Coleman Report Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
... Report An influential and controversial study, mandated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, published by the US Government in 1966 as Equality of Educational Opportunity , and directed by the sociologist James Coleman. The report was based on a survey of educational opportunity using a national sample of almost 650 000 students and teachers in more than 3 000 schools). A landmark in policy research , it was one of the first social scientific studies specifically commissioned by Congress in order to inform government policy, following those done on the...
Coleman Report
Industrial History Quick reference
David Hey
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
...the Duchy of Cornwall, 1300–1500 (1970). On medieval trade, see R. H. Britnell , The Commercialisation of English Society, 1000–1500 (1993). Earlier local studies include E. M. Carus Wilson (ed.), The Overseas Trade of Bristol in the Later Middle Ages ( 1937 ), and O. Coleman , The Brokage Book of Southampton, 1443–4 (2 vols, 1960–1 ) ( see fairs ; markets ; port ). The wealth generated by industry and trade is an important consideration in the study of buildings. See, for instance, Alec Betterton and David Dymond , Lavenham: Industrial...
James S. Coleman
Stafford Henry Northcote
policy research
Conservative Party
Coleman, James S. (1926–1995) Reference library
Dictionary of the Social Sciences
...Seymour Martin Lipset . Coleman's early research dealt primarily with adolescent subcultures and related issues of educational achievement—most prominently in The Adolescent Society ( 1961 ). His growing reputation in that area earned him the leading role in a major government study of educational inequality, ultimately published as Equality of Educational Opportunity ( 1966 ), but known more generally as the Coleman Report. Coleman concluded—very controversially—that educational achievement depended more on the home environment than on the level of...
silva Reference library
Leofranc Adrian Holford-Strevens
The Oxford Classical Dictionary (4 ed.)
...draft ( Quint. Inst. 10. 3. 17) or a collection of notes (Suet. Gram. 24. 5; Ateius Philologus used the Greek word, ibid. 10. 5). The title Silvae , reported among those of learned miscellanies ( Gell. NA pr. 6), was bestowed by Statius (apparently following M. Annaeus Lucanus , and followed by Politian) on his books of shorter and purportedly hasty poems, varied in subject and form. K. M. Coleman , Statius: Silvae IV (1988), pp. xxii–xxiv. Leofranc Adrian...
Piano-harmonium Reference library
Patrizio Barbieri and Laurence Libin
The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (2 ed.)
...Philadelphian Obed Mitchell Coleman’s patented aeolian attachment (1844) was prominent among American efforts to marry pianos and reed organs. Timothy Gilbert & Co. of Boston and Nunns & Clark of New York licensed the rights to Coleman’s patent and applied the attachment to hundreds of their square pianos; the system was widely copied. Later American patents include that of Moses Colburn of Savannah, Georgia (1847), for a reed-organ attachment placed above the piano’s strings rather than below the bottom of the case as in Coleman’s design. Probably of earlier...
Coleman, James S. (1926–95) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
...the role of families, communities, and religious institutions in education, and the idea of social capital ( Equality of Educational Opportunity —the so-called Coleman Report — 1966 , High School Achievement , 1982 , Public and Private High Schools , 1987 ), the social theory of simulation games, collective decision-making, and collective action , models of purposive action and markets in mathematical sociology ( Introduction to Mathematical Sociology , 1964 ; The Mathematics of Collective Action , 1973 ), and theories of rational action ( Foundations...
Her Own Way (1903) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to American Theatre (3 ed.)
...) , a play by Clyde Fitch . [ Garrick Theatre , 107 perf.] Believing that Georgiana Carley (Maxine Elliott ) prefers Sam Coast (Arthur Byron ) to him, Richard Coleman ( Charles Cherry ) quietly sails for the Philippines. Actually, Georgiana does not love Sam, who hopes to destroy her family's fortune in order to force her to marry him. When he nearly succeeds at the same time that Richard is reported to have died, Georgiana's future looks bleak. But Richard returns in time to rectify everything. Produced by Charles Dillingham and written expressly for...
segregation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
...of men and women in public places and even in private homes. From 1948 to 1991 the policy of apartheid in South Africa enforced the segregation of Whites and non-Whites in marriage, area of residence and employment, and in public and private services. See also Coleman Report...
Northcote, Sir Stafford, 8th baronet, 1st earl of Iddesleigh (1818–87) Reference library
Bruce Coleman
The Oxford Companion to British History (2 ed.)
...the Fourth Party frondeurs . In 1885 Salisbury, now premier, removed Northcote from the Commons leadership and gave him an earldom and the 1st lordship of the Treasury. Briefly foreign secretary in 1886 , Iddesleigh died suddenly as Salisbury was replacing him. Bruce ...
urban archaeology Quick reference
The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History (2 ed.)
...scale of redevelopment. Our knowledge of the topography and history of some major medieval cities, notably Norwich, York, Winchester, Southampton, London, and Dublin, has been deepened by the excavation programmes of the later 20th century; see, for example, C. Platt and R. Coleman Smith , Excavations in Medieval Southampton (2 vols, 1975), and Martin Biddle (ed.), Winchester in the Early Middle Ages (1976). These excavations have been accompanied by intensive archival research; see Martin Biddle , ‘ The Study of Winchester: Archaeology and History in...
policy research Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
...policy . When carried out in the commercial sector the term ‘consultancy work’ is often preferred. For a review of the issues and an account of some interesting case studies see Martin Bulmer (ed.), Social Policy Research (1978). See also Black Report ; broken windows thesis ; Coleman Report...
Moreira, Airto (5 Aug 1941) Reference library
Rick Mattingly
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.) American jazz was more improvisational and less pattern-oriented, with emphasis on color as well as rhythm. In addition to traditional tambourines and shakers, he also introduced Brazilian instruments such as the berimbau , surdo , and cuíca to jazz. Bibliography E. Coleman (ed. J. Yoon): “Percussive Passion: Airto Moreira Brought Brazilian Folkloric Rhythms to American Jazz,” Wax Poetics , ed. A. Torres , no.36 (2009), 74–86 Rick Mattingly...
Sacrilege Reference library
Alexander Kazhdan
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium sacrilege contradicted the concept of state control over all lands of the empire, and canon law yielded to pressure from the state. An excessively luxurious lifestyle on the part of clergymen was also considered hierosylia (e.g., [pseudo-] Palladios , Dialogus , ed. P.R. Coleman-Norton [Cambridge 1928 ] 70.4). N. Iung , DTC 14 (1939) 692–703. A. Christophilopoulos , Hellenikon ekklesiastikon dikaion 3 (Athens 1956) 49f. Troianos , Poinalios 12–16, 48–52. Alexander...
cite v.t. Reference library
Garner's Modern English Usage (5 ed.)
...almost 40 other hunters left before TWRA officers could cite [read summon ] them to court.” Lance Coleman & Dan Cook , “Baited-Field Bust Bags 40+ Area Dove Hunters,” Chattanooga Free Press , 4 Sept. 1996 , at B2. • “A sheriff’s deputy charged a South Point woman and a Fort Gay, W.Va., man with possession of drugs (marijuana) and drug paraphernalia in Fayette Township and cited [read summoned ] them into court last week.” “Man Reports Computer, iPod, DVDs, More Stolen,” Herald-Dispatch (Huntington, W. Va.), 31 Mar. 2012 , at 1. B. And...
Lightfoot, John (1602–75) Reference library
The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy
... Thomas Coleman . Lightfoot participated in few debates within the Assembly but when he did speak he was listened to; he was instrumental in word changes to give clarity on several issues concerning the new national Church. Lightfoot's first publication was Erubhim, or Miscellanies, Christian and Judaical ( 1629 ). Much of his work contains expositions of biblical texts from both the Old and New Testaments. Within the Assembly Lightfoot left most of the comments concerning the role of the civil magistrate in the discipline of the Church to Coleman. His views...