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Martin Heidegger

Subject: Philosophy

(1889–1976) German existential philosopher, author of Sein und Zeit (1927). Born a Catholic, the son of a sexton in Baden-Wurttemberg, Heidegger originally intended to ...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

Keith Taylor

A Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations (4 ed.)

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Social sciences, Politics
206 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) German philosopher whose social and political ideas have been controversial because of his support for Hitler and National Socialism in the early 1930s. Heidegger’s existentialist and anti‐rationalist approach to exploring the nature of human existence (‘Being’) led him to question the Enlightenment project of building an ever more progressive world rooted in science, industry, and technology. Heidegger rejected all notions of universal, objective rationality made manifest in mankind’s increasing mastery and control of...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Reference library

The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature

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Religion, Social sciences
1,553 words

...University Press. 1998. Heidegger, Martin . The Question Concerning Technology . William Lovitt , tr. New York: Harper & Row, 1977. Heidegger, Martin . Poetry, Language, Thought . Albert Hofstadter , tr. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. Heidegger, Martin . Being and Time . John Maquarrie and Edward Robinson , trs. New York: Harper & Row, 1962. Safranski, Rüdiger . Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil . Ewald Osers , tr. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. Schalow, Frank . “ Who Speaks for the Animals? Heidegger and the Question of Animal...

         Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin  

Dictionary of the Social Sciences

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..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) A German philosopher who developed a comprehensive critique of Western metaphysics and later of the role of technology as a determinant of how humans understand their existence (in Heidegger's terms, the relationship to Being ). Initially, his work drew heavily on the phenomenological tradition of Edmund Husserl —especially in Being and Time ( 1927 ), Heidegger's best-known work—but he gradually turned toward a more direct engagement with the metaphysical tradition and with cultural issues. Heidegger has had a major influence...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (4 ed.)

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254 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) German philosopher . Heidegger was primarily concerned with the question of being; in his formulation, he dealt with the question ‘what is “is”?’ Heidegger used the word Dasein to refer to specifically human modes of being; Dasein is, for him, self‐conscious and involves not only Being but also the very Question of Being. In his most famous work Sein und Zeit ( 1927 : Being and Time , 1962 ), he studies Dasein in relation to time, asking how Being deals with its temporality, including the fear of being ‘thrown into...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Reference library

George Pattison

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4 ed.)

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740 words

... S. Mulhall , Heidegger and Being and Time (London, 1996). G. Pattison , The Later Heidegger (London, 2000). O. Pöggeler , Der Denkweg Martin Heideggers (1963; Eng. tr., Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1987). W. J. Richardson SJ, Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought (The Hague, 1963). J. M. Robinson and J. B. Cobb , Jun. (eds), The Later Heidegger and Theology (Westport, Conn., 1963). R. Safranski , Ein Meister aus Deutschland: Heidegger und seine Zeit (Munich, 1994; Eng. tr. as Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil , Cambridge,...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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Social sciences, Sociology
54 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) A German existentialist philosopher, who adopted Edmund Husserl's phenomenological method , in order to investigate the nature of human existence. His most significant work is Being and Time (1926) , which was an important influence on postmodernism , and a source for Anthony Giddens's ideas about time and...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to English Literature (7 ed.)

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328 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) German philosopher , educated at Freiburg Jesuit Seminary and Freiburg University. Heidegger was primarily concerned with the question of being; in his formulation, he dealt with the question ‘what is “is”?’ Heidegger used the word Dasein to refer to specifically human modes of being; Dasein is, for him, self‐conscious and involves not only Being but also the very Question of Being. In his most famous work Sein und Zeit ( 1927 : Being and Time , 1962 ), he studies Dasein in relation to time, asking how Being deals...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature (2 ed.)

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373 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) , German existential philosopher, controversial for his Nazi involvement. He was born in the town of Messkirch, Germany, to a family of modest means. When the local priest took notice of his intellect and taught him Latin, Heidegger was able to gain admission to a grammar school in Konstanz, thus beginning his academic trajectory. He studied at Freiburg University where he initially studied theology but moved on to philosophy (under the guidance of Edmund Husserl) once he realized that his frail health would not allow for a...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin   Reference library

Encyclopedia of Aesthetics

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Art & Architecture, Philosophy
14,545 words

...in Poetry, Language, Thought (New York, 1971), pp. 187–210. Heidegger, Martin Nietzsche . 2 vols. Pfullingen, 1961. See especially the first part of vol. 1, translated by David Farrell Krell as Nietzsche : The Will to Power as Art (New York, 1979). Heidegger, Martin Beiträge zur Philosophie: Vom Ereignis . In Gesamtausgabe, vol. 65, edited by Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann . Frankfurt am Main, 1989. Heidegger, Martin Der Spiegel Interview with Martin Heidegger. In Martin Heidegger and National Socialism: Questions and Answers , edited by Günther...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Critical Theory (2 ed.)

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...latter case, as is his seemingly callous equation of modernity with gas chambers. Further Reading: R. Bernasconi Heidegger in Question: The Art of Existing (1993). M. de Beistegui Heidegger and the Political: Dystopias (1998). C. Fynsk Heidegger: Thought and Historicity (1986). M. Inwood Heidegger: A Very Short Introduction (2000). H. Ott Martin Heidegger: A Political Life (1994). M. Wrathall How to Read Heidegger ...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3 ed.)

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123 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ), German philosopher . He was a professor at Freiburg from 1929 to 1951 . In an obscure language, consciously opposed to the intellectual vocabulary of the scientific Greek tradition, Heidegger elaborated an existential analytic of the human person. Thus Sein und Zeit ( 1927 ; Eng. tr., Being and Time , 1962 ) uncovers the temporal being of persons in order to focus on Being in its unity and totality. The personal existence ( Dasein : literally ‘there-ness’) of human beings is a unique transcendent possibility, which is...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Philosophy (3 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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506 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) German existentialist and social critic . Heidegger was probably the most divisive philosopher of the 20th century, being an acknowledged leader and central figure to many (‘continental’) philosophers, and either a convenient example of meaningless metaphysics, or else an apologist for Nazism , or both, to other (‘analytical’) thinkers. Heidegger was born in Baden, and educated at Freiburg in the phenomenological tradition of Husserl . He became Privatdozent at Freiburg in 1915 , professor at Marburg in 1923 , and...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

Who's Who in the Twentieth Century

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291 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) German existential philosopher, author of Sein und Zeit ( 1927 ). Born a Catholic, the son of a sexton in Baden-Wurttemberg, Heidegger originally intended to become a Jesuit priest. He was educated at the University of Freiburg, where he studied under Husserl . After several years of teaching at the University of Marburg, Heidegger returned to Freiburg in 1928 as professor of philosophy. In 1945 he was sacked from his post by the Allied rulers of Germany for his support of the Nazis. He was also refused permission to teach...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin   Reference library

Taylor Carman, Ingvild Torsen, Karsten Harries, Robert Bernasconi, Jacques Taminiaux, Annabel Manning, and Kathleen Wright

Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (2 ed.)

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Art & Architecture, Philosophy
18,700 words

..., Martin . This entry comprises five essays on Heidegger’s philosophy and its significance for contemporary art theory and aesthetics: Survey of Thought“The Origin of the Work of Art” and Its Legacy Heidegger’s Confrontation with Aesthetics Heidegger’s Displacement of the Concept of Art Philosophical Heritage in Heidegger’s Concept of Art Heidegger and Hölderlin The first essay is an overview of Heidegger’s philosophy, both his early “fundamental ontology” (a metaphysical distinction between “Being” and “beings”—with humans among the latter) and his...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Quick reference

World Encyclopedia

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67 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) German philosopher . A founder of existentialism and a major influence on modern philosophy, his most important work was Being and Time ( 1927 ). Influenced by phenomenology and Christian ontology , his central concern was how human self-awareness depends on the concepts of time and death. For him, Western science and philosophy led to nihilism . His later work focused more on the role of...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to German Literature (3 ed.)

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373 words

..., Martin (Meßkirch, Baden, 1889–1976 , Freiburg), a philosopher, whose esoteric terminology makes his thought virtually inaccessible to the layman, became a lecturer (Privatdozent) at Freiburg University in 1915 , and was appointed professor of philosophy at Marburg in 1923 , and at Freiburg in 1928 . In 1933 , under the National Socialist regime, he was appointed Rector in place of a dismissed colleague. In 1945 he himself was dismissed, but was later reinstated in the chair at Freiburg University. Heidegger, who was influenced by Kierkegaard ...

Heidegger,                 Martin

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)   Reference library

S. J. McGrath

The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine

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3,287 words

... J. van Buren , ‘Martin Heidegger. Martin Luther’, in T. Kisiel and J. van Buren (eds), Reading Heidegger from the Start. Essays in his Earliest Thought (Albany, NY 1994) 159–74. J. D. Caputo , ‘Heidegger and Theology’, in C. B. Guignon (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger (Cambridge 1993) 270–88. ——, ‘Heidegger, Martin’, in A. D. Fitzgerald Augustine through...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin   Reference library

Paul S. MacDonald

The Oxford Companion to the Mind (2 ed.)

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Science and technology, Psychology, Philosophy
426 words

..., Martin ( 1889–1976 ) German philosopher , lecturer at Freiburg University ( 1917–23 ), professor at Marburg University ( 1923–8 ), professor at Freiburg University ( 1928–45 , emeritus from 1952 ). After reading Husserl 's Logical Investigations ( 1900 ), Heidegger decided to pursue phenomenology as the best avenue towards his own radical reconception of human being. He cultivated Husserl's mentorship and was made his assistant at Freiburg where he read many of his teacher's unpublished texts; some of these influenced his thinking in his...

Heidegger, Martin

Heidegger, Martin   Reference library

M. J. Inwood

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (2 ed.)

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4,492 words

...C. Guignon (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger (Cambridge, 1993). M. Inwood , A Heidegger Dictionary (Oxford, 1999). S. Mulhall , Heidegger and Being and Time (London, 1993). H. Philippse , Heidegger's Philosophy of Being: A Critical Interpretation (Princeton, NJ, 1998). R. Polt , Heidegger: An Introduction (London, 1999). R. Safranski , Heidegger: Between Good and Evil (Cambridge, Mass., 1998). R. Schmitt , Martin Heidegger on Being Human (New York,...

Martin Heidegger

Martin Heidegger (1889–1976)   Reference library

Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations

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43 words

...Martin Heidegger 1889 – 1976 German philosopher We are too late for the gods and too Early for the being. Being's a poem, Just begun, is man. Poetry, Language, Thought (1971), trans. Albert Hofstadter, 4 too late for the gods being 's a...
