Kidd v. Pearson Quick reference
The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions (2 ed.)
... v. Pearson , 128 U.S. 1 ( 1888 ), argued 4 Apr. 1888 , decided 22 Oct. 1888 by vote of 8 to 0; Lamar for the Court, Woods deceased. An Iowa statute prohibited the manufacture of liquor for shipment outside the state. The measure was challenged as an unconstitutional regulation of interstate commerce by a state. The Supreme Court held that the statute did not interfere with federal commerce power and that it was a simple police power regulation, well within a state's authority. At least when liquor, a putatively noxious product, was the subject, Kidd ...
Kidd v. Pearson Reference library
Loren P. Beth
The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States (2 ed.)
... v. Pearson , 128 U.S. 1 ( 1888 ), argued 4 Apr. 1888 , decided 22 Oct. 1888 by vote of 8 to 0; Lamar for the Court, Woods deceased. An Iowa statute prohibited the manufacture of liquor for shipment outside the state. The measure was challenged as an unconstitutional regulation of interstate commerce by a state. ( See Commerce Power .) The Supreme Court held that the statute did not interfere with federal commerce power and that it was a simple police power regulation, well within a state's authority. At least when liquor, a putatively noxious...
Kidd v. Pearson
Commerce Power Reference library
The Oxford Guide to the United States Government
...made in the years since Gibbons v. Ogden. Through these decisions the Court has further defined Congress's power to regulate commerce in accordance with the commerce clause. Development of the Commerce Power • Kidd v. Pearson ( 1888 ) Manufacturing of goods, such as liquor, is not commerce. Congress cannot regulate such manufacturing as interstate commerce. • Champion v. Ames ( 1903 ) Congress may use its power to regulate commerce to outlaw the interstate sale and shipment of lottery tickets. • McCray v. United States ( 1904 ) Congress...
history and historians Reference library
Carl Berger
The Oxford Companion to Canadian History
...Grant ), and social policy ( James Struthers ). Historians in general were sensitized to the importance of ethnicity, class, and gender in historical experience even when they wrote histories of higher education ( A. B. McKillop , Paul Axelrod ) or the history of sport ( Bruce Kidd , Colin Howell ), or religion and church going ( Lynne Marks ). Though the sub-departments of social history were often discussed in splendid isolation, some excellent books—for example, Robert A. J. McDonald , Making Vancouver , 1863–1913 ( 1996 )—escaped categorization...
Speculative Fiction and Queer Theory Reference library
Wendy Gay Pearson
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication
...Pearson, W. G. (1999). Alien cryptographies: The view from queer. Science Fiction Studies , 26 (1), 1–22. Pearson, W. G. (2002). Science fiction as pharmacy: Plato, Derrida, Ryman. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction , 86 , 66–75. Pearson, W. G. (2002). Sexuality and the hermaphrodite in science fiction, or, the revenge of Herculine Barbin. In Hollinger, V. & Gordon, J. (Eds.), Edging into the future: Science fiction and contemporary cultural transformation (pp. 108–123). University of Pennsylvania Press. Pearson, W. G. ...
Suicide and Public Policy Reference library
Janelle Stanley and Sarah Strole
Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work
...Lancaster University. Goldney, R. D. , Schioldann, J. A. , & Dunn, K. I. (2008). Suicide research before Durkheim . Health and History , 10 ( 2 ) , 73–93. Gordon, J. A. , Avenevoli, S. , & Pearson, J. L. (2020). Suicide prevention research priorities in health care . JAMA Psychiatry , 77 (9), 885–886. Haas, A. P. , Eliason, M. , Mays, V. M. , Mathy, R. M. , Cochran, S. D. , D’Augelli, A. R. , Silverman, M. M. , Fisher, P. W. , Hughes, T. , Rosario, M. , Russell, S. T. , Malley, E. , Reed, J. , Litts, D. A. , Haller, E. , ...
Heterogeneity in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Reference library
Ciaran N. Kohli-Lynch and Andrew H. Briggs
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health Economics
...illness ( Goldberg et al., 1989 ; Kidd, Siegel, Dehdashti, & Grigsby, 2007 ; Patil, Krishnan, Lechtzin, & Diette, 2003 ). If I N M B can be reliably calculated at the individual or subgroup level, the decision to initiate treatment in the wider population can be segregated into a set of mutually exclusive decisions. Dependent on λ , it is possible to establish “limited use criteria” that avoid treating patients with I N M B less than zero ( Coyle, Buxton, & O’Brien, 2003 ). Likewise, if T r e a t m e n t V a l u e can be calculated at individual...
Mixed Methods Research in Adult Development and Aging Reference library
Joseph E. Gaugler, Colleen M. Peterson, Lauren L. Mitchell, Jessica Finlay, and Eric Jutkowitz
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology and Aging
...that exist in adult development and aging. Many qualitative methods are geared toward fostering community engagement, and some have direct roots in social justice work aimed at identifying and meeting the needs of a marginalized community (e.g., Participatory Action Research; Kidd & Kral, 2005 ). Engaging participants in direct, personal communication through use of qualitative components can build rapport and relationships with the community studied and also help guide subsequent quantitative research design, data collection, and analysis more...
Psychology and Race in Racialized Societies Reference library
Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor and Michael R. Winston
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology
...Race and gender as psychological variables: Social and ethical issues. Scarr, S. 2005 Intelligence, race, and genetics. Sternberg, R. J., Grigorenko, E. L., & Kidd, K. K. 2005 Genes, race, and psychology in the genome era: An introduction. Anderson, N. B., & Nickerson, K. J. 2005 Race and ethnicity in the genome era: The complexity of the constructs. Bonham, V. L., Warshauer-Baker, E., & Collins, F. S. 2005 The meaning of race in psychology and how to change it: A methodological perspective. Helms, J. E., Jernigan, M., &...
The Nature of Subtractive Processes in Morphology Reference library
Kazutaka Kurisu
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology
...intuitively absurd phenomena like artificial vowel harmony discussed by Hayes et al. ( 2009 ) although many linguists may be reluctant to accept this (see Bermúdez-Otero, 2012 , p. 15 for related discussion). In connection with vowel harmony, Mintz, Walker, Welday, and Kidd ( 2018 ) demonstrate that vowel harmony is exploited for detecting word boundaries by infants with no past exposure to it. This is an astonishing finding. What is at stake here is that linguists’ intuition is too unreliable to determine what is computable to us. The consideration...
Piracy and Maritime Security in Africa Reference library
Jatin Dua
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Politics
...Atlantic . London, UK: Beacon Press/Verso. Risso, P. (2001). Cross-cultural perceptions of piracy: Maritime violence in the Western Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf region during a long eighteenth century. Journal of World History , 12 (2), 293–319. Ritchie, R. (1989). Captain Kidd and the war against the pirates . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Roble, A. , & Routledge, D. (2008). The Somali diaspora: A journey away . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Rubin, A. P. (2006). The law of piracy . Honolulu, HI: University Press of the...
AWARDS Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Children's Literature
...2000 Jackie French, Hitler’s Daughter 2001 Diana Kidd, Two Hands Together 2002 John Heffernan, My Dog , illustrated by Andrew McLean 2003 Catherine Bateson, Rain May and Captain Daniel 2004 Carole Wilkinson, Dragonkeeper 2005 Sonya Hartnett, The Silver Donkey Eve Pownall Award for Information Books: 1993 Gracie Greene and Joe Tramacci, Tjarany Roughtail: The Dreaming of the Roughtail Lizard and Other Stories Told by the Kukatja, illustrated by Lucille Gill 1994 Patricia Mullins, V Is for Vanishing: An Alphabet of Endangered Species 1995 ...
Attributing Inferred Causes and Explanations to Behavior Reference library
Gordon B. Moskowitz, Irmak Olcaysoy Okten, and Alexandra Sackett
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Social Psychology
...Dissonance and the pill: An attribution approach to studying the arousal properties of dissonance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 29 , 703–709. Zillmann, D. (1978). Attribution and misattribution of excitatory reactions. In J. H. Harvey , W. Ickes , & R. F. Kidd (Eds.), New directions in attribution research: Vol. 2 (pp. 335–373). Erlbaum. Note 1. The precise way in which the triggering of a category facilitates trait inference is a topic of ongoing research. For example, it can be explained using Ratcliff and McKoon’s ( 1988 ) retrieval...
United States of America Reference library
David L. Weis, Patricia Barthalow Koch, Diane Baker, Sandy Bargainnier, Sarah C. Conklin, Martha Cornog, Richard Cross, Marilyn Fithian, Jeannie Forrest, Andrew D. Forsythe, Robert T. Francoeur, Barbara Garris, Patricia Goodson, William E. Hartmann, Robert O. Hawkins, Linda L. Hendrixson, Barrie J. Highby, Ariadne (Ari) Kane, Sharon E. King, Robert Morgan Lawrence, Brenda Love, Charlene L. Muehlenhard, Raymond J. Noonan, Miguel A. Pérez, Timothy Perper, Helda L. Pinzón-Pérez, Carol Queen, Herbert P. Samuels, Julian Slowinski, William Stackhouse, William R. Stayton, Mitchell S. Tepper, Raymond J. Noonan, Robert T. Francoeur, Mark O. Bigler, Walter Bockting, Peggy Clarke, Sarah C. Conklin, Al Cooper, Martha Cornog, Susan Dudley, Warren Farrell, James R. Fleckenstein, Robert T. Francoeur, Patricia Goodson, Erica Goodstone, Karen Allyn Gordon, Eric Griffin-Shelley, Robert W. Hatfield, Loraine Hutchins, Michael Hyde, Ariadne (Ari) Kane, Patricia Barthalow Koch, John Money, Charlene L. Muehlenhard, Raymond J. Noonan, Miguel A. Pérez, Helda L. Pinzón-Pérez, William Prendergast, Ruth Rubenstein, Herbert P. Samuels, William Taverner, David L. Weis, C. Christine Wheeler, and Walter L. Williams
Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality
... American Journal of Public Health , 9:988–989. Bullough, V. L. 1994. Science in the bedroom: A history of sex research . New York: Basic Books. Bullough, V. L. 2002. Masturbation: A historical overview . Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality , 14(2/3):17–34. Bullough, V. L. , & B. Bullough . 1987. Women and prostitution: A social history . Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Press. Bullough, V. L. , & B. Bullough . 1992. Annotated bibliography of prostitution, 1970–1992 . New York: Garland. Bullough, V. L. , & B. Bullough . 1993. Cross-dressing, sex, and...
Bibliography, Selected Reference library
Green's Dictionary of Slang Nine (London 1837) Pearce, Donn Cool Hand Luke (New York 1965) Pearl, Anita Dictionary of Popular Slang (New York 1980) Pearsall, Ronald The Worm in the Bud: the World of Victorian Sexuality (London 1969) Pearson, Elizabeth Ware Letters from Port Royal (Boston 1862) Pearson, William H Coal Flat (London 1963) Pearson's Magazine (London 1896–1939) Peattie, Roderick The Sierra Nevada (New York 1947) Peck, George Wilbur Peck's Bad Boy Abroad (London 1905) —— Peck's Bad Boy and his Pa (London 1883) [London 1887/1893] —— Peck's Boss...