Islamic Studies Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
... Studies . [This entry contains two subentries: History of the Field Methodologies ] History of the Field Islamic studies arose in the ninth century in Iraq, when the religious sciences of Islam began to take their present shape and to develop within competing schools to form a literary tradition in Middle Arabic. Rather than treating the study of Islam within Islamic civilization, however, the focus of this discussion is Islam as a subject matter in the West. Theological Beginnings. Even before the rise of Islam in the seventh century ce , the Arabs were...
Islam and Islamic Studies in Scandinavia Reference library
Susanne Olsson and Simon Sorgenfrei
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion
...a chair in Islamic studies was established in Lund in 1984 . The first holder of the chair was Professor Jan Hjärpe, who is now retired. He has been one of the most important scholars within the field of Islamic studies in Sweden, not the least because of his role in introducing new methods and theories into the study of Islam, and for stressing the importance of also studying the contemporary situation and not only historical Islam. In an overview of Swedish research on Islam in 2016 , Hjärpe mapped existing and ongoing research related to Islam, and he...
Islamic Studies
On the Political Utility of Using Armed Violence Reference library
Mahdi Shams Al-Din Shaikh Muhammad
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...institutes, orphanages, and an Islamic university. This selection is taken from the year-end supplement of the Beirut newspaper al-Safir in December 2001; the paper itself took it from another source that carried the Shaykh’s interview with a journalist the previous year. In this selection, Shams al-Din counsels against a resort to violence not only because it has “failed to achieve any victory for Islam or the Islamic Project, in whole or in part,” but because it has brought “great harm to the Islamic Project.” A study of the use of armed violence...
Compatibility: Neither Required nor an Issue Reference library
Ullah Jan Abid
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...unrepresentative rulers, whom it can force to chase “terrorists” on its behalf, and whom it can use as secular bulwarks against the so-perceived Islamic challenge to the status quo. Muslims’ obligation to live by Islam has been turned into a cause to designate Islam as constituting multi-headed monsters. However, the Islamic State, particularly a single Islamic State that implements the fundamentals of Islam, is the non-Muslim world's only safe guarantee against terrorism and anti-Westernism. If it met the Shari’ah requirements, it would be able to...
Islam and the Malay Civilizational Identity: Tension and Harmony Between Ethnicity and Religiosity Reference library
Bakar Osman
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...the holder of the Malaysia Chair for the Study of Islam in Southeast Asia in the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University. Among his publications are The History and Philosophy of Islamic Science, Islam & Civilizational Dialogue, Tawhid & Science , and Classification of Knowledge in Islam: A Study of Islamic Philosophies of Science . In this excerpt, the author notes that Malay civilization is the product of the contributions of many currents. As such, it represents in microcosm the theme of Qurān 49:13: “We made you into nations and...
Universalism in Islam Reference library
Chandra Muzaffar
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook Islam—since they have an appeal that transcends religious boundaries. The emphasis given to Islamic laws and Islamic administration only helps to underline the differences that exist between Muslims and non-Muslims and, by implication, Malays and non-Malays. In that sense, it reveals the true character of the whole agitation for an Islamic state. Thirdly, if it were a genuine Islamic movement inspired by a genuine Islamic consciousness there would have been an increasing endeavor to study and analyze the structure and content of an Islamic society in...
The Problem of ‘Ulama’ Reference library
Alhaji Adeleke Dirisu Ajijola
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook
... The ‘ulama’ in Islam simply form a category of citizens specialized in Islamic humanistic culture and little knowledge of Muslim law. Those who are advanced in Islamic legal studies are given the name of fuqaha’ or jurists. Normally disputes or cases pertaining to religious matter may be referred to them. It must, however, be noted that ‘ulama’ are not what clerics are in Christian communities or in any other religions, for in Islam, there is neither clergy nor an intermediary between man and God. But...
Why Democracy, and Why Now? Reference library
Abdulaziz Sachedina
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He has written extensively on Islamic law, ethics, and theology, concentrating for more than a decade on social and political ethics, including interfaith and intrafaith relations and Islamic biomedical ethics. Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia and a prolific author, Sachedina has publications that include Islamic Messianism , Human Rights and the Conflicts of Culture , The Just Ruler in Shiite Islam , and The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism . A Shi‘ite scholar, Sachedina makes an appeal...
Islam and the Challenge of Economic Development Reference library
Ahmad Khurshid
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
... Islam and the Challenge of Economic Development He was formerly associate professor of economics at the University of Karachi, a founder and Director-General of the Islamic Foundation (Leicester U.K.), and Federal Minister of Planning and Development, Government of Pakistan. He is currently Director of the Institute for Policy Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan. In a piece written in 1978, the author writes that the Muslim world is richly endowed with resources but economically weak. He blames the governments of states with Muslim majorities for following inapplicable...
Reflections on Islam and the West: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Reference library
Hossein Nasr Seyyed
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
... Reflections on Islam and the West: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Educated in Iran and the United States, Nasr graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. Nasr taught at Teheran University until 1979 and founded the Iranian Academy of Philosophy. He is University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University. A prolific author, he has made major contributions to the field of Islamic and Iranian studies and been a Ieader in a school of thought known as the perennial philosophy. Among his many publications...
Islam in Secular India Reference library
Mushīr Ul-Haq
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
... Islam in Secular India After graduation (‘Ālim) from Nadwat al-Ulema, Lucknow, Mushīr ul-Haq earned his B.A. (Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi) and M.A. (Muslim University, Aligarh) in Islamic and Arabic studies. In 1967, he received a Ph.D. in Islamic studies from McGill University. He has been a member of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Simla and is presently Chairman of the Department of Arabic Studies, Jamia Millia University. In this piece written in 1972, the author notes that before the partition of India, Muslims endorsed the secular nature of the state...
Adaptation of Islamic Jurisprudence to Modern Social Needs Reference library
Subhī Mahmasānī
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...of Education Islamic Jurisprudence dealt with questions of religion and acts of worship, and with legal transactions, along with all provisions, rules, and particu-lars derived from them. That is why jurists in Islam were at once men of religion and jurisprudence. They were called “scholars” (‘ ulamā ’) because their field of study included all departments of ancient knowledge. As a result, Islamic jurisprudence played such a significant role in the history of Islamic thought as well as in all aspects of Muslim life. It is known that Islamic jurisprudence...
Jihad Reference library
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...obstacles placed in the path of Islam by enabling the Muslims to leave Madînah and spread the call to Islam all over the world because Islam is a universal message. Since Jihad was legalized in Islam and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said that he was sent by Allah to wage war against disbelief and that his sustenance was “tied” to his spear, as related by Ahmad on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar, then we have to understand that Islam advocated acquiring the highest degree of power, and the reason for this is that Islam, at that time, was a newly...
The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS Reference library
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
...ideological invasion, deepening, and still does, its roots. All this has paved the way towards the loss of Palestine. . . . Article Sixteen It is necessary to follow Islamic orientation in educating the Islamic generations in our region by teaching the religious duties, comprehensive study of the Koran, the study of the Prophet's Sunna (his sayings and doings), and learning about Islamic history and heritage from their authentic sources. . . . Article Seventeen The Moslem woman has a role no less important than that of the Moslem man in the battle of liberation...
Participation in Non-Islamic Government Reference library
Rachid Ghannouchi
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook Non-Islamic Government Rachid Ghannouchi Rachid Ghannouchi (Tunisia, born 1941) received a philosophy degree at the University of Damascus and, after a year of study in France, returned to Tunisia in 1969 as a high school teacher. The following year, Ghannouchi helped to establish a reformist movement that opposed the secular socialism of the ruling party in Tunisia and proffered a modernist interpretation of Islam. This movement, formalized as the Islamic Tendency...
Islam and Secularism Reference library
Asghar Ali Engineer
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
... Islam and Secularism Born and raised in Salumbar, India, Asghar Ali Engineer received an Islamic and secular education, graduating in civil engineering. A longtime rights activist and scholar of Islam, he has been especially concerned with communal violence. He is head of the Institute of Islamic Studies and the Centre for the Study of Society and Secularism; his many books include The Rights of Women in Islam, Islam and Revolution , and A Rational Approach to Islam . The author here examines whether or not Muslims can accept secularism. Engineer emphasizes...
Social Justice in Islam Reference library
Sayyid Qutb
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (2 ed.)
... Social Justice in Islam Son of a landowner, he completed secondary and college studies in Cairo, obtaining a licentiate in Arabic language and literature from Dār al-‘Ulūm. After a brief tenure as an inspector in the Ministry of Education, he left to devote himself to writing. In 1939 he turned to more religious writing. In 1948 he published Social Justice in Islam and then spent two years in the United States studying educational organization. On his return to Egypt he joined the Muslim Brothers. He spent ten years in prison under Nāsir; he was freed in...
Introduction: Muslim Activist Intellectuals and Their Place in History Reference library
John L. Esposito and John O. Voll
Makers of Contemporary Islam
...intellectuals are the subject of this book. They are people whose lives are in many ways very different; however, at the core, they share a number of important characteristics. While they are all well informed in Islamic traditional studies, they are not traditional ulama. Although they real intellectuals in their general interest and work in defining and expressing concepts and symbols, they are activists in that they are directly involved in political and social...
Islam and the 1995 Beijing World Conference on Women Reference library
Muhammad Shahrour
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook
... 2. Dale F. Eickelman , “Islamic Liberalism Strikes Back,” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin , volume 27, number 2, December 1993, pp. 163–168 ; Peter Clark , “The Shahrur Phenomenon: A Liberal Islamic Voice from Syria,” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations , volume 7, number 3, October 1996, pp. 337–341. 4. In addition to Al-Kitab wa-l-Qur'an , Shahrour is the author of Dirasat al-Islamiyya mu‘asira fi dawla wa-l-mujtama‘ ( Contemporary Islamic Studies in State and Society ) (Damascus:...