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John Henry Newman

Subject: Literature

(1801–90) British theologian. He was a leading figure in the Oxford Movement, a group of people who in the 1830s attempted to reform the Church of England by restoring the ...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Quick reference

World Encyclopedia

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56 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ) English theologian and cardinal . As leader of the Oxford Movement ( 1833–45 ), Newman had a powerful effect on the Church of England, only equalled by the shock of his conversion to Roman Catholicism ( 1845 ). A great literary stylist, he is remembered especially for his autobiography, Apologia pro vita sua ( 1864...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Philosophy (3 ed.)

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142 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ) English theologian . Together with John Keble and Edward Pusey , Newman was one of the founders of the Oxford movement or Tractarian movement within the Church of England in 1833 . This high-church movement foundered with Newman’s own conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1845 . Philosophically Newman is remembered for his idea of conviction arrived at rationally, but in an informal way, conditional upon pre-existent immersion in a subject matter and its associated practices. The idea is elaborated in terms of an ‘illative...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

Oxford Reader's Companion to George Eliot

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Literature, Literary studies (19th century)
160 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ), Christian apologist , prime initiator and supporter of the Oxford movement who defected to *Roman Catholicism in 1845 . George Eliot was initially drawn towards his brother Francis William Newman ( 1805–97 ), whose *Unitarianism , embracing piety and rationalism, she found sympathetic. She was very enthusiastic about John Henry 's Apologia pro Vita Sua ( 1864 ), welcoming his castigation of Charles *Kingsley 's ‘mixture of arrogance, coarse impertinence and unscrupulousness with real intellectual incompetence’ and...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

Oxford Reader's Companion to Trollope

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Literature, Literary studies (19th century)
177 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ) , vicar of St Mary 's, Oxford, from 1828; converted to Roman Catholic faith ( 1845 ); made cardinal ( 1879 ). Trollope heard him preach in Oxford in the 1830s. Newman's novel Loss and Gain ( 1848 ) deals with the religious ferment of the time. Trollope sympathized with Newman's struggle and some of this is reflected in the history of Mr Arabin of Barchester Towers (XX). A long-time admirer of Trollope 's novels, he once said that he woke up laughing out loud having read Barchester Towers before going to bed ( The...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry   Reference library

The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature

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3,629 words

...and Newman.” Nineteenth-Century Fiction 34, no. 2 (September 1979): 173–193. Harrold, Charles Frederick . John Henry Newman: An Expository and Critical Study of His Mind, Thought, and Art . Hamden, CT, 1966. An overview of Newman's literary and cultural work, still the best introduction to his oeuvre. Hill, Alan G. “Introduction.” Callista: A Tale of the Third Century , by John Henry Newman. Notre Dame, IN, 2000. Excellent introduction to Newman's novels in their biographical, cultural, and literary contexts. Ker, Ian . John Henry Newman: A...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

Judith Champ

The Oxford Companion to British History (2 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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History, Regional and National History
230 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ) . Cardinal. The greatest catholic theologian and spiritual writer of the last 200 years, and likely to be officially declared a saint, Newman was the leading convert of the Oxford movement . Newman was the son of a London banker and educated at Trinity College, Oxford. He became a Fellow of Oriel College and held the living of St. Clements, Oxford, which he resigned in 1843 before joining the Catholic church. His published writings, including An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine ( 1845 ), sermons, and Letters...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to Irish History (2 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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History, Regional and National History
154 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ), a former fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, and the most celebrated English convert to Catholicism of his day, chosen by Archbishop Cullen as first rector of the Catholic University . His most celebrated work, The Idea of a University, Defined and Illustrated ( 1852 ), was based on lectures delivered at the Rotunda, Dublin, in preparation for the opening of the university. Newman was installed as rector on 4 June 1854 , but resigned in 1858 . His withdrawal in part reflected the gulf between his vision of ‘a Catholic Oxford in...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

The Oxford Guide to Literary Britain & Ireland (3 ed.)

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Literature, Society and culture
77 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ), theologian and miscellaneous writer : educ. Oxford ( Trinity College ); lives in Alton 1816–19 ; Fellow at Oxford ( Oriel College ) 1822 and vicar of St Mary's; stays in Nuneham Courtenay 1828 ; establishes Oratory in Birmingham 1847 , London ( Kensington : Brompton Oratory) 1849 ; rector of University College , Dublin 1854 ; buried in Rednal ; memorials in Birmingham, Oxford ( Trinity College ), and London ( Brompton Oratory ). Loss and Gain 1848 , Apologia pro Vita Sua 1864...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–1890)   Reference library

The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature

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85 words

..., John Henry ( Cardinal ) ( 1801–1890 ) , theologian and cultural philosopher. Born in London and educated at Trinity College, Oxford, he was a leading member of the Oxford Movement, which emphasized the Catholic tradition in the English Church. Convinced that the Church of Rome was the true inheritor of the apostolic succession, he converted in 1845 . In 1852 he began his lectures in Dublin on The Idea of a University (published 1873 ) and was made Rector of the Catholic University of Ireland 1854–8 [ see universities...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions

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180 words

..., John Henry ( 1801–90 ). Christian theologian and leader of the Oxford Movement , also a writer, poet, and historian, whose genius lay in the combination of these talents. In the early 1840s he withdrew from leadership of the Oxford Movement and, in 1845 , converted to Roman Catholicism. For Newman, Rome offered that assurance Anglicanism seemed to lack and for which he longed. In 1848 he founded the Birmingham Oratory . He spent the rest of his life there, save for a period in Dublin, between 1854 to 1858 , to which he went as rector of the new...

Newman, John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
4,586 words

... The Imperial Intellect: A Study of Newman's Educational Ideal (New Haven and London, 1955). Ferreira, M. Jamie , Doubt and Religious Commitment: The Role of the Will in Newman's Thought (Oxford, 1980). Gilley, Sheridan , Newman and His Age (1990). Ker, Ian , John Henry Newman: A Biography (Oxford, 1988). Newman, Jay , The Mental Philosophy of John Henry Newman (Waterloo, Ontario, 1986). Pailin, David A. , The Way to Faith: An Examination of Newman's Grammar of Assent as a Response to the Search for Certainty in Faith (1969). Price, H.H. , Belief ...

Newman,                 John Henry

Newman, John Henry (1801–90)   Reference library

Terrence Merrigan

The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
1,917 words

... of John Henry Newman (London/ Oxford 1961–2008). Secondary literature B. E. Daley , ‘The Church Fathers’, in I. Ker and T. Merrigan (eds), The Cambridge Companion to John Henry Newman (Cambridge 2009) 29–46. T. Merrigan , ‘Imagination and Religion. The Case of John Henry Newman’, Cahiers victoriens et...

John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman (1801–90)   Reference library

Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations

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170 words

...John Henry Newman 1801 – 90 British cardinal and theologian To discover and to teach are distinct functions; they are also distinct gifts, and are not commonly found united in the same person. Discourses on the Scope and Nature of University Education. Addressed to the Catholics of Dublin (1852), Preface, xii To discover and to teach To discover and to teach A science is not mere knowledge, it is knowledge which has undergone a process of intellectual digestion. It is the grasp of many things brought together in one, and hence is its power; for,...

John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman (1801–90)   Quick reference

Oxford Essential Quotations (6 ed.)

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565 words

...0JohnHenry John Henry Newman 1801 – 90 English theologian and leader of the Oxford Movement; later Cardinal Growth [is] the only evidence of life. Newman's summary of a doctrine of the biblical scholar Thomas Scott (1747–1821) Apologia pro Vita Sua (1864) ‘History of My Religious Opinions from 1833 to 1839’ growth [is] the only evidence only evidence of life only evidence of life Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt. Apologia pro Vita Sua (1864) ‘Position of my Mind since 1845’ difficulties do not make one doubt do not make one ...

John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman (1801–90)   Reference library

Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (8 ed.)

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Current Version:
1,383 words

...0John0Henry John Henry Newman 1801 – 90 English theologian , priest , and Cardinal; a key figure in the Oxford Movement, he converted to Roman Catholicism in 1845 . See also epitaphs , mottoes It is very difficult to get up resentment towards persons whom one has never seen. Apologia pro Vita Sua (1864) ‘Mr Kingsley's Method of Disputation’ get up resentment There is such a thing as legitimate warfare: war has its laws; there are things which may fairly be done, and things which may not be done…He has attempted (as I may call it) to poison...

Newman, St John Henry

Newman, St John Henry   Quick reference

A Dictionary of British History (3 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Regional and National History
141 words

..., St John Henry ( 1801–90 ). Cardinal. Newman was the leading convert of the Oxford movement . His writings on the Christian church brought ecclesiastical censure and, after a period of reflection, Newman became a catholic in 1845 . His published writings, including An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine ( 1845 ), sermons, and Letters and Diaries , profoundly influenced the second Vatican Council ( 1962–5 ), often called ‘Newman's Council’. He was delated to Rome for his views on the laity and the shadow of suspicion was not lifted until he...

Newman, John Henry, St

Newman, John Henry, St (1801–90)   Reference library

Benjamin King

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4 ed.)

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
1,210 words

...the most scholarly are: S. Gilley , Newman and his Age (2nd edn, London, 2003). I. [T.] Ker , John Henry Newman: A Biography (2nd edn, Oxford, 2009). F. M. Turner , John Henry Newman: The Challenge to Evangelical Religion (New Haven and London, 2002). Essay collections include: F. Aquino and B. King (eds), The Oxford Handbook of John Henry Newman (Oxford, 2018). I. Ker and A. Hill (ed.), Newman After a Hundred Years (Oxford, 1990). Studies of themes in Newman’s writing include: B. King , Newman and the Alexandrian Fathers: Shaping...

Newman, St John Henry

Newman, St John Henry (1801–1890)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)

..., St John Henry ( 1801–1890 ) British cardinal , poet , and theological writer The Arians of the Fourth Century ( 1833 ) Non-Fiction Lyra Apostolica [including poems by R. H. Froude and John Keble ] ( 1834 ) Poetry Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church ( 1837 ) Non-Fiction Lectures on Justification ( 1838 ) Non-Fiction An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine ( 1845 ) Non-Fiction Loss and Gain ( 1848 ) Fiction Callista ( 1856 ) Fiction Lectures and Essays on University Subjects ( 1859 ) Non-Fiction...

Newman, St John Henry

Newman, St John Henry (1801–90)   Quick reference

The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (4 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
376 words

..., St John Henry ( 1801–90 ) Theologian , cardinal , and writer . He became a fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, where he came in contact with John Keble and Edward Pusey and later with Richard Hurrell Froude . He wrote much of the Lyra Apostolica while in Rome with Froude. In 1833 he resolved with William Palmer ( 1803–85 ), Froude, and A. P. Perceval ( 1799–1853 ) to fight for the doctrine of apostolic succession and the integrity of the Prayer Book, and began Tracts for the Times ( see Oxford Movement ). He was moving slowly towards the...

Newman, St John Henry

Newman, St John Henry (1801–90)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of World History (3 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
122 words

..., St John Henry ( 1801–90 ) British theologian . He was a leading figure in the Oxford Movement, a group of people who in the 1830s attempted to reform the Church of England by restoring the high-church traditions, and became a prominent convert ( 1845 ) to Roman Catholicism. The publication in 1841 of Tract 90 , which argued that the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England could be reconciled with Roman Catholic doctrine, caused a major scandal. In 1846 he went to Rome, where he was ordained priest. A gifted writer, he published Apologia...
