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digital humanities Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature (2 ed.)
...algorithmic literary analysis, mapping, and digital publishing. The first digital humanities journal, Computers and the Humanities , appeared in 1966. The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC) and the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) were founded in 1973 and 1978, respectively. Various facilities such as CESTA (the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis), CIDR (the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research), and DHFG (the Digital Humanities Focal Group) now exist around the world to foster project development and...
Digital Humanities Reference library
Simon Burrows and Michael Falk
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...their time freely, including the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, the Oxford Digital Humanities Summer School, and Digital Humanities Down Under. This open team culture reflects the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of digital humanities work and the commitment and openness of many practitioners to new modes of scholarly collaboration, public engagement, and open publishing practices. University, national, and international infrastructures continue to evolve to promote, host, and sustain digital humanities work, and to accommodate academic...
transdisciplinary studies Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature (2 ed.)
...with the broader world, the generation of new assessments, and the comprehension of research outcomes. In the humanities, transdisciplinarity is reflected in the complementary convergence of art, science, technology, and consciousness research, such as neurohumanities and digital humanities...
E-text Reference library
Niels Ole Finnemann
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...Press, 2014). 128. Steven E. Jones , The Emergence of Digital Humanities (London: Routledge, 2014). 129. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organization . “Big Tent Digital Humanities” was the theme of the Digital Humanities 2011 conference at Stanford University; the term “big tent” is used frequently and considered to be the best expression of the state of affairs in contemporary digital humanities. Melissa Terras , Julianne Nyhan , and Edward Vanhoutte , eds., Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader (London: Routledge, 2016). 130. John Unsworth, “...
National Endowment for the Humanities Reference library
Elizabeth A. Arndt
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...television programming; educational resources, preservation of and access to humanities resources; digital projects; and others. The endowment has four main divisions (Education Programs, Public Programs, Research Programs, and Preservation and Access) and three offices (Digital Humanities, Federal-State Partnership, and Challenge Grants). The NEH is headed by a chairman and the 26-member National Council for the Humanities; both are appointed by the President of the United States and are subject to Senate confirmation. Awards are selected through evaluation...
digital texts Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature (2 ed.)
...of Illinois. He then went on to found Project Gutenberg, the largest collection of free e-books in the world. The prevalence of digital texts in the twenty-first century, coupled with an increasingly online readership, has fostered the rapidly developing field of digital humanities as scholars both utilize technology and subject it to humanistic...
New Cinema History Quick reference
A Dictionary of Film Studies (2 ed.)
...contributions to the conference was duly titled Explorations in New Cinema Histor y. In the past decade, work in New Cinema History has grown in both volume and methodological sophistication. Perhaps most prominently, researchers have made innovative use of developments in digital humanities in collecting, analysing, and interpreting data; as well as in displaying and disseminating source materials and findings. HOMER hosts annual conferences, usually in conjunction with the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies , at which work under the New Cinema...
Digital Resources: The Documented Border Reference library
Celeste González de Bustamante and Verónica Reyes-Escudero
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mexican History and Culture
...and Travel Report by Padre Eusebio Kino , in addition to library-wide collaborations that resulted in the Historic Mexican and Mexican American Press digital collection. Many institutions still work on discrete projects rather than within an established digital humanities program. Digital humanities projects range from the complex (such as Virtual Harlem) to less ambitious digital exhibitions. 7 These projects intend, at minimum, to provide access to humanities and social science research and, frequently, to primary source content. Kutay and others...
Reading in the Digital Era Reference library
Lutz Koepnick
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011. Kirschenbaum, Matthew . Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008. Kirschenbaum, Matthew . “ The .txtual Condition: Digital Humanities, Born-Digital Archives, and the Future Literary .” Digital Humanities Quarterly 7, no. 1 (2013). Kirschenbaum, Matthew . Track Changes: A Literary History of Word Processing . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016. Kirschenbaum, Matthew , and Sarah Werner . “Digital Scholarship and Digital Studies:...
Archive and Library Reference library
Marlene Manoff
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...38. Roopika Risam, “Beyond the Margins: Intersectionality and the Digital Humanities,” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly 9, no. 2 (2015). 39. Will Straw, “Embedded Memories,” in Residual Media , ed. Charles R. Acland (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007), 12. 40. Straw, “Embedded Memories,” 14. 41. Straw, “Embedded Memories,” 11–14. 42. Kate Theimer, “ A Distinction Worth Exploring: ‘Archives’ and ‘Digital Historical Representations ,’” Journal of Digital Humanities 3, no. 2 (2014). 43. Theimer,“A Distinction Worth Exploring.” 44. ...
Futures for Literary Studies Reference library
Paul Jay
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...of English Studies (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013). 16. Johanna Drucker, “ Humanistic Theory and Digital Scholarship ,” in Debates in the Digital Humanities , ed. Matthew Gold (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011). 17. Stephen Ramsay, “ Who’s In and Who’s Out ,” 2011. Alan Liu, “Where Is the Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?” in Debates in the Digital Humanities , ed. Matthew K. Gold (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012), 498. 18. For a scholarly book that bridges literary studies and video games, see...
Modern Manuscripts Reference library
Dirk Van Hulle
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...genetic criticism and scholarly editing. Indeed, in the field of textual scholarship, a “genetic” orientation has been added to Peter Shillingsburg’s outline of “orientations to text.” 50 Within digital humanities, both genetic criticism and textual scholarship are exceptional in that they are forms of microanalysis, whereas the general trend in digital humanities is toward “macroanalysis.” 51 But these forms of macroanalysis generally make use of only one version of the texts in their corpus. What is lacking, therefore, is macroanalysis across versions. In...
Networks Reference library
Patrick Jagoda
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...Room at the Bottom”). 7. For an example of writing about networks in the area of 21st-century fiction, see Ed Finn , “ Revenge of the Nerd: Junot Díaz and the Networks of American Literary Imagination ,” Digital Humanities Quarterly 7, no. 1 (2013). Finn addresses the relevance of networks to contemporary literary studies both via digital humanities methodology and through the networks of translation and cultural distribution (including the literary marketplace and book reviews) that contributed to Díaz’s success, particularly with the publication of The...
Ekphrasis Reference library
Gabriele Rippl
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...from scholars focusing on the sociocultural and ethical functions of ekphrasis and scholars working in the fields of phenomenology and cognitive or new reception aesthetics, the digital humanities, postcolonial and transcultural studies, and the environmental humanities. Links to Digital Materials Digital Ekphrasis Digital Humanities Quarterly Digital Humanities Quarterly , volume 7 Ekphrasis: A Poetry Journal “ Ekphrasis ,” The Chicago School of Media Theory. Electronic Literature Organization Electronic Literature Collection Fletcher...
Textual Studies Reference library
Mark Byron
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...Online Archive Rossetti Archive Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project William Blake Archive Walt Whitman Archive Woolf Online Digital Humanities Resources and Texts A Companion to Digital Humanities A Companion to Digital Literary Studies Advanced Research Consortium (ARC) Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Center for Digital Research in the Humanities Digital Humanities Institute (Sheffield) Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities Modernist Networks (MODNETS) Nineteenth Century Scholarship Online ...
Virtual Worlds Reference library
Maurizio Forte
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...cognitive impact of the mind. The use of VRML for archaeological applications decreased consistently in the last decade, but another standard has not replaced it. Other similar languages, such as COLLADA and X3D, are developing interesting applications in archaeology and digital humanities. Virtual worlds can be classified by typology, process, and scope of the application, as follows. Data Modeling and Data Recording. These procedures digitalize, when it is possible, the data on the archaeological site, and model them in the lab. The operation of 3D modeling...
Humanities Reference library
Geoffrey Galt Harpham
The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History
...knowledge, reflective reading, and the medium of print itself. The humanities were, however, themselves stimulated by the new capacity for gathering, organizing, analyzing, and presenting information made possible by digital technology, and beginning in the 1990s, the “digital humanities” represented one area of growth. This period also witnessed the appearance in college and university curricula of area studies programs in which humanities disciplines were part of programs devoted to the study of groups or regions. Additionally, a number of new projects...
Romance Reference library
Cyrus Mulready
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory
...Early Modern England (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013); and Lori Humphrey Newcomb, Reading Popular Romance in Early Modern England (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002). 46. Jessica Pressman and Lisa Swanstrom, “ The Literary and/as the Digital Humanities ,” Digital Humanities Quarterly 7, no. 1 (2013): 1–13. 47. William E. Underwood, “ The Life Cycles of Genres ,” Cultural Analytics 1, no. 1 (2016). Cyrus Mulready 1. Bryan P. Reardon, The Form of Greek Romance (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014), 30 . 2. Barbara...