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Copernican system Reference library
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable (19 ed.)
... system , Copernicanism The heliocentric or sun-centred theory of the universe postulated by Nicolaus Copernicus ( 1473–1543 ) in his book De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium . This superseded the ptolemaic system in which the sun is supposed to move round the earth. The idea was not entirely new and was vaguely held by the School of pythagoras . Pope Gregory XIII used De Revolutionibus when constructing his calendar , but the book was placed on the index in 1616 . See also almagest...
Copernican system Quick reference
A Dictionary of Astronomy (3 ed.)
... system A model of the Solar System proposed by N. Copernicus in which the Sun lay at the centre with the planets orbiting around it; the stars lay at a vast distance beyond the planets. The model retained the circular orbits and epicycles of the Ptolemaic system , but incorporated Copernicus’s own observations. It also contained elements from variants of the Ptolemaic system proposed by the Arab astronomers al-Ṭūsī and Ibn al-Shāṭir ( 1304–75 ), which Copernicus apparently knew about. In Copernicus’s model the motion of the sky results from...
Copernican system Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (2 ed.)
... system the theory that the sun is the centre of the solar system, with the planets (including the earth) orbiting round it, formulated by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus ( 1473–1543 ). He proposed a model of the solar system in which the planets orbited in perfect circles around the sun, and his work ultimately led to the overthrow of the established geocentric cosmology. He published his astronomical theories in De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium ( 1543...
Copernican system Quick reference
A New Dictionary of Eponyms
... system The heliocentric or sun-centered theory of the universe was postulated by a great Polish astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus ( 1473–1543 ). For more than fourteen hundred years people had accepted the system of Ptolemy, namely, that the sun moved round the earth. That the opposite is true—that the planets revolved round the sun—had been considered many years before by the School of Pythagoras. Thanks to Copernicus, scientists have all come to agree that the sun is the center of the system of planets (the heliocentric theory), and that knowledge...