Little Red Riding Hood
Undoubtedly one of the best known and most popular of all tales in the world, “Little Red Riding Hood” tells of a young girl who goes through the woods to ...
Little Red Riding Hood Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Children's Literature
... Tomi Ungerer 's “Little Red Riding Hood” even marries the wolf. Rewrites of the famous tale share an ironic tone that challenges the authority of traditions and the conventions of the genre. The healthy changes predicted by Jack Zipes in his two seminal editions of The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood are happening now, and the little girl is not done surprising us. Little Red Riding Hood . Little Red Riding Hood encounters the wolf in sheep's clothing; illustration by Walter Crane from Little Red Riding Hood (London: Routledge,...
‘Little Red Riding Hood’ Reference library
Jack Zipes
The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales (2 ed.) the world, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ will most likely undergo interesting changes in the future, and the girl and her story will certainly never be eliminated by the wolf. ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ The curious wolf seeks to know where Little Red Riding Hood is going in Gustave Doré ’s famous illustration to Charles Perrault ’s tale, published in Les Contes de Perrault (1867). Jack Zipes Beckett, Sandra , Red Riding Hood for All Ages: A Fairy-Tale Icon in Cross Cultural Contexts (2008). Dundes, Alan (ed.), Little Red Riding Hood: A Casebook ...
Little Red Riding-Hood Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature (2 ed.)
...Little Red Riding-Hood A story first recorded by Perrault in his Contes de ma mère l’Oye ( 1697 ) as Le Petit Chaperon rouge . In Perrault’s narrative, a pretty village girl, who bears her nickname on account of the red chaperon (hood) that she wears, is sent by her mother to take food to her sick grandmother, who lives in another village. As she is going through a wood, Little Red Riding-Hood meets a wolf who asks where she is going; when she tells him, the wolf runs ahead and eats up Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. Pretending to be the old lady, the...
‘Little Red Riding Hood’ Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales
...tales in the world, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ will most likely undergo interesting changes in the future, and the girl and her story will certainly never be eliminated by the wolf. JZ Jack Zipes Beckett, Sandra , Red Riding Hood for All Ages: A Fairy-Tale Icon in Cross Cultural Contexts (2008). Dundes, Alan (ed.), Little Red Riding Hood: A Casebook (1989). Jones, Steven Swann , ‘ On Analyzing Fairy Tales: “Little Red Riding Hood” Revisited ’, Western Folklore , 46 (1987). Mieder, Wolfgang , ‘ Survival Forms of “Little Red Riding Hood” in Modern Society ’,...
Little Red Riding Hood
15 Children’s Books Reference library
Andrea Immel
The Oxford Companion to the Book minimal text. The folded strip can also advance the narrative, as in Aliquis’s The Flight of the Old Woman Who Was Tossed Up in a Basket ( 1844 ). *Shaped books are those where the text block is die-cut in the shape of the figure on the cover, such as Lydia Very’s Little Red Riding Hood ( 1863 ). To create changing pictures, flap-transformation and split-leaf books have leaves that are divided vertically into graduated pages, as in John Goodall’s Paddy Pork series, or horizontally into multiple sections as in Walter Trier’s 8192 Crazy People ( c...
English, Scottish, and Anglo-Irish Family Names Reference library
Peter McClure and Patrick Hanks
Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)
... would be thus be synonymous with cheeseman ‘cheese maker’. However, all the name tells us is that the man was associated with cheese; he may have been so nicknamed because he liked it as a food, or made it, or both. The point comes into sharper focus with names like blade , hood , lace , and mantel , where there is a high probability that they were nicknames given to men who wore or used those items in a distinctive fashion, whether or not in some cases they also made or sold them. Migration from England and Scotland to North America The colonial...