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Human Needs Reference library
Encyclopedia of Social Work (20 ed.) practice (Gil, 1978 ). Culturally informed social work practice was seen as essential to meeting basic human needs (Applewhite, 1998 ; Schiele, 1997 ). Joseph contended that human needs provide a key framework for community organizing practice, which may include efforts to restructure our society in order to distribute resources in a just and equitable basis in order to meet human needs (Joseph, 1986b ). Conway stressed the importance of people's spiritual needs as a focus for practice (Conway, 2005 ). Briar called for a more integrative response to...
Iosif Volotsky (1439/1440–1515) Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
...and *hesychasm . Iosif also inspired the contested second wave of repression of *‘Judaizers’ , resulting in several executions in 1504–5 . Placing his *monastery under Vasilii III ’s protection in 1507 , Iosif fell foul of his local prince (it is not clear which caused which) and then his suffragan archbishop. Iosif spent his last years defending himself from attacks by *Nil Sorskii ’s politically-minded devotee Vassian Patrikeev. Iosif’s innovative Book Against the Novgorod Heretics ( Enlightener ) and Spiritual Testament ( Rule ), each...
Iosif Quick reference
A Dictionary of First Names (2 ed.)
... ♂ (Russian) Biblical. See Joseph . Also: Osip...
Joseph Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names of Ireland
... Frequency 1911: 176 Main location (1847–64): Galway (1911): Antrim, Cork, Galway, Dublin, Down, Donegal English: relationship name from the biblical given name Joseph , Hebrew Yosef , understood as ‘may He add (another son)’. Early bearers: William Joseph, 1796 in Flaxgrowers List (Templemore, Donegal); Thomas Joseph, 1823 in Tithe Applotment (Kilnahown, Clontuskert, Galway); Francis Joseph, 1824 in Tithe Applotment (Mackney, Kilcloony, Galway); Julia Joseph, 1853 in Griffith’s Valuation (Cloghadoolarty North, Fedamore, Limerick); Mary...
Joseph Reference library
Concise Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain
... 1881: 2413; Glamorgan; Middx. English, Jewish (Ashkenazic), Huguenot: relationship name from the Biblical given name Joseph , Hebrew Yosef , understood as ‘may He add (another son)’. See also Jessop...
Joseph Reference library
Benezit Dictionary of Asian Artists
... real name: Hope, Miss Indian , 20th century, female. Active in England. Born in Ajmeet. Painter . Joseph's work was shown at the Salon des Indépendants from 1905 ...
JOSEPH Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (2 ed.)
...attempted to seduce Joseph. Having been rebuffed, she charged Joseph with attempted rape, and Joseph was imprisoned. In prison, Joseph again found favor and was placed in charge of all the prisoners. Among these were two of Pharaoh’s officials, his chief butler and his chief baker. Joseph’s correct interpretation of their respective dreams led to an invitation to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams, which, Joseph revealed, concerned a future period of seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. Joseph advised Pharaoh how to provide for the lean...
Joseph (2) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Chaucer
... (2) , the husband of Mary ( Marie ) and the foster father of Christ. Although there is some early evidence of a liturgical cult, the full-scale devotion to St Joseph developed after Chaucer's time. He is once mentioned in The Parson's Tale (X.286), simply as ‘Joseph...
Joseph Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Music (6 ed.)
... 1. Oratorio by Handel ( Joseph and His Brethren ) perf London 1744 , New Orleans 1812 . 2. 3‐act opera by Méhul , to lib. by Duval . Prod. Paris 1807 , Philadelphia 1828 , London (concert) 1841 , CG (rev. Weingartner) 1914 . 3. Oratorio by Macfarren , 1877 Leeds...
Joseph Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Music
...Joseph . 1 ( Joseph and his Brethren ). Oratorio ( 1744 ) by Handel to a biblical text by J. Miller . 2 Opera ( drame mêlé de chants ) in three acts by Méhul to a libretto by Alexandre Duval after Genesis 37–46 (Paris, 1807...
Joseph Quick reference
A Concise Companion to the Jewish Religion
...with him. Pharaoh has a disturbing dream which no one can interpret until Joseph is brought from prison for the purpose. According to Joseph's interpretation, there will be seven years of plenty in Egypt followed by seven lean years. Pharaoh, impressed by Joseph's interpretation, appoints him vice-regent to prepare the country for the ordeal of the seven lean years and Joseph rises to a position of great power. Joseph's brothers come to buy corn in Egypt where they are brought into Joseph's presence without recognizing that he is their long-lost brother. On a...
Joseph Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
... . The favourite son of the patriarch Jacob , borne by his wife Rachel. His story is told in Genesis...
Joseph Reference library
Johannes Irmscher and Anthony Cutler
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
... , husband of the Virgin Mary . In New Testament apocrypha, such as the Protoevangelion of James , Joseph plays a limited number of marginal roles. The church fathers mention him occasionally in the context of his marriage, which they praised. The story of Joseph the Carpenter is told in a Coptic devotional text of probably the end of the 4th C.; the original Greek version is lost (S. Morenz, Die Geschichte von Joseph dem Zimmermann [Berlin 1951 ]). A feast of Joseph was unknown in the Greek church, but he was commemorated on the Sunday after...
Joseph Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls
... [See Joseph, Apocryphon of .] Only the Aramaic Apocryphon of Joseph has some resemblance to the Testament of Joseph, which focuses on and embellishes two aspects of the Joseph narrative—Joseph's resisting the seduction of the wife of Pentephris (Potiphar) and his selfless dealing with his brothers. The Apocryphon of Joseph a , a copy of the same text as the Apocryphon of Joseph b (lines 5–13), is written in a middle Hasmonean script and dated earlier than the Apocryphon of Joseph b . The Apocryphon of Joseph b consists of three major fragments and...
Joseph Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
... Joseph , called the Patriarch to avoid confusing him with Joseph of Nazareth , was the son of Jacob and Rachel . The numerous episodes of his life (Gen 37-50) were interpreted as prefiguring the life of the Messiah. Isolated representations of Joseph were rare, though he sometimes had a place on cathedral portals alongside the prophets . The cycle of Joseph's story was popularized from the 5th c. and could provide matter for numerous episodes, like the 22 bas-reliefs on the foundation of the façade of Auxerre cathedral. But scenes from the story...
Joseph Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
... (father of Jesus) Briefly mentioned in the canonical gospels. Joseph ’s character is amplified in the Apocrypha and medieval literature, where he is represented as an elderly man who fears cuckolding, and as an anxious guardian of the Virgin *Mary and Child. Sarah James ‘ The Protevangelium of James ’ in The Apocryphal New Testament , ed. J. K. Elliott ...
Joseph Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology
... The biblical Book of Genesis tells how Isaac , the son of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham , married Rebecca and how one of their sons, Jacob (renamed Israel by Yahweh ), fell in love with Rachel, a woman related to his family in Mesopotamia . Jacob was tricked into marrying Rachel's older sister Leah, who then produced several children. Later, Jacob married Rachel, who, though apparently barren, conceived and gave birth to Joseph. This miraculous conception marks Joseph for the reader as a special person, a hero . Joseph's brothers were jealous...
Joseph (1) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Chaucer
... (1) , the son of Israel in the Old Testament (Gen. 37–50). Because of the enmity of his brothers he fled to Egypt. He was a prophet, and earned the favour of Pharoah by interpreting his dreams. There are a few references to him in Chaucer . God gave his blessing to Pharaoh by the service of Joseph (X.443). He is also quoted in The Parson's Tale as an example of the kind of ‘trouthe’ or fidelity rarely found nowadays (X.880): the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife (Gen. 39:8–9) is used to illustrate a passage on the breaking of faith. Joseph is also...
Joseph Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
... is the personal name of the biblical patriarch and it is also the designation for an ethnic enclave in the central hill country of Palestine (“the House of Joseph”). The etymology of the name is uncertain, although it may have been formulated during the Bronze Age. The Patriarch Joseph is known solely by the novella comprising chapters thirty-seven through fifty of the Book of Genesis (and in later intertestamental literature). In this story, Joseph, a younger son of Jacob who was sold into slavery in Egypt, rose to high office owing to his prediction...
Joseph Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Bible (2 ed.)
...times. 2. The husband of * Mary the mother of Jesus and a descendant of * David (Matt. 1: 20) who like the preceding Joseph also had dreams and in the gospel is commended (1: 19) for his refusal to divorce his betrothed Mary when she was found to be pregnant. Joseph disappears from the gospel narratives apart from a sneering reference in John 6: 42—‘Is not this Jesus, the Son of Joseph?’ 3. Joseph of * Arimathaea . 4. Joseph * Barsabbas...