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Green, J. D. (1813) Reference library
The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature Toronto, Canada, in 1848 and soon thereafter to England. Working as an antislavery lecturer, Green published his forty-three page Narrative of the Life of J. D. Green, a Runaway Slave in England in 1864. According to its title page, eight thousand copies of Green's Narrative were printed. The Narrative is notable for its depiction of Green as a wily and unapologetic slave trickster who exploits whites and blacks alike to achieve his ends. Green's unsentimental, rough-and-tumble portrayal of life on the plantation is one of several distinctively...
J. D. Green
Welsh Local and Family History Quick reference
D. Huw Owen
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
...of the Denbighshire Historical Society was presented in volume 32 ( 1983 ). A comprehensive index, compiled by Andrew Green, to the publications of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society from 1905 to 1977 was published by the Society in 1981 , with a supplement covering the period 1978–87 . Detailed indexes have also been published by the Radnorshire Society ( 1984 ), with a supplement, compiled by R. W. D. Fenn and J. B. Sinclair ( 1987 ); by the Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, compiled by Dewi O. Jones ( 1987 ); and by the...
Introduction to the Pentateuch Reference library
G. I. Davies
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...J. (1984), Reading the Old Testament (London: Darton, Longman & Todd). Boecker, H.-J. (1980), Law and the Administration of Justice in the OT and the Ancient Near East , ET (London: SPCK). Brueggemann, W., and Wolff, H. W. (1975), The Vitality of OT Traditions (Atlanta: John Knox). Campbell, A. F., and O'Brien, M. A. (1993), Sources of the Pentateuch: Texts, Introductions, Annotations (Minneapolis: Fortress). Carpenter, J. E., and Harford-Battersby, G. (1900), The Hexateuch According to the Revised Version (2 vols. (London: Longmans, Green and...
48 The History of the Book in America Reference library
Scott E. Casper and Joan Shelley Rubin
The Oxford Companion to the Book
...Distribution ’, PAAS 95 (1985–6), 501–83 J. N. Green , ‘The Book Trade in the Middle Colonies’, in HBA 1 — ‘English Books and Printing in the Age of Franklin’, in HBA 1 — and P. Stallybrass , Benjamin Franklin, Writer and Printer (2006) P. C. Gutjahr , An American Bible (1999) — ‘The Perseverance of Print-Bound Saints’, in HBA 5 M. Hackenberg , ed., Getting the Books Out (1987) D. D. Hall , Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment (1989) — Cultures of Print (1996) — ed., A History of the Book in America (5 vols, 2000–2010) W. W. Hening , The...
Scottish Local and Family History Quick reference
David moody
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
...of local records has encouraged the tendency to plump for the national perspective. The fraught issue of identity has been a dominant theme of Scottish historiography since the Union and there is no sign of abatement despite or perhaps because of the Devolution of 1997 ( D. Broun , R. J. Finlay , and M. Lynch (eds), Image and Identity: The Making and Re‐Making of Scotland ( 1998 ). Even working‐class mythologies are different from England, as E. P. Thompson recognized when deliberately excluding the Scots in his Making of the English Working Class ...
Landscape History: The Countryside Quick reference
H. S. A. Fox
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
... (eds), Post‐Medieval Landscapes . Meanwhile, in 2006 English Heritage published eight volumes in their England's Landscape series: Barry Cunliffe, The West ; Roger J. P. Kain , The South West ; Brian Short , The South East ; Tom Williamson , East Anglia ; D. A. Stocker , The East Midlands ; Della Hooke , The West Midlands ; Fred Aalen , The North East ; and Angus J. L. Winchester , The North West . Other fine overviews of the landscape from prehistoric times to the present day include I. G. Simmons , An Environmental History of Great...
James Reference library
Rainer Riesner and Rainer Riesner
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...Quarter of Jerusalem’, in J. H. Charlesworth (ed.), Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York: Doubleday), 198–234. ———(1994), ‘James's Speech ( Acts 15:13–21 ), Simeon's Hymn ( Luke 2:29–32 ), and Luke's Sources’, in J. B. Green and M. Turner (eds.), Jesus of Nazareth: Christ and Lord (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans), 263–78. ———(1995), ‘Synagogues in Jerusalem’, in R. J. Bauckham (ed.), The Book of Acts in Its Palestinian Setting (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans), 179–211. ———(1997), ‘Paulus und die Jesus-Überlieferung’, in J. Ådna , S. J. Hafeman , and O....
Industrialization Reference library
An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age
...more directly the social repercussions of industrialization. For Charles *Dickens , writing in 1840 , the Black Country represented a land and people ravaged by the brutality of the machine: it was a cheerless region … where not a blade of grass was seen to grow … where nothing green could live but on the surface of the stagnant pools; [a world in which] strange engines spun and writhed like tortured creatures, clanking their iron chains. [Dismantled houses] here and there appeared, tottering to the earth, propped up by fragments of others that had fallen...
Richard Duke of York Reference library
Randall Martin, Will Sharpe, and Anthony Davies
The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare (2 ed.) being spoken directly to the camera. Anthony Davies Recent major editions Recent major editions Michael Hattaway (New Cambridge, 1993); Randall Martin (Oxford, 2001); John D. Cox and Eric Rasmussen (Arden 3rd series, 2001) Some representative criticism Berry, Edward I. , Patterns of Decay: Shakespeare’s Early Histories (1975) Brockbank, J. P. , ‘The Frame of Disorder: Henry VI ’, in John Russell Brown and Bernard Harris (eds.), Early Shakespeare (1961) Jones, Emrys , The Origins of Shakespeare (1977) Liebler, Naomi Conn...
Design Reference library
An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age
...influential publication contained views of the principal rooms and measured drawings of individual pieces of furniture in his own London house in Duchess Street, off Portland Place. The most striking ensemble was the Egyptian Room, decorated in suitably Egyptian shades of blue-green and pale yellow relieved by black and gold and with a large frieze of figures drawn from Egyptian papyrus rolls. The sofa and armchair designs by Hope had an archaic splendour and were avowedly taken from Egyptian precedents. The materials used in the cups, canopic vases, and...
10 Paper Reference library
Daven Christopher Chamberlain
The Oxford Companion to the Book is but one part. Bibliography J. Balston , The Whatmans and Wove (Velin) Paper (1998) S. Barcham-Green , ‘ An Illusive Image: Some Thoughts about Watermarking Handmade Papers ’, TQ 62 (2007), 1–9 P. Bower , Turner’s Papers (1990) — Turner’s Later Papers (1999) — ‘ Watermark Catalogues and Related Texts: A Personal Recommendation ’, TQ 56 (2005), 42–4 B. L. Browning , Analysis of Paper , 2e (1977) N. Harris , Analytical Bibliography , , consulted June 2007 D. Hunter , Papermaking: The History...
The Four Gospels in Synopsis Reference library
Henry Wansbrough
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...(1989), Luke—A New Paradigm (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press). Green, H. Benedict, (1984), ‘The Credibility of Luke's Transformation of Matthew’, in Tuckett (1984 a ). Green, Joel B. (1995), The Theology of the Gospel of Luke (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Hawkins, Sir J. (1909), Horae Synopticae (Oxford: Clarendon). Jeremias, J. (1978) The Prayers of Jesus (Philadelphia: Fortress). Kloppenborg, J. (1987), The Formation of Q (Philadelphia: Fortress). Kloppenborg Verdin J. (2000), Excavating Q (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark). Koester, H....
Hosea Reference library
John Day and John Day
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...the name of Jacob. Cf. Gen 25:26 (J), where Jacob takes Esau by the heel ( ῾ăqēb ), and ῾āqab (supplant) is used rather in connection with Jacob's taking Esau's birthright and blessing in Gen 27:36 (J). A second allusion to Jacob's ambition comes in 12:3 b –4 a , recalling Jacob's wrestling with God/an angel at Penuel ( Gen. 32:22–32 ), though Hosea's reference to Jacob's weeping there is unattested in Genesis. The third allusion is to God's meeting with Jacob at Bethel ( 12:4 b ), attested in both Gen. 28:10–22 (J) and 35:9–15 (P). At 12:7–8 the...
Irish and Scottish Gaelic Family Names Reference library
Kay Muhr
Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)
.... Color names were popular: Donn ‘brown’, Fionn ‘fair’, Flann ‘blood-red’ ( o’Donoghue , mcGinn , and o’Flynn ). Colors also occur as compounds with other elements, and a fuller list includes ciar ‘dark’, corcra ‘purple’, crón ‘yellow’, dubh ‘black’, glas ‘green/blue/gray’, gorm ‘dark blue’, odhar ‘dun’, and ruadh ‘red’, found in carey , corkery , cronin , doyle or duffy , gleason , o’Gorman , mcGuire or mcClure , and mcElroy . Many of these refer to hair color, while flann and gorm have connotations of nobility...
The Twentieth Century Quick reference
Brian M. Short
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
...historians, and the richness and variety of the records awaiting them will repay huge dividends. See S. Caunce , Oral History and the Local Historian (1994) , The Longman Guide to Sources in Contemporary British History , i: C. Cook and D. Waller , Organisations and Societies (1994) , and ii: C. Cook , J. Leonard , and P. Leese , Individuals (1994) , E. Lord , Investigating the Twentieth Century: Sources for Local Historians (1999) , R. Oliver , Ordnance Survey Maps: A Concise Guide for Historians (1993) , P. Riden , Record Sources for...
Class Reference library
An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age
... (1963), Harmondsworth, 1968; Customs in Common (1991), Harmondsworth, 1993; V. N. Volosinov , Marxism and the Philosophy of Language (1929), trans. L. Matejka & I. R. Titunik , Cambridge, Mass., 1973; Wahrman, D. , Imagining the Middle Class: The Political Representation of Class in Britain, c.1780–1840 , Cambridge, 1995; Yeo, E. J. , The Contest for Social Science: Relations and Representations of Gender and Class , London, 1996. Eileen Janes...
Ezra–Nehemiah Reference library
Daniel L. Smith-Christopher and Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...for J. Blenkinsopp) , JSOTSup 149 (Sheffield: Sheffield University Press). Carter, C. (1991), ‘A Social and Demographic Study of Post-Exilic Judah’, diss., Duke University, NC. Clines, D. (1984), Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther , NCB (Basingstoke: Marshall, Morgan, & Scott). Cook, J. M. (1983), The Persian Empire (New York: Schocken). Cozer, L. (1972), ‘The Alien as Servant of Power: Court Jews and Christian Renegades’, American Sociological Review, 37: 574–81. Dandamaev, M. (1989), A Political History of the Achaemenid Empire, tr. W. J. Vogel...
English, Scottish, and Anglo-Irish Family Names Reference library
Peter McClure and Patrick Hanks
Dictionary of American Family Names (2 ed.)
...article, mostly Middle English atte ‘at the’, which also sometimes appears as atter and atten (respectively with female and masculine or neuter grammatical inflections) when the topographical term begins in a vowel. Typical examples lie behind names such as green ( atte Grene ‘at the green’) and oak ( atter Oke and atten Oke , both meaning ‘at the oak tree’). Other prepositions include by , in , over , and under . In most cases the preposition and article were eventually dropped from the name, usually by the early 15th century, but sometimes...
Joshua Reference library
Gordon McConville and Gordon McConville
The Oxford Bible Commentary
...McCarthy, D. J. (1971), ‘The Theology of Leadership in Joshua 1–9’, Biblica , 52:165–75 . McConville, J. G. (1984), Law and Theology in Deuteronomy , JSOTSup 33 (Sheffield: JSOT). Mann, T. W. (1977), Divine Presence and Guidance in Israelite Traditions: The Typology of Exaltation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press). Mayes, A. D. H. (1985), ‘Deuteronomy 29, Joshua 9, and the Place of the Gibeonites in Israel’, in N. Lohfink (ed.), Das Deuteronomium: Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft (Leuven: Leuven University Press), 321–5. Milgrom, J. (1976),...