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(᾽Αμμώνιος), teacher and commentator on Aristotle; born Alexandria late 5th C., died after 517. Ammonios imbibed paganism from his philosophically minded parents; after the death ...


Ammonios   Reference library

Barry Baldwin

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
167 words

... (᾽Αμμώνιος), teacher and commentator on Aristotle ; born Alexandria late 5th C., died after 517 . Ammonios imbibed paganism from his philosophically minded parents; after the death of his father Hermeias, his mother took him and his brother to Athens to study under Proklos . His studies complete, Ammonios returned home where, except for some time in Constantinople, he remained as a lecturer on Plato and Aristotle . Photios ( Bibl. , cod.187) vouchsafes his reputation in astronomy and geometry. He is variously praised and damned for his paganism,...



(᾽Αμμώνιος), teacher and commentator on Aristotle; born Alexandria late 5th C., died after 517.Ammonios imbibed paganism from his philosophically minded parents; after the death of his father ...


(Δαμάσκιος), or Damaskios Diadochos, last scholarch of the Academy of Athens; born Damascus ca.460?, died after 538. Damaskios both studied and taught rhetoric at Alexandria, also studying Plato with ...


(Εὑτόκιος), commentator on mathematical works; born Ascalon ca.480.A contemporary of Ammonios and Anthemios of Tralles, Eutokios was active in Alexandria and perhaps Constantinople in the early 6th ...


(Σιμπλίκιος), philosopher who studied under Ammonios at Alexandria and Damaskios at Athens; born Cilicia 6th C.Some time after Justinian's interference with the Academy of Athens in 529, Simplikios ...
Olympiodoros of Alexandria

Olympiodoros of Alexandria  

Neoplatonist philosopher; born ca.500, died after 564/5.A pupil of Ammonios, Olympiodoros (᾽Ολυμπιόδωρος) taught philosophy in Alexandria and achieved fame as the “Great Philosopher.” His ...
Zacharias Rhetor

Zacharias Rhetor (465/6)   Reference library

The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
86 words

... *church history (covering 450–91 ), a *biography of *Severus of Antioch , lives of Isaias and Peter the Iberian (only fragments preserved), and a *dialogue against pagan philosophy ( Ammonios ). See also byzantium ; hagiography . Michael A. Grünbart E. W. Brooks , Historia ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori vulgo adscripta (1953). M. M. Colonna , Ammonio ...


Zwittergent   Reference library

Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)

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Current Version:
Science and technology, Life Sciences
83 words

...the proprietary name for any of a group of zwitterionic detergents containing a betaine and a sulfonate group; such molecules retain their amphoteric (zwitterionic) properties over a very wide range of pH. The formula is n ‐alkyl N , N ‐dimethyl‐3‐ammonio‐1‐propanesulfonate. In Zwittergent 3‐08, alkyl is octyl (CMC 330 mm); 3‐10, decyl (aggregation number 41, CMC 25–40 mm); 3‐12, dodecyl (aggregation number 55, CMC 2–4 mm); 3‐14, tetradecyl (aggregation number 83, CMC 0.1–0.4 mm); 3–16, hexadecyl (aggregation number 155, CMC 0.01–0.06...

Ammonius Saccas

Ammonius Saccas (175–242)   Reference library

Mark Edwards

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4 ed.)

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312 words

...und Studien zur Geschichte der Philosophie, 10; Berlin, 1966), 1–45 (‘Ammonios der Lehrer des Origenes’). E. R. Dodds , ‘Numenius and Ammonius’, in Les Sources de Plotin (Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique, Entretiens, 5; Vandœuvres and Geneva, 21–9 Aug. 1957 [1960]), 3–61 (incl. discussion). A. H. Armstrong in A. H. Armstrong (ed.), The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy (Cambridge, 1967), 196–8. H.-R. Schwyzer , Ammonios Sakkas, der Lehrer Plotins (Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der...

Zacharias of Mytilene

Zacharias of Mytilene   Reference library

Barry Baldwin and Sidney H. Griffith

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
371 words

...a chronicle in 12 books, called Accounts of Events that Have Happened in the World , compiled by an anonymous monk at Amida in 569 . Indeed, most of his works are extant only in Syriac texts, the exceptions being the De mundi opificio or Ammonios , a polemic in dialogue form against the pagan philosopher Ammonios , in which the question of the eternity of the cosmos is debated (P. Merlan, GRBS 9 [ 1968 ] 193–203); a fragment from an anti-Manichaean tract is also in Greek. His biography of his fellow pupil, Severos of Antioch , provides a fascinating...


Lexika   Reference library

Robert Browning

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
365 words

...as well as a Lexikon of Synonyms by pseudo- Ammonios , which distinguished between words of similar meaning. Byz. lexika are of interest both for their information on Byz. attitudes and for the fragments of lost classical and later works which they contain. ed. Delatte , AnecdAth 2:273–454. Hunger , Lit. 2:33–50. Lemerle , Humanism 263–65, 343–45. A.B. Drachmann , Die Überlieferung des Cyrillglossars (Copenhagen 1936). W. Böhler , Zur Überlieferung des Lexikons des Ammonios , Hermes 100 (1972) 531–50. R. Tosi , Prospettive e...

Ammonius (2) Saccas

Ammonius (2) Saccas   Reference library

Erik Robertson Dodds and John Myles Dillon

The Oxford Classical Dictionary (4 ed.)

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Classical studies, History
261 words

...years has some claim to be considered the Socrates of Neoplatonism . Zeller , Phil. d. Gr. 3. 2 5 . 500 ff.; H. Dörrie , Hermes 1955, 439 ff.; E. R. Dodds and others, Les Sources de Plotin , Entretiens Hardt 5 (1960), 24 ff.; M. Baltes , RAC Suppl. 3 (1985), 323–32 ‘Ammonios Saccas’. Erik Robertson Dodds / John Myles...


Simplikios   Reference library

Barry Baldwin

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
209 words

...(Σιμπλίκιος), philosopher who studied under Ammonios at Alexandria and Damaskios at Athens; born Cilicia 6th C. Some time after Justinian 's interference with the Academy of Athens in 529 , Simplikios was one of the seven famous philosophers who migrated to the court of the Persian king Chosroes I . When disillusion set in, they were allowed to return to Byz. territory under pledges of safe conduct and freedom of expression. Simplikios spent his remaining years in Athens, producing important commentaries on Aristotle , as well as one on the ...


Sokrates   Reference library

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
207 words

...(Σωκράτης), ecclesiastical historian; born Constantinople ca. 380 , died after 439 . Sokrates was a lawyer ( scholastikos ) at Constantinople, where he had been educated by Ammonios and Helladios , two pagan grammarians living there in exile from Alexandria. His Church History covers the period 305–439 in seven books, each one containing the reign of an emperor. There is much emphasis on local events affecting Constantinople, also some obtruded sympathy for Novatianism . Secular events, including military history, are given due focus. Sokrates is...

Olympiodoros of Alexandria

Olympiodoros of Alexandria   Reference library

Barry Baldwin

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
181 words

...of Alexandria , Neoplatonist philosopher; born ca. 500 , died after 564/5 . A pupil of Ammonios , Olympiodoros (᾽Ολυμπιόδωρος) taught philosophy in Alexandria and achieved fame as the “Great Philosopher.” His commentaries on Plato 's First Alcibiades, Gorgias , and Phaedo survive in the form of students' lecture notes, as do those on Aristotle 's Categories and Meteorologica . He is also thought to be the author of the commentaries on the astrological work of Paul of Alexandria ascribed to a certain Heliodoros ( L. Westerink , BZ 64 [...


Damaskios   Reference library

Barry Baldwin

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
289 words

...(Δαμάσκιος), or Damaskios Diadochos, last scholarch of the Academy of Athens ; born Damascus ca. 460 ?, died after 538 . Damaskios both studied and taught rhetoric at Alexandria, also studying Plato with Ammonios . Moving to Athens, he studied several subjects, including mathematics, under Marinos. He eventually headed the Neoplatonist school. Sometime after Justinian's closing of the Academy in 529 , he emigrated with six fellow traveling philosophers to the Persian court. Soon disillusioned, they returned to Byz. territory in 532 under a special...


Eutokios   Reference library

David Pingree

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
280 words

...(Εὑτόκιος), commentator on mathematical works; born Ascalon ca. 480 . A contemporary of Ammonios and Anthemios of Tralles , Eutokios was active in Alexandria and perhaps Constantinople in the early 6th C. He is also known to have lectured on philosophy. Eutokios wrote commentaries on three works of Archimedes — On the Measurement of a Circle, On the Sphere and the Cylinder , and On Plane Equilibria . The first two of these commentaries were used by Isidore of Miletus , the last two were translated into Latin by William of Moerbeke at Viterbo in...


Sinai   Reference library

Alexander Kazhdan

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
286 words

...to have fortified the Batos to protect it from Bedouin raids. Sinai became a center of monastic culture where writers such as John Klimax and Anastasios of Sinai were active; the exploits of Sinaite monks were recorded in several collections (e.g., by Neilos of Ankyra and Ammonios ). After the advent of Islam, the threat of Arab invasion compelled the bishop of Pharan to shift his see to the monastery at Mt. Sinai, but this area too fell to the Arabs by the end of the 7th C. Sinai was the goal of many pilgrimages—from Egeria and the Piacenza Pilgrim ...


Astronomy   Reference library

David Pingree and Anthony Cutler

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
925 words

...by Autolykos, Euclid , and Theodosios , which formed a sort of corpus throughout the Byz. period. Other signs of astronomical activity in this period include the observations made by Heliodoros and Ammonios between 475 and 510; perhaps the planetary tables based on Babylonian goal-year periods that al-Zarqālī in the late 11th C. associated with Ammonios's name; and some papyrus fragments of ephemerides (tables of true longitudes of the sun, moon, and planets) based on the Handy Tables . In this early period elementary astronomical knowledge was...

Philoponos, John

Philoponos, John   Reference library

Barry Baldwin and Alice-Mary Talbot

The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Early history (500 CE to 1500)
457 words

...science, and theology; born ca. 490 , died after 567 , or after 574 (Sorabji). Philoponos (Φιλόπονος) is a sobriquet meaning “lover of work” and may also refer to the Alexandrian guilds of philoponoi , or church helpers. A Christian who was trained by the Neoplatonist Ammonios, John became a professional grammatikos at Alexandria. A born controversialist, in 529 he attacked the Neoplatonist notions of Proklos concerning the world's eternity in Against Proklos on the Eternity of the World . He also developed a Christian theory of matter,...
