Badb Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology
... Badb (Badhbh, Bodhbh) was a triune Celtic goddess of sorcery, war, and death in the Irish tradition. Often taking the form of a screaming raven or crow, she terrifies and demoralizes warriors in battle. Her husband is the war god Net. Badb, with Nemain and Macha , is an aspect of or one and the same with the triune goddess Morrigan...
Badb Quick reference
A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology
... when she appears to Cúchulainn . Badb is the daughter of either Cailitin or Ernmas and the wife or granddaughter of Néit . Sometimes Néit is described as having two wives, Nemain and Badb, but Badb's place may be taken by Fea . Less commonly, Badb may be the wife of Tethra . Badb is one of a trio of battle-goddesses, the Mórrígna , along with Mórrígan and Macha . Nemain , perhaps an aspect of Badb, is sometimes also in the trio; she is another battle-goddess who is also married to Néit. In addition Badb appears to be closely related to the...