Giorgio Agamben’s Political Theory Reference library
Oliver W. Lembcke
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Communication and Critical Cultural Studies
...gouvernementale Maschine: Zur politischen Theorie Giorgio Agambens (pp. 29–44). Münster, Germany: Unrast. Kiesow, R.-M. (2005). Law and life. In A. Norris (Ed.), Politics, metaphysics, and death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s homo sacer (pp. 248–261). Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Kioupkiolis, A. (2017). Commoning the political, politicizing the common: Community and the political. In J.-L. Nancy , R. Esposito , & G. Agamben (Eds.), Contemporary Political Theory , 17 (3), 283–305. Kurotschka, V. G. (2004). Lebensform, nacktes Leben, Untätigkeit...
Giorgio Agamben
Agamben, Giorgio (1942– ) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Critical Theory (2 ed.)
..., Giorgio ( 1942– ) Italian philosopher . Born in Rome, Agamben studied at the University of Rome, where he completed a doctorate on the political thought of Simone Weil. He undertook postdoctoral study in Germany, participating in Martin Heidegger ’s seminars on Heraclitus and Hegel . He was close friends with Pier Paolo Pasolini (who gave him the bit part of the Apostle Philip in his film The Gospel According to St Mathew ( 1964 )) and Italo Calvino , two of Italy’s most prominent intellectuals of the period. Passionate about Walter...
homo sacer Quick reference
A Dictionary of Critical Theory (2 ed.)
...critical theory because Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has devoted several books to exploring the intricacies of its multi-layered meaning. Homo sacer is a paradoxical figure: it is the one who may not be sacrificed, yet may be murdered with impunity. In this sense, the homo sacer is outside or beyond both divine and human law. Agamben’s provocative thesis is that the homo sacer is evidence not merely of an original ambivalence in the notion of the sacred, as anthropology has long contended, but that the realm of the political itself is...
Agamben, Giorgio (1942) Reference library
Julia Ng
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (2 ed.)
..., Giorgio (b. 1942 ), Italian philosopher . Agamben works in the fields of literary and aesthetic theory, philosophical anthropology, and political philosophy; he is editor of the Italian edition of Walter Benjamin’s collected works ( 1979–1996 ). Agamben is best known for his contributions to political and critical legal theory. Since the 1995 publication of Homo Sacer I , the first volume of his on-going elaboration of the work on biopolitics initiated by Michel Foucault, key concepts of his argument—such as homo sacer , bare life, and state of...
biopower Quick reference
A Dictionary of Critical Theory (2 ed.) kind of political rationality biopower because it concerned itself with every aspect of life, right down to its most minute parts, though only in the abstract. It was interested in the health of the people in statistical terms, not existential terms—it cared about how people live and die, but not who lives and dies. For the first time in history, Foucault argues, biological existence was reflected in political existence, and in consequence the very existence of the species itself was wagered on political questions. Giorgio Agamben ’s theory of bare life ...
value Quick reference
A Dictionary of Critical Theory (2 ed.)
...or equally problematically the right to die of terminally ill patients versus the medical profession’s commitment to life. As both Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben have pointed out, however, placing a value on life in this way has given rise to a new form of governmentality that they both describe as biopower . In economics, it is Karl Marx , above all others, who has devoted the most effort to thinking through what value means. But his theory builds on a long line of philosophical inquiry, beginning with Aristotle who first observed that there...
Educational Biopolitics Reference library
Gregory Bourassa
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education
...shorelines, and the educational commonwealth. Educational Philosophy and Theory , 44 (8), 845–861. Lewis, T. (2013). On study: Giorgio Agamben and educational potentiality . New York: Routledge. Lewis, T. (2014). The fundamental ontology of study. Educational Theory , 64 (2), 163–178. Lewis, T. , & Kahn, R. (2010). Education out of bounds: Reimaging cultural studies for a posthuman age . New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Marx, K. (1976). Capital: A critique of political economy (Vol. 1). New York: Penguin Press. Mbembe, A. (2003). Necropolitics...
Biopolitics and Asian America Reference library
Belinda Kong
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture
...policies. If earlier works such as Sone’s memoir and Okada’s novel confronted a postwar silence and sanitizing censorship of the internment episode, more recent Sansei texts such as Julie Otsuka’s When the Emperor Was Divine ( 2002 ) render highly visible the political violence and suspension of human rights that underpinned the internment camp structure. For instance, in a brief scene midway through Otsuka’s novel that is highly explicable along Agamben’s theoretical model, “a man was shot dead by the barbed-wire fence,” accused by the guard on duty...
Dispositif Reference library
Ricky Crano
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory sciences, as well as eminent commentaries by Gilles Deleuze, Giorgio Agamben, and others. 2 This surfeit of scholarly production, however, should not obscure the term’s broader (and slightly earlier) theoretical usages or its important transitional role in overcoming the Structuralist paradigm that dominated mid- 20th-century continental thought. The aim of this article is to provide a more comprehensive survey of dispositif theory and critique as it appears from the early 1970s through the first decades of the 21st century and to argue for its...
Articulations of Sovereignty Reference library
Claudia Aradau
The International Studies Encyclopedia
...Theory 8 (1), 1–44. Hindess, B. (2001) The Liberal Government of Unfreedom. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 26 (2), 93–112. Hindness, B. (2005) Citizenship and Empire. In T.B. Hansen , and F. Stepputat (eds.) Sovereign Bodies: Citizens, Migrants, and States in the Postcolonial World . Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 241–56. Hobbes, T . (1985) Leviathan . London: Penguin. First published 1651. Huysmans, J. (2008) The Jargon of the Exception: On Schmitt, Agamben and the Absence of Political Society. International Political...
Animal Reference library
Christopher Peterson
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
... Orwell, Animal Farm , 133; and Giorgio Agamben, The State of Exception , trans. Kevin Attell (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005). 49. McHugh, “Animal Farm’s Lessons,” 29. 50. Elizabeth Anker and Rita Felski, “Introduction,” in Critique and Postcritique , ed. Elizabeth Anker and Rita Felski (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017), 16. 51. Bruno Latour, Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005). 52. Jane Bennett, Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things (Durham, NC: Duke...
Singularity Reference library
Derek Attridge
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...singular point of “literary space” occupied by the writer in its making. The theory of “mental identification” simplifies a much more complicated relationship, but Bourdieu’s use of the word “feel” shows that he does not assume that it is a purely cognitive operation. A singular take on singularity is adopted by Giorgio Agamben, who, in The Coming Community , coins the phrase singolarità qualunque , translated rather unsatisfactorily as “whatever singularity.” What Agamben means by qualunque (drawing on the Latin quodlibet ) is, as he explains, ‘not...
Sovereignty as a Problematic Conceptual Core Reference library
Rosemary E. Shinko
The International Studies Encyclopedia
...the Other . London: Routledge. Burns, J. (ed.) (1991) The Cambridge History of Political Thought, 1450–1700 . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Calarco, M. , and DeCaroli, S. (eds.) (2006) Sovereignty and Life: Essays on Giorgio Agamben . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Camilleri, J. , and Falk, J. (1992) The End of Sovereignty? The Politics of a Shrinking and Fragmenting World . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Campbell, D. (1993) Politics without Principle: Sovereignty, Ethics, and the Narratives of the Gulf War . Boulder,...
Queer Reference library
Octavio R. González and Todd G. Nordgren
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...advanced without coordination with (or subordination from) other, older dimensions of being. Similarly, the idea of biopower, which emerges in Foucault’s History of Sexuality , has generated an influential conceptual framework for understanding modernity and power relations far beyond the sexual realm. See, for instance, Giorgio Agamben’s deployment of biopower in his analysis of “bare life” and Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics . 67 In this latter development, the dimension of the biopolitical encompasses as broad a sociopolitical arena as envisioned by early...
Hyperincarceration and Indigeneity Reference library
Thalia Anthony and Harry Blagg
The Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology
...Indigenous incarceration and a network of institutions designed to further the project of Indigenous extinguishment. To understand this process in the settler colonial polity we add two refinements to Wacquant’s thesis. By drawing on settler colonial theory, particularly the work of Patrick Wolfe ( 2006 ) , and the ideas of Giorgio Agamben ( 1998 ) and his notions of the “camp,” “bare life,” and “inclusive exclusion,” we argue that hyperincarceration has been employed as a strategy of colonial power designed not just to control Indigenous people but...
Communism Reference library
Theodore Jennings
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Ethics
...early Marxism. The sense that the old order is passing away, that the social, political, economic order of the world as we know it is under sentence of death, is doomed to perishing, the sense that the new is about to come into being, that the time has grown short. Giorgio Agamben has insisted that it is precisely the urgency of what Paul refers to as the now time ( ho nun kairos ) in which it is necessary and possible to enact the coming justice that characterizes messianic politics, then and now ( 2005 , pp. 59–78). For those who suppose that there is no such...
Luther in Marx Reference library
Paul R. Hinlicky
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther
...and thus also powerful, as seen in Luther’s Trade and Usury ? Further Reading Adamson, Walter Luiz . “Gramsci, Catholicism and Secular Religion.” Politics, Religion & Ideology 14.4 (2013): 468–484. Adkins, Brent , and Paul R. Hinlicky . Rethinking Philosophy and Theology with Deleuze: A New Cartography . London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. Agamben, Giorgio . Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life . Translated by D. Heller-Roazen . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998. Agamben, Giorgio . The Time That Remains: A Commentary on...
Materialist Criticism Reference library
Roland Boer
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation
...separating culture, religion, ideology, politics, society, and economics into discrete fields. In the work of many of the scholars noted earlier, the social sciences, as well as history, archaeology, economics, and political science, are as crucial to analysis as literary and theoretical concerns. [ See also Class Criticism ; Economics and the Bible ; Social Sciences, subentry Hebrew Bible ; and Social Sciences, subentry New Testament . ] Bibliography Agamben, Giorgio . The Time That Remains: A Commentary on...