Maastricht Treaty Reference library
Australian Law Dictionary (3 ed.)
...Maastricht Treaty The treaty that created the European Union in 1993. The Maastricht Treaty also has provisions relating to human rights , the principle of subsidiarity and citizenship of the European Union. Its official title is the Treaty on European Union. It is the treaty that renamed the European Economic Community as the European...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
A Dictionary of Law (10 ed.)
... Treaty The Treaty on European Union, which was signed at Maastricht (in the Netherlands) in February 1992 and came into force on 1 November 1993 . The Treaty amended the founding treaties of the three European Communities by establishing a European Union based on these Communities. It required the defining and eventual implementation of a common foreign and security policy ( CFSP ), cooperation in justice and home affairs, and—under certain conditions—the introduction of a single currency ( see European Monetary Union ). It also introduced...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
A Dictionary of Law Enforcement (2 ed.)
... Treaty The Treaty on European Union, which was signed at Maastricht (in the Netherlands) in February 1992 and came into force on 1 November 1993 . The Treaty amended the founding treaties of the three European Communities (EEC, ECSC, and Euratom) by establishing a European Union based on these Communities. It required the defining and eventual implementation of a common foreign and security policy, cooperation in justice and home affairs, and—under certain conditions—the introduction of a single currency. It also introduced the principle of ...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
A Dictionary of Economics (5 ed.)
...Maastricht Treaty A treaty concluded in 1993 between members of the European Community . This changed its name to the European Union, and set out a programme for progress towards a European Monetary Union (EMU) and the creation of a European Central Bank . The treaty included convergence criteria , including a 3 per cent limit to budget deficits and a 60 per cent limit to debt–gross domestic product ratio for members to be eligible to join the EMU. The treaty also included a Social Chapter , containing various employment protection...
Maastricht Treaty (1992) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
... Treaty (February 7, 1992 ) Agreement on European Union ( EU ) signed by the leaders of 12 European nations at Maastricht , se Netherlands. The treaty included a timetable for the introduction of a single currency (the euro ); a Common Foreign and Security Policy ( CFSP ), with the Western European Union ( WEU ) as a possible defence arm of the EU; a common European citizenship for nationals of all member states, and the extension of European cooperation in justice and home affairs. The treaty introduced the principle of subsidiarity,...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
A Dictionary of Human Geography
... Treaty A treaty signed by twelve European Community member countries in February 1992 , and coming into effect in November 1993 ; it created the European Union and laid the blueprint for economic and monetary union. The treaty added two new pillars to the European Community: the Common Foreign and Security Policy, and Justice and Home Affairs. It provided the people of the twelve member countries with European citizenship and the right to move, live, and vote in local and European elections in other member countries. Importantly, it set out the...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
A Dictionary of World History (3 ed.)
... Treaty A treaty signed by the 12 member states of the European Union , agreed in February 1992 , which came into effect on 1 November 1993 . The treaty—officially known as the ‘Treaty on European Union’—envisages political union, with the concept of ‘union citizenship’; eventual monetary union under a European Central Bank; common policies on foreign affairs and security, with the Western European Union becoming the military arm of the Community; greater cooperation on domestic and environmental matters; some strengthening of the European...
Maastricht Treaty Reference library
George Ross
The Oxford Companion to International Relations
... Treaty The Maastricht Treaty (officially, the Treaty on European Union) changed the official name of integrating Europe from the European Communities (EC) to the European Union (EU) and brought substantial changes both to the founding Treaties of Rome (1957) and the Single European Act (SEA, 1986). Maastricht's major policy innovation was to begin the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It also brought commitments to a new Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and to common Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) policies, and it greatly enhanced the...
Maastricht Treaty Reference library
George Ross
The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics
... Treaty The Maastricht Treaty (officially, the Treaty on European Union) changed the official name of integrating Europe from the European Communities (EC) to the European Union (EU) and brought substantial changes both to the founding Treaties of Rome ( 1957 ) and the Single European Act (SEA, 1986 ). Maastricht's major policy innovation was to begin the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It also brought commitments to a new Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and to common Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) policies, and it greatly enhanced the...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
A Dictionary of Business and Management (6 ed.)
... Treaty Legislation, signed in 1992 , creating the European Union (EU) from the existing 12 member countries of the European Community (EC). In the main financial provisions of the treaty, the states agreed to a process of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), with the creation of a single European currency as its ultimate goal. Monetary union was designed to be achieved in three stages, starting with participation in the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). The second stage created the European Monetary Institute (EMI) to set qualifying conditions for...
Maastricht Treaty Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (2 ed.)
... Treaty . The Maastricht Treaty (officially the Treaty on European Union; so called after the small Dutch town where final talks were held in 1991 ) brought substantial changes to the Treaties of Rome ( 1957 ) and the Single European Act (SEA, 1986 ), in particular so as to facilitate the beginning of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) . It also brought commitment to a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), common justice and home affairs policies, and enhanced powers for the European Parliament. Finally, it changed the official name of “Europe”...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
A Dictionary of Finance and Banking (6 ed.)
... Treaty Legislation, signed in 1992 , creating the European Union ( EU ) from the existing 12 member countries of the European Economic Community (EC). In the main financial provisions of the treaty, the states agreed to a process of European Monetary Union ( EMU ; see european economic and monetary union ), with the creation of a single European currency (the euro ) as its ultimate goal. The Treaty, named after the Dutch town in which it was agreed and signed, came into force in 1993 . European Monetary Union was designed to be achieved...
Maastricht, Treaty of Quick reference
A Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations (4 ed.)
..., Treaty of The Maastricht agreement (signed 7 February 1992 ) was an important amendment to the Treaty of Rome and associated treaties of the European Communities. Building on the 1986 Single European Act ( SEA ), the Maastricht agreement accelerated and enhanced the institutions and processes of European integration. Upon implementation ( November 1993 ) the European Community was replaced by the European Union, the process leading to economic and monetary union was outlined, and a Common Foreign and Security Policy was developed. It became...
Maastricht, treaty of Quick reference
A Dictionary of British History (3 ed.)
..., treaty of Popular name for the treaty on European Union, signed on 7 February 1992 at Maastricht in the Netherlands by the twelve EEC members. The treaty amended the treaty of Rome and Single European Act, increasing the competence of the European Union (EEC), and giving the European Council (meetings of heads of government) greater powers in the fields of defence and immigration. John Major , the British prime minister, obtained opt‐outs for the social chapter and single currency and claimed the negotiations as a...
Maastricht, treaty of Reference library
Christopher N. Lanigan
The Oxford Companion to British History (2 ed.)
..., treaty of . Popular name for the treaty on European Union, signed on 7 February 1992 at Maastricht in the Netherlands by the twelve EEC members. The treaty amended the treaty of Rome and Single European Act , making institutional changes, increasing the competence of the European Union (EEC), and giving the European Council (meetings of heads of government) greater powers in the fields of defence and immigration. John Major , the British prime minister, obtained opt-outs for the social chapter and single currency and claimed the negotiations as a...
Maastricht, Treaty of (1992) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (6 ed.)
...and streamline them to reflect the Community's growing importance. Maastricht also failed to prepare the EU for its next great challenge, the integration of the applicant states of central, eastern, and southern Europe. To respond to these problems, the treaty provided for a further intergovernmental conference to be held, to prepare for the Treaty of Amsterdam . Official Introduction to the Maastricht ...
The Maastricht Treaty: Creating the European Union Reference library
Finn Laursen and Sophie Vanhoonacker
The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics
...Maastricht Treaty: Creating the European Union The Treaty of Maastricht created the European Union (EU) by a reform of the founding Treaties of Paris and Rome, which had created the three European Communities in the 1950s, and it added foreign policy and justice and home affairs cooperation. This makes it one of the most important treaties in the history of European integration. Even if the latest major treaty reform, the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 , made important changes, much of what was in the Maastricht Treaty remains valid in the post–Lisbon Treaty EU. This...
Maastricht Treaty Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (2 ed.)
... Treaty a treaty on European economic and monetary union, agreed by the heads of government of the twelve member states of the European Community at a summit meeting in Maastricht in December 1991 . Ratification was completed in October 1993...
Maastricht Treaty Reference library
Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase & Fable (2 ed.)
... Treaty . The agreement reached between the heads of government of the (then) 12 members of the European Community ( see European Union ) at Maastricht in the Netherlands in 1991 . It was designed to prepare the way for economic, monetary and political union within the EC, and contained a protocol regarding social and employment policy in member states. Ratification of the treaty was hampered by various factors, one being Britain's reluctance to accept certain directives set out in the Social chapter . The treaty was regarded by some as a threat to...