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Did you mean big data, Big Data and Visuality, Predictive Analytics and Big Data ... big data, Big Data and Visuality, Predictive Analytics and Big Data, Big Data and Communication Research, Big Data’s Role in Health and Risk Messaging, Quantitative Methods in Morphology: Corpora and Other “Big Data” Approaches Show More Show Less
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of Geography (6 ed.) A collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using general database management tools or traditional data processing applications. See Kitchin (2013) Dialogues Hum. Geog. 3, 3, 262 on ‘big data and human geography: opportunities, challenges, and...
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering (2 ed.) Enormously large data sets that are typically analysed by computer software to reveal patterns and trends which are particularly associated with human behaviour and...
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Internet (4 ed.) A term used to describe large data files that are embedded in the Internet and which can often be accessed easily by users; for example, census...
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of Human Geography The result is big data that provides very detailed views of large systems in flux. Given that most big data are spatially and temporally referenced this enables sophisticated geographical modelling . The challenge of big data is not simply volume, but also variety and velocity; to deal with huge, diverse, complex, dynamic data...
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of Business Research Methods The situation whereby organizations (business and non-business) own or have access to such immense volumes of data in both structured and unstructured formats that standard computer applications for processing databases are inadequate. The problem for organizations may be exacerbated not only by the volumes involved, but also by the speed with which the information moves or accumulates, thus outstripping processing...
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of Social Media
...big data Real-time online data which can be mined on a large scale and algorithmically analysed to search for predictive patterns: for instance data generated by browsers which can be used for targeting purposes in marketing. See also algorithm ; data analytics ; data mining ; network sampling ; online behavioural data ; online network data collection ; opinion mining...
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of Marketing (4 ed.) The proliferation and storage of data from multiple sources on such a vast and complex scale that it cannot be processed or analysed with traditional tools such as relational databases. Data can come from embedded sensors and digital sources: it may be structured (for example, on a database) or unstructured (for example, machine-generated, digital media, mobile devices, online publications, and social media). The era of big data is predicted to have many profound impacts on the practice of marketing, notably the use of empirical data to guide and measure...
big data Quick reference
A Dictionary of Media and Communication (3 ed.) 1. Online data which can be mined on a large scale and algorithmically analyzed to search for predictive patterns: for instance, data generated by browsers which can be used for targeting purposes in marketing . See also algorithmic marketing ; bottom-up processing ; data analytics ; opinion mining ; predictive algorithm ; predictive analytics . 2. A buzzword in IT management for the increasing volume, velocity, and variety of stored data, and for a need for new software tools to process and analyse it. See also data mining ; information...
Big Data and Visuality Reference library
Janet Chan
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture
... Bennett Moses, L. (2016a). Is big data challenging criminology? Theoretical Criminology, 20 (1), 21–39. Chan, J. , & Bennett Moses, L. (2016b). Making sense of big data for security . British Journal of Criminology, 57 (2), 299–319. Crawford, K. (2013). The hidden biases in big data . Harvard Business Review . Crawford, K. (2014). The anxieties of big data . The New Inquiry . Couldry, N. , & Powell, A. (2014). Big data from the bottom up. Big Data & Society, 1 (2), 1–5. Drozhzhin, A. (2016). Big data flaws we need to address . ...
Predictive Analytics and Big Data Reference library
Oscar E. Cariceo, Murali Nair, and Wahaj Bokhari
Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work
...dashboards, and reports. Big Data The social work field can leverage data science to aspire to new standards for quality performance at the macro level. One of the important concepts nowadays in data science is “big data.” The term “big data” made its academic debut in a 1988 computer science paper and first emerged in the information technology industry in the mid-1990s. Since the turn of the 21st century , the term “big data” has become extremely popular. While there is disagreement in academia about how to define “big data,” the most common definitions...
Big Data and Communication Research Reference library
Ralph Schroeder
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Communication and Critical Cultural Studies
...about the ethical, legal, and social implications of big data, as opposed to big data in academic research (though the two sometimes intersect); an overview of these can be found in Pasquale ( 2015 ) . Acknowledgments Thank you for the helpful comments from Cornelius Puschmann. Further Reading Those interested in big data in communication research may wish to obtain overviews, also in relation to particular data sources (see “ Discussion of the Literature ”). Apart from this, publications about big data in communication research are quite disparate, and...
Big Data’s Role in Health and Risk Messaging Reference library
Bradford William Hesse
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health and Risk Message Design and Processing
...information to the right member of the care team (including the patient), at the right time and in the right format, to improve workflow and decision making. Both sides of this story merit discussion. Using Big Data to Enhance Health Communication Research The Evolution of Big Data in Science All this new dependency on data, and especially on big data, may seem like an abrupt change from business as usual in risk communication, but in fact it represents a natural tipping point from a trend that began decades earlier. Its origins can easily be traced to the...
Quantitative Methods in Morphology: Corpora and Other “Big Data” Approaches Reference library
Marco Marelli
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology
...Quantitative Methods in Morphology: Corpora and Other “Big Data” Approaches 1. Text Corpora and Lexical Morphology: A Tight Relationship Corpus linguistics investigates language by studying collections of samples of language usage, namely, corpora. Traditionally, the label “corpus” was used to refer to any collection of texts, but since the computer science revolution in the middle of the 20th-century “corpus” has been mostly used to denote an electronic corpus, that is, a collection of texts that has been digitalized (or is in digital format to begin with)...
environmental information system
R Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Internet (4 ed.)
...A statistical programming language that is often used to process big data...
algorithmic marketing Quick reference
A Dictionary of Media and Communication (3 ed.) The application of algorithms to online big data generated by consumer behaviour in order to adjust targeting or pricing in real time . ...
Python Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Internet (4 ed.)
...A programming language which provides excellent debugging facilities. It is finding major use as a development platform for big data ...
geosocial analysis Quick reference
A Dictionary of Social Media
...geosocial analysis The computational analysis of the dynamic geographic content of large data sets acquired from social media. See also big data ; geolocation ; geotagging...