Las Navas de Tolosa
A decisive battle won over the Almohades in July 1212 south of Calatrava by the armies of kings Alfonso VIII of Castile, Sancho VII of Navarre and Peter II of ...
Navas de Tolosa, Las Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
... de Tolosa, Las A decisive battle won over the Almohades in July 1212 south of Calatrava by the armies of kings Alfonso VIII of Castile , Sancho VII of Navarre and Peter II of Aragon , reinforced by contingents from the military orders, urban militias and numerous Portuguese, Leónese and Galician knights. This crushing victory of the “Spaniards” united and mobilized in a crusade decided on by Innocent III made a great stir throughout the West. It marked a decisive turning point in the Reconquest by permanently breaking the Muslim offensive...
Las Navas de Tolosa, Battle of Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology
... Navas de Tolosa, Battle of The battle of Las Navas de Tolosa ( 1212 ) constituted the great turning point in the conflict of Christian and Muslim states in the Hispanic reconquest. Prior to this date, the Christians had lost every major battle when they took the field against an Islamic caliphal army. After Las Navas, the Muslims would never win a battle of this scale again in Iberia. The battle also pitted the full power of an expansive crusading Iberia against a puritanical Almohad empire holding southern Spain and North Africa, a conflict in which both...
Las Navas de Tolosa
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
Las Huelgas
Peter II of Aragon
Jiménez de Rada, Rodrigo
Order of Calatrava
Alfonso VIII of Castile
Alfonso VIII (1155–1214) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...VIII ( the Noble Alfonso VIII ) ( 1155–1214 ) King of Castile ( 1158–1214 ), son of Sancho III . He took personal control of his kingdom in 1166 . In 1212 Alfonso forged a coalition with the Christian kings and won an important victory against the Almohads at Las Navas de Tolosa. He married Eleanor , daughter of Henry I of...
Navas de Tolosa, battle of Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
...(Las Navas) near Tolosa on 16 July 1212 . After a hard-fought struggle, a cavalry charge by the Christian kings broke the resistance of the Muslim army, which suffered severe losses, and the caliph fled. The city of Úbeda was captured a week later. Whether precipitating Almohad decline or indicative of it, Las Navas heralded the great Christian conquests of the 13th century and the final collapse of Muslim power in the peninsula. See also castile . Damian J. Smith F. García Fitz , Las Navas de Tolosa (2005). A. Huici Miranda , Las grandes batallas de la...