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Motor Insurers' Bureau

Subject: Law

A body set up by the insurance industry, by agreement with the Department of Transport. It provides cover if someone has been injured or killed in a motor accident and in respect of a ...

The Economics of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity

The Economics of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity   Reference library

Nathan Tefft

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health Economics

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Economics
9,564 words

...an important input in producing good health. Medical care expenditures related to obesity could be substantial, so economists work to account for costs that are specifically attributable to obesity ( Finkelstein & Yang, 2011 ). For example, it is important that governments and insurers understand obesity-attributable costs, for example, by conducting economic evaluations, in order to weigh the benefits and costs of obesity-reduction policies. The literature is mixed regarding the extent to which obesity among children and adolescents affects their medical care...
