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Contarini, Gasparo (1483–1542) Reference library
Spencer Weinreich
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4 ed.)
..., Kardinal Contarini als Kontroverstheologe (Münster, 1949). H. Jedin , ‘Ein “Turmerlebnis” des jungen Contarini’, Hist. J. 70 (1951), 115–30. O. Ferrara , El cardenal Contarini, un gran embajador veneciano (Madrid, 1956). H. Jedin , in DHGE 13 (1956), cols 771–84. H. Mackensen , ‘The Diplomatic Role of Gasparo Cardinal Contarini at the Colloquy of Ratisbon of 1541’, Church History 27 (1958), 312–37. F. Gilbert , Religion and Politics in the Thought of Gasparo Contarini (Princeton, 1969). J. B. Ross , ‘Gasparo Contarini and his...
Contarini, Gasparo (1483–1542) Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
..., Gasparo ( 1483–1542 ). Christian cardinal , who led those proposing reform of the Church to Pope Paul III . By 1511 , he had already come to the conclusion that humans are justified by faith, not works, and this conclusion enabled him to view Protestant claims with sympathy. He was papal legate to the Regensburg Colloquy ( 1541 ), where Protestants and Roman Catholics sought terms on which to reunify the Church. Both sides rejected his proposal of double justification . He died a year later as papal governor of...
Contarini, Gasparo (1483–1542) Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3 ed.)
..., Gasparo ( 1483–1542 ), cardinal . An adherent of the New Learning, he became famous as a theologian. Though only a layman, he was made a cardinal in 1535 . In 1536 he was put on a commission which was to prepare the way for the Council (of Trent ) and at the Conference of Ratisbon ( 1541 ) he took an active part in this last attempt to secure union with the Lutherans . His mystical experience of 1511 antedated M. Luther ’s famous Turmerlebnis by several...
Contarini, Gasparo Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
..., Gasparo ( 1483–1542 ), Cardinal and political philosopher, born into a Venetian patrician family that provided the republic with eight doges. He was educated at the University of Padua and became a diplomat, representing Venice at the court of the Emperor Charles V and in this capacity attending the Diet of Worms in 1521 , and subsequently serving on missions to England, Spain, and the Vatican. These diplomatic activities on behalf of Venice ( 1520–34 ) came to an end in 1535 , when Pope Paul III created him a cardinal, despite the fact that he...
Contarini, Gasparo (1483–1542) Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
...championed by Contarini and his friends was abandoned in the sharpening confessional conflicts of the Counter-Reformation. Primary Source Dittrich, Franz , ed. Regesten und Briefe des Cardinals Gasparo Contarini, 1483–1542 . Braunsberg, 1881. Calendar of letters from and to Contarini. Despite inadequacies and omissions it remains indispensable. Secondary Sources Dittrich, Franz . Gasparo Contarini, 1483–1542: Eine Monographie (1885). Reprint, Nieuwkoop, 1972. Standard older biography. Fragnito, Gigliola . Gasparo Contarini: Un magistrato veneziano...