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Euthymios Zigabenos

Or Zigadenos, theologian; baptismal name John; fl. ca.1100. His life is obscure. For a long period Zigabenos (Ζιγαβηνóς) was wrongly identified with Euthymios of Akmonia. He was ...

Zigabenos, Euthymios

Zigabenos, Euthymios   Reference library

Alexander Kazhdan and Anthony Cutler

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
255 words

..., Euthymios , or Zigadenos , theologian; baptismal name John ; fl. ca. 1100 . His life is obscure. For a long period Zigabenos (Ζιγαβηνóς) was wrongly identified with Euthymios of Akmonia . He was a monk in Constantinople invited by Alexios I (probably ca. 1110 ) to write a refutation of heresies, which he produced under the title of Panoplia dogmatike , with the collaboration of John Phournes . After a eulogy of Alexios, Zigabenos refuted ancient heresies, from Epicureanism to Iconoclasm , then shifted to contemporary erroneous doctrines, such...

Euthymios Zigabenos

Euthymios Zigabenos  

Or Zigadenos, theologian; baptismal name John; fl. ca.1100.His life is obscure. For a long period Zigabenos (Ζιγαβηνóς) was wrongly identified with Euthymios of Akmonia. He was a monk in ...
Euthymios of Akmonia

Euthymios of Akmonia   Reference library

Alexander Kazhdan

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
205 words

... of Akmonia (in theme of Opsikion ), theologian of first half of 11th C., who used to be confused with Euthymios Zigabenos . His biography is little known. Euthymios states that as a boy, during the reign of Basil II , he visited Akmonia with his mother because of a lawsuit. Later he became a monk in the Peribleptos monastery in Constantinople. He mentions the death of Romanos III in 1034 . Circa 1050 Euthymios sent a letter from Peribleptos to Akmonia to warn his fellow citizens against the menace of the heretics who were called Bogomils in...

Euthymius Zigabenus

Euthymius Zigabenus   Reference library

Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
118 words

...heresies, which Euthymius refutes himself (Armenian “ azymites ”, Paulicians , Messalians, Bogomils , Muslims). We also owe him some exegetical writings. M. Jugie , “ La vie et les oeuvres d'Euthyme Zigabène ”, EOr , 15, 1912, 215-225. A. N. Papabasileiou , Euthymios-Iôannès Zigabènos. Bios. Suggraphai , Athens, 1977. Marie-Hélène...

Euthymius Zigabenus

Euthymius Zigabenus   Reference library

Phil Booth

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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374 words

...and Panoplia Dogmatica 28 ed. with Ger. tr. in K. Förstel, Schriften zum Islam von Arethas und Euthymios Zigabenos (Wiesbaden, 2009), 44–83. J. Wickert , ‘Die Panoplia Dogmatica des Euthymios Zigabenos’, OC 8 (1911), 278–388. M. Jugie , AA , ‘La Vie et les œuvres d’Euthyme Zigabène’, ÉO 15 (1912), 215–25. A. N. Papabasileou , Euthymios—Iōannēs Zygadēnos (2nd edn, Nicosia, 1979). N. Miladinova , The Panoplia Dogmatike by Euthymios Zygadenos (Leiden, 2014). A. Rigo , ‘La Panoplie dogmatique d’Euthyme Zigabène: les Pères de l’Église,...


Bogomils   Reference library

Dimitri Obolensky

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
374 words

...an ascetic life that required abstinence from sexual intercourse, meat, and wine, and—at least in 10th-C. Bulgaria—preached civil disobedience. Most evidence of their teaching and behavior is in the works of their enemies, esp. Kosmas the Priest , Anna Komnene , and Euthymios Zigabenos , though some valuable information is also found in the Interrogatio Johannis (or Liber Secretus , i.e., “Secret Book”), the only undeniably authentic product of Bogomil Apocrypha . Originally the Bogomil doctrines owed much to the teaching of the Paulicians , who...

Basil the Bogomil

Basil the Bogomil   Reference library

Dimitri Obolensky

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
222 words

...the execution is uncommonly vivid. Her horror at Basil's beliefs cannot wholly conceal a grudging admiration for “an inflexible and very brave Bogomil.” About these beliefs she says very little, referring the reader to the relevant section of the Panoplia dogmatike of Euthymios Zigabenos , who presumably used Basil's palace confession as his main source. Ja.N. Ljubarskij , Rasprava imperatora Alekseja I Komnina s bogomilom Vasiliem , Voprosy istorii religii i ateizma 12 (1964) 310–19. Sir Dimitri...

Ganos, Mount

Ganos, Mount   Reference library

Alice-Mary Talbot

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
175 words

...near the small town of Ganos (Γάν〈ν〉ος, mod. Gaziköy), by the 10th or 11th C. the mountain was the site of a federation of monastic communities, headed by a protos ( Laurent , Corpus 5.2, nos. 1228–32). One of its most famous protoi was John Phournes , who assisted Euthymios Zigabenos in the compilation of his Panoplia . Its monasteries suffered destruction during the attacks of the Bulgarians in 1199 , the Crusaders in 1203 , and the Catalan Company in the early 14th C. In the late 13th C. the future patriarch Athanasios I founded a double...


Florilegium   Reference library

Elizabeth M. Jeffreys and Alexander Kazhdan

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
383 words

...the Philokalia compiled by Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzos from Origen 's writings. They became more common during the 5th-C. Christological disputes and during the Monothelete and Iconoclast controversies. A later example is the Panoplia Dogmatike of Euthymios Zigabenos . Spiritual florilegia with a moral and ascetic emphasis appear from the 8th C. onward. Richard divides them into three categories. The first includes those based on the Sacra Parallela (attributed to John of Damascus) and related texts. The second includes a group of...


Gospels   Reference library

Johannes Irmscher and Alexander Kazhdan

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
294 words

...exegesis did not continue after the 6th C., the matter of discrepancies between the Gospels arose time and again. John I , archbishop of Thessalonike , tried to establish in his homily on the Myrrophoroi a concordance of Gospel evidence for Christ's resurrection. Euthymios Zigabenos and esp. Theophylaktos of Ohrid produced voluminous commentaries on the Gospels. The plain style of the Gospels also created difficulties for the Byz., who were fond of exquisite rhetoric. Some authors, such as John Chortasmenos , defended this stylistic simplicity...


Messalianism   Reference library

Timothy E. Gregory

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
337 words

...and the Holy Spirit descends upon him. The leading exponent of Messalianism was Makarios/Symeon . Attitudes toward Messalians were ambivalent: on the one hand they were criticized by Ephrem the Syrian , Epiphanios , and later theologians such as John of Damascus and Euthymios Zigabenos ; they were condemned by local councils in Side and Antioch in 390 and at the Council of Ephesus in 431 . On the other hand, some church fathers such as Eustathios of Sebasteia and Gregory of Nyssa described them with sympathy; extreme monastic asceticism in Syria and...


Matthew   Reference library

Johannes Irmscher, Alexander Kazhdan, and Annemarie Weyl Carr

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
395 words

...“in the Hebrew language.” Matthew's Gospel was the object of lengthy exegesis, esp. by Origen and John Chrysostom ; catenae also include fragments of Apollinaris of Laodikeia, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Cyril of Alexandria, Photios , and several other theologians. Later, Euthymios Zigabenos and Theophylaktos of Ohrid compiled commentaries on Matthew. Matthew's biography was developed in apocryphal acts of apostles and in homilies (among the authors are Niketas Paphlagon and Symeon Metaphrastes ); hagiographers paid special attention to Matthew's...


Luke   Reference library

Johannes Irmscher, Alexander Kazhdan, and Annemarie Weyl Carr

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
448 words

...Eusebios of Caesarea (D.C. Wallace-Hadrill, HThR 67 [ 1974 ] 55–63), Apollinaris of Laodikeia, Theodore of Herakleia, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Photios —are known primarily from later catenae , one of which was compiled by Niketas of Herakleia . The commentaries of Euthymios Zigabenos and Theophylaktos of Ohrid, surviving in a direct tradition, are compilations. Eulogies of Luke were produced by various writers, including Andrew of Crete, Niketas Paphlagon, and Philagathos . A certain Gregory of Syracuse (in the 7th C.?) wrote a kontakion on Luke (E....

Alexios I Komnenos

Alexios I Komnenos   Reference library

Charles M. Brand, Philip Grierson, and Anthony Cutler

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
670 words

...of the imperial palaces, according to Nicholas Kallikles ) of the Last Judgment with Alexios on the side of the damned ( Magdalino - Nelson , “Emp. in 12th C.” 124–26). The illuminated MSS apparently sponsored by Alexios include two copies of the Panoplia dogmatike of Euthymios Zigabenos and the Barberini Psalter (Vat. Barb. gr. 372—J. Anderson, CahArch 31 [ 1983 ] 35–67). Chalandon , Comnène vol. 1. Angold , Empire 102–49. Morrisson , Logarike 419–64. P. Gautier , L'édit d'Alexis I er Comnène sur la réforme du clergé, REB 31 (1973) 165–201....


Heresy   Reference library

Timothy E. Gregory, Alexander Kazhdan, and Anthony Cutler

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
1,231 words

...and Byz. Churches severed communion both parties employed the terms heretics and schismatics for their adversaries. Works on heresies developed into a common genre of Byz. theological literature (e.g., the Panarion of Epiphanios of Cyprus and Panoplia dogmatike of Euthymios Zigabenos ). The Synodikon of Orthodoxy was a regular liturgical condemnation of heresies. With the conversion of Constantine I the state became involved in the definition of and struggle against heresy, and the legal codes contain various penalties for heretical groups,...
