dynamic, with the laws of nature being expressions of Divine ideas. It is important to note the sciences to which Coleridge turned in his search for a new philosophy of nature. In 1818 , in his journal The Friend , he remarked...

national culture and styles

national culture and styles  

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“Style” originated as a term in literature. Art historians, notably Heinrich Wölfflin, appropriated it for their own use, and in art the term is firmly lodged. Cultural anthropologists also borrowed ...
historiography of science

historiography of science  

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Is the history of the treatment of science as a subject of historical investigation. Historiography in the narrow sense means the history of historical writing; more broadly conceived, it also ...
history of science

history of science  

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According to the theory of preformation, the seeds or eggs of all subsequent generations were contained, one within the other, in the original ancestors of all living organisms, and these ...


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The study of electricity and magnetism has alternated between theories that represented the two as manifestations of a single effect and the view that they were separate phenomena, with general ...


[L. Galvani (1737–98), Italian physicist and physician] n. The production of an electric current when two dissimilar metals, such as amalgam and gold, are brought into contact with each other, ...


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Adherence to Hermetic teachings.
Ernst Bloch

Ernst Bloch  

(1885–1977)GermanMarxist philosopher, social critic and utopianist. Bloch was born in the industrial town of Ludwigshafen. His father was an assimilated Jew of modest means who worked as an official ...
Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire  

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(1772–1844) French biologistThe youngest of fourteen children in a poor family from Etampes in France, Geoffroy was supported by the local clergy, who recognized his precocious intelligence. He took ...


See anatomy and physiology; animals (various entries); anthropology; astronomy; body; botany; climate; constellations; earthquakes; ecology; embryology; famine; geography; gynaecology; landscapes; ...
Eschenmayer, Adolph Karl August

Eschenmayer, Adolph Karl August (1768–1852)   Reference library

The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers

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641 words

...human self-consciousness constituted the highest level of the process. This and other essays, such as Spontaneität = Weltseele oder das höchste Prinzip der Naturphilosophie ( 1801 ), in which Eschenmayer modifies his concept of natural philosophy, under the influence of Fichte , led to a controversy with Schelling , who criticized Eschenmeyer in his article Ueber den wahren Begriff der Naturphilosophie ( 1801 ). Eschenmeyer answered in his work Die Philosophie in ihrem Übergang zur Nichtphilosophie ( 1803 ). Eschenmayer dedicated his later works...

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854)   Quick reference

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3 ed.)

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169 words

...Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von ( 1775–1854 ), German philosopher . In his early years he acknowledged only one reality, the infinite and absolute Ego, of which the universe was the expression. This abstract pantheism was soon modified in favour of his conception of ‘Naturphilosophie’, according to which nature was an absolute being which works unconsciously, though purposively. The problem of the relation of nature to spirit then gave rise to his ‘Identitätsphilosophie’: both nature and spirit are but manifestations of one and the same being, absolute...

Cuvier, Georges

Cuvier, Georges (1769–1832)   Reference library

The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French

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150 words

...in the history of biology, whose empirical discoveries, classificatory schemes, and powerful opinions placed him in the forefront of scientific debate during the first three decades of the new century. Educated in Stuttgart ( 1784–8 ), and greatly influenced by the new Naturphilosophie , Cuvier developed an encompassing view of animal life, present and past. As a comparative anatomist, he put forward the principle of ‘correlation of parts’, by which the structure and function of individual bodily parts could be related to those of the body as a whole, and...

Bloch, Ernst

Bloch, Ernst   Reference library

Michael Ruse

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (2 ed.)

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139 words

...is an ongoing ‘mediation’ between object and subject. This somewhat baffling claim should be read in the light of the fact that, although his reputation in the West was as a leading Marxist philosopher, in respects Bloch's debts were to the deeper and more ancient roots of Naturphilosophie . Apparently, the basic stuff of existence ( Urgrund ) has a kind of teleological drive towards the end of the life process ( Endziel ). Causally, this is all driven by a fundamental cosmic force—‘hunger’—which Bloch saw as translatable into ‘hope’ in our own species....

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854)   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to English Literature (7 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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183 words

...of philosophy at Jena in 1798 where he associated with such important figures in German Romanticism as Novalis , Ludwig Tieck ( 1773–1853 ), and the Schlegel brothers. Initially a disciple of Fichte 's idealism, his ideas soon developed independently. His Naturphilosophie conceives nature as a single organism and as visible spirit, just as spirit is invisible nature. Schelling's early works include Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur ( 1797 : Ideas towards a Philosophy of Nature ), System des transcendentalen Idealismus ( 1800 : ...
